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Jews For Trump Have Arrived at Madison Square Garden! (So Much For Democrats’ Nazi Narrative)

Kamala has held “emergency” press conferences warning America, Joe Biden has said he wants Trump locked up, and Tim Walz told university students just the other day that President Trump would be using the military to round them up if they disagree with him; because Trump is Hitler, and his supporters are Nazis.

Hillary even went on CNN the other day specifically calling Trump Hitler and the (currently ongoing) Madison Square Garden rally a nod to a Nazi rally that took place back in the 1930’s, inferring that the attendees of today’s rally would be Nazis.

Well, the Jews for Trump just showed up at Madison Square Garden, and it seems as though this might be a tad different than any Nazi rally I’ve ever heard of.

I don’t get the feeling that these Jews waiting in line to get in to Trump’s rally think he’s Hitler at all.  And all those “Nazis” standing around, supporting Trump don’t seem to be any threat to them, either.  The only word I can think of to describe this completely unexpected (yet completely logical and reasonable turn of events)?  —  “Weird.”

I honestly don’t think I’ve seen so many Nazis waving Israeli flags like that.  This is crazy!  Check out this video of Orthodox Jews waiting outside the rally, with a message to Democrats’ labeling of Trump as a Nazi.


According to a story in Breitbart covering the rally, Jews along with other New Yorkers are flocking to the rally — completely rejecting the democrat party’s wholesale notion that it is intended to be a “Nazi rally”.

Jews and other New Yorkers flocked to a rally for Donald Trump on Sunday at Madison Square Garden in Manhattan — a rally that the Kamala Harris campaign and other Democrats have falsely claimed is a “Nazi rally.”

Huge crowds gathered for the rally at the popular Manhattan venue, home to the New York Knicks and, until recently, a Billy Joel residency that lasted several years. (Joel, notably, is Jewish, and once wore a yellow star on stage in 2017.)

Jews were visible among those gathered — including Orthodox and Hasidic Jews, distinguished by their black hats:

The venue has been the site of many Jewish events, and even an anti-Nazi rally in the 1940s. But that did not stop Democrats from claiming Trump chose the New York venue because it was some kind of obscure Nazi reference.

For some reason, I don’t think the Jewish community got the memo about the Nazi rally.  They seem to be more interested in a rally promoting freedom and a strong America as a Constitutional Republic as opposed to “another” Reich.

The Jews definitely didn’t consider this to be a Nazi rally, otherwise they probably would have gone to that “other” rally somewhere down the street — that smaller one, I’m sure — where authoritarianism cloaked in flowery language is actually the name of the game.  Not surprisingly, Jews seem to be much more drawn to President Trump’s message of liberty and justice, than that of control and cultural insanity.

And if you’ve read this far, I have something of a treat for you.  But I’m warning you, this is a bit of a shift in gears.  This is Jerry Warstki.  Jerry is 94 years old, and he’s the guy at the center of my headline picture.

Jerry survived Auschwitz.  And when Jerry says he knows better than Kamala what Hitler was really like (not at all like President Trump) — I believe him.

So much for that same old tired Hitler & Nazis narrative that the democrats have been pandering all week.  I have a feeling this won’t stop them from continuing that very disrespectful slander — it’s just a sign that they have nothing of substance to hold up.  Kamala, Walz, Biden, Obama, Hillary… they have all made those claims this week.  They aren’t doing anything but throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping it will stick.

Maybe someone should tell them that Hitler wasn’t quite as pro-freedom as Trump is; he was in fact a lot more pro-crackdown… like they are.  I don’t think the Democrats have ever heard about people living in glass houses throwing stones — the only part they understand is how to throw stones.  But that glass house is about to come crashing down on their “woke” globalist dreams; and praise God for it.


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