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HE’S SHOT: Biden “Eulogizes” Congresswoman Who Is Still Very Much Alive

It’s easy to forget, but Joe Biden is still the pResident, or at least he’s still as much “pResident” right now as he has been the last four years….

Which is to say fairly dreadful, but still ostensibly the PINO = President In Name Only.

We don’t see him as much these days, which means we don’t get as many gaffes as we used to, but good old Joe certainly delivered today.

Do you remember Democratic Congresswoman Gabby Giffords?

Joe Biden remembers her.

The only problem?

He remembers her in the sense that he thinks she’s now dead.

She’s not.


Giffords served in Congress from 2007 to 2012 and in January 2011 survived a tragic assassination attempt during a constituent event in Tucson, Arizona.

Key word “survived” and she is still very much alive today.

Someone needs to tell Joe Biden:

Backup video here:

But that wasn’t all.

In fact, that wasn’t even the best moment.

The best moment in my opinion was when he tried a few times to get to the end of a simple sentence, couldn’t do it, and just gave up and said “there’s nothing wrong with me!”


From Collin Rugg:

Biden tells everyone that “nothing is wrong with me” after he apparently forgot how to talk during a speech in Phoenix, Arizona.

VP Kamala Harris recently asserted during an interview that she has never noticed anything wrong with Joe Biden.

Question: Can you say that you were honest with the American people about what you saw in those moments with President Biden?

Answer: Of course, Joe Biden is an extremely accomplished, experienced, and capable in every way that anyone would want of their president. Absolutely.

Watch here:

Of course my all-time favorite is the infamous Merfin and Ruthers clip.

Do you remember this?

FLASHBACK: Biden Stumbles Through Another Speech, Refers To “Merfin and Ruthers”


FLASHBACK: Biden Stumbles Through Another Speech, Refers To "Merfin and Ruthers"

"Finkle and Einhorn, Einhorn and it together....somehow!"

Ah, the great duos of all time.




.....Merfin and Ruthers.....?

Yeah, I don't know who they are either, but Joe Biden today in a long, mumbling, meandering "speech" claimed he was "as determined as Merfin and Ruthers" to get something done.

Oh my.

Watch here and see if you can figure it out:


Yeah, I don't know.

There does not appear to be anyone even remotely close to the names of Merfin or Ruthers anywhere on Biden's (fake) cabinet.

The best anyone has come up with is that "Merfin" was a reference to Merrick Garland, which I guess in Biden-speak is kind of close.

Someone then posted the subtitles to clear up the confusion:

Oh my goodness, I can't stop laughing!

It only got better from there....

Reading some of the replies, these were my favorite.

Merfin and Ruthers?  One guy thinks they played for the 85 Bears:

This next one seems appropriate in light of Prince Philip's long-awaited death:

And kudos to BevJoy for correcting the record on this one:

You can watch the full video here if you want more "context":


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