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The Oldest Newspaper In The United States Endorses Donald J. Trump For President!

The Washington Post has decided NOT to endorse anyone for President this year.

And while I don’t think anyone much cares what they think, it’s notable because they have endorsed a DEMOCRAT for President in every single election dating back to 1952!

So the failure to endorse Kamala Harris really says a lot:

The call reportedly came directly from Jeff Bezos who reportedly placed a ban on any endorsement.

But it wasn’t just the WaPo…the LA Times is also refusing to endorse any candidate.

Similar to the WaPo, the LA Times has endorsed a Democrat every single election since 1964!

And MSDNC is absolutely melting down over it:


But what about the oldest, continually published daily newspaper in the country?

Do you know what paper that is?

I’ll give you a hint…it was founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1801 and has continually operated as a daily newspaper ever since!

If you guessed The New York Post, you’d be correct:

And they just endorsed Donald John Trump for President!

What a beautiful thing it is:

Here is the endorsement, in full, from their Editorial Board:

Voters carry a heavy responsibility in this election — one of the most consequential in the history of this great nation.

The choice will have reverberations for decades, deciding which of two very different paths for the future Americans will take.

We must choose the following:

A secure border and a sensible immigration system.
Safer cities and support for law and order.

A thriving, low-tax and low-regulation economy for all — fueled by an energy policy that supports, not penalizes, industry and households.

Common-sense policies that restore the power of parents to choose what is best for their children on school choice, gender surgery and trans athletes playing in female sports.
An America that’s respected on the world stage — feared by our enemies and trusted by our allies.

Only one candidate can credibly claim to lead us there.

Donald Trump.

If history is any guide, the track records of the last two administrations provide a clearly comparable record.

To borrow from Ronald Reagan’s famous “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”: Voters should ask themselves if they were better off under Trump or Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

His opponents focus on how Trump’s administration was marked by a relentless soap opera of high drama and chaos — much of which they fueled.

And yes, many find him offensive — and we say fair enough: He can be ridiculously hyperbolic.

But before COVID wreaked havoc across the globe, Trump’s first-term results were paychecks that grew markedly faster than inflation, the lowest unemployment in 50 years, a secure border and peace overseas.

In 2021, when Biden-Harris took over, the country took a hard left turn, with disastrous results.

Over these nearly four years, inflation has walloped Americans, millions of migrants have crossed the border illegally, some cities have been taken over by gangs and crime, radical and ridiculous culture wars over DEI and gender identity have set neighbor against neighbor.

Let’s not forget that overshadowing all of this, the world is on the precipice of widespread war.

Today, Trump exhibits the same strength and vigor as he did in 2016, despite the unprecedented and disgraceful weaponization of the justice system against him, two assassination attempts and the all-too-familiar constant barrage of hysterical media attacks on him.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris has rightly been criticized as an underqualified political lightweight because she refuses to answer almost any question about the last four years or reveal any detailed future policy plans.

What may also be just as true is that she doesn’t want the American people to know the full scale of her radical plans, because it would scare them off.

Indeed, any close study of her record shows it to be that of a San Francisco progressive.

If she wins, Harris will not only co-opt Bidenism but accelerate the progressive hurricane ripping through the fabric of American society.

Voters this fall will decide if the future of our country bends toward prosperity, security, freedom, opportunity and innovation.

Or sticks with ruinous big government largesse, deliberately divisive policies, appeasement and stagnation.

Trump wants to free businesses from choking regulations and cut taxes for workers.

Harris would risk making inflation worse with even more government “freebies” to special interests — paid for with inflation-feeding debt or job-killing taxes.

Trump wants to lift restrictions on oil and gas production and “Drill, baby, drill” — boosting America’s energy independence and making the world less reliant on the West-hating Russia and Iran.

Harris co-sponsored the radical Green New Deal in the Senate, which poured billions of dollars down the drain, and boasted about her war on “Big Oil” on her campaign website.

Trump treated Iran like the terror sponsor it is — withdrawing from the sham nuclear deal, tightening sanctions and taking out top commander Qassem Soleimani.

Meanwhile, Biden-Harris have placated the ayatollahs time and again, while kneecapping Israel, emboldening Tehran and its proxies.

The burden is heavy on our shoulders this November.

But Trump and Harris want to take us down very different roads — making the choice stark and simple, but vital.

Donald Trump is the right choice.

Yes indeed!



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