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Michelle Obama Doesn’t Understand Why People Think Kamala Needs To Be Smart To Be President

Wow, what a statement, right?

That’s the paraphrase my friend Ultra Green Lives Matter put on this clip below:

Big Mike is seething. Doesn’t understand why people think Kamala needs to be smart to be President. The desperation has set in.
The near assassination failed, the Trump is Hitler failed, its all collapsing.

And while she didn’t say EXACTLY that verbatim, it’s definitely implied in what she said.

More than that though, I have to say….with friends like this, who needs enemies?

The whole clip is basically Michelle Obama saying how people everywhere, in all walks of life, have zero confidence in Kamala Harris and they think she’s unfit for the job.

Holy crap!

Then she tries to land it with the punchline of “why are we holding her to a higher standard” but the damage is already done.

We’re not holding her to a higher standard you moron, she is campaigning to be PRESIDENT of the freaking United States of America!


Perhaps the most premier job possible.

Sorry, but you don’t get to lower the bar in order to get in!

No DEI hires for this one.

You have to RAISE the bar and then clear it.

Try watching President Trump, he’ll show you how it’s done!

Anyway, it’s a pretty incredible clip, watch here:

And speaking of Big Mike, let’s take a quick walk down memory lane, shall we?

Remember this?

Remember What Joan Rivers Said About “Big Mike” Right Before She “Died Suddenly”?

Remember What Joan Rivers Said About "Big Mike" Right Before She "Died Suddenly"?

Welcome to another edition of "I saved this video before Facebook, YouTube and Twitter could delete it forever!"

That's right.

They want this absolutely wiped off the internet, but I saved it.

And it's now safe on Rumble where it can't be taken down.

Do you remember what Joan Rivers said right before she suddenly dropped dead?

What she said about OBAMA?

I do.


Take a look:


This is one of the most BANNED videos of all time! I’m just placing it here for safe keeping.

-- President-Elect BeachMilk BeachMilk Tuesday, October 20, 2020

And backed up to Rumble:

And then she dropped dead days later?

When she was perfectly healthy?

But look folks, she isn't the only one who thought this.

It's actually pretty common knowledge.


Take a look:

And thanks to Stormy Joe for this addition:

In other words:


Malik Obama AGAIN Posts About "Big Mike"

Any time I cover Barack Hussein Obama's brother Malik, or his comments about "Big Mike" I always give a big disclaimer:

I don't make the news, I just report it.

And it is most definitely newsworthy when Hussein's own brother keeps making these posts.

Today he posted this picture, with no comment:

You can garner whatever conclusion you want from that image, but it does appear as though Michelle is towering over Hussein and she has better delts than I could ever hope to have!

People took to Twitter to post their own replies...

Here are just some of the top ones:

Of course we all remember what happened to Joan Rivers:


Big Mike?

Ali on the top, Michelle on the bottom.

The Greatest!

This was the THIRD time Malik has posted about Hussein in just the past week.

Here are the others:

Barack Obama's Brother Calls Him A "Traitor"

Noah here, and if you're looking for the Complaint Department you can send all complaints directly to Barrack Hussein Obama's brother, Malik Obama -- don't send them to me.

I'm merely reporting what he just posted.

Don't shoot the messenger.

But my oh my, can you believe he just said this?

Check out the time stamp: November, 10, 2022:

And here's a screenshot in case he deletes it, but I don't think he will:


Literally called it out: a TRAITOR.

I assume that means Treason to the United States?

Perhaps it means something else.

Maybe it means a traitor to their home country...

Maybe it means a traitor to their family...

Maybe all of the above.

I don't know.

He followed it by doubling down and saying not only is he a traitor but he "sold his soul".

Take a look:

And look at one of the comments he replied to:

If Hussein's own family hates him this much, how bad must he really be?

Worse than we even thought?

It's not the first time Malik has outed his brother...


REMEMBER THIS? Barack Obama's Brother EXPOSES The Michael/Michelle Rumors?!

Ok folks, buckle up on this one!

We have not made it a mainstay of this channel to focus on rumors like "Michelle Obama is a man" or "Michelle Obama is actually Michael Robinson"....although we have from time to time mentioned it in passing.

We've also covered when other news-worthy celebrities have talked about the rumors.

Like this one from Joan Rivers who came right out and said it just days before she died suddenly and unexpectedly:

And even when I cover it in passing or cover Joan Rivers saying it, I take a lot of heat!

I think 90% of people believe it's likely true, but the vocal 10% get very angry at me.


Today is vindication.

Because today Barack Obama's own brother, Malik Obama, just Tweeted about the story and he appears to be giving the wink and the nod to it being TRUE!

I'm not saying it is 100% true, but I am saying Barack Obama's own brother is tweeting about it with the eggplant emoji and he appears to be all but confirming it.

So if you've got a beef, your beef is not with me -- it's with Malik.

Don't send me your hate mail.

We do our research and it's very newsworthy that Barack's own brother just Tweeted this:

Yes, it's real you can go pull it up for yourself.

And yes, that's his verified blue-checkmark profile.

And here is a screenshot in case that gets taken down:

Come to find out, it's actually not the first time Malik has tweeted about it.

Here is from 2019:

Malik points out one thing internet sleuths have been asking about for years...

Why are there ZERO pictures of Michelle Obama pregnant?

There are less pictures of her pregnant than their are of John Durham before the Sussman trial -- and she allegedly birthed two children?

Google of course will not show you much, but a DuckDuckGo search reveals hundreds of thousands of photos and webpage results on the topic:

Many claim that Michelle and Michael have similar arm scars, and this appears to be what they are talking about:

While the 10% of people who hate this story are very vocal, the 90% appear to believe as Malik does:



And with a nod to Seinfeld, here is my favorite:

There's also an entire movie made on the topic that you can see here at IMDB:

And then there is the infamous Ellen dancing event, which I'm not even going to go into here...

Research that one yourself.

But I will get into is Barack himself saying "Michael and I" -- watch for yourself:

Let's end with my personal favorite:

So...what do you think?

True or baseless?


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