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EXPOSING “The Sphere” In Las Vegas — “Postcards From Earth”

I was recently in Las Vegas and was taken by some friends as a guest to go see The Sphere.

Have you heard about it?

It’s absolutely stunning both inside and outside, and on one level I was blown away.  Simply incredible!

The show we watched, however, was another story and I’ve been very eager to write about it ever since I got back.

More on that in just a moment, but first let me show you some images and video in case you’re not familiar with The Sphere.

The exterior of The Sphere is comprised of LED light panels that basically make it one giant TV screen in the shape of, well….a sphere.

And the things they are able to do with that spherical TV screen are pretty incredible.

Check this out:


And this:

And this:

Those are just a few examples.

Of course it can be programmed to display anything and it’s constantly rotating and changing.

Very, very cool.

Breathtaking, even.

And really just the outside alone is enough to give you a wow-factor, but that’s just the exterior.  The real magic happens inside.

Before the show even begins, you mingle around a lobby where three Aura humanoid robots and ready to chat with you and take your questions.

It looks like this:

Kind of cool, although ChatGPT seems far advanced in terms of responses and the Tesla Optimus seems far advanced in terms of physical form factor and movement.

In fact, the Aura robots don’t move at all, they are fixed to the floor and guarded by a human guide who helps facilitate the questions.

Ok so now we get into the part I really wanted to discuss: the inside of the show and in particular the show “Postcards from Earth”.

Inside The Sphere, the experience is truly unlike anything else.  Words really don’t do it justice to describe how breathtaking it is.


Our show, “Postcards From Earth” started off limited to a screen that was big but didn’t feel like anything noticeably better than an IMAX.  For the first few minutes you’re sitting there thinking “ok this is fine, but it’s not really all that different from an IMAX, kind of a letdown.”

But it’s all a trick.

After a few minutes, the screen suddenly and subtly grows and at first you don’t realize it, but soon the screen has overtaken every single part of The Sphere that isn’t chairs or stadium.

It looks like this:

That video doesn’t really do it justice either, you just have to be there.

The best way I can describe it is you feel like you’re on the bridge of the U.S.S. Starship Enterprise with Jean Luc Picard and the boys, flying through the galaxy.  It’s literally that cool.

If you’ve ever been to Disney, especially as a kid, and remember how magical some of those rides felt, especially the ones where your seat would move and simulate you moving, that’s how it felt — only…more so.

The seats don’t actually move or tilt here, but they do rattle and even wind and smells are pumped into the experience to simulate an extra sense of hyper-reality.

That’s the good.

And I could just stop there and say it’s an incredible experience that everyone should go see.


But that’s not why I’m writing this article.

I don’t typically write articles to just review amusement park rides or cool attractions.

No, I’m writing this article because the show that we saw, while visually stunning, was full of so much propaganda that I couldn’t ignore it.

I tried to ignore it but it just kept coming, wave after wave of it.

So here I am, writing this article to EXPOSE the propaganda and hopefully help some of you.

Because tens of thousands of people are visiting The Sphere each day and according to some reports The Sphere is grossing $1 million PER DAY (other reports place the number much higher):

That’s what you call a good investment.

The Sphere cost $2.2 billion to build and has already generated $500 million back.  Wow!

But I give you those numbers to show how many hundreds of thousands of people are seeing — and being influenced by — this show called “Postcards from Earth”.

So….what am I all worked up about?

Well, here’s the basic plot of the 37-minute movie: Humans have destroyed Earth through our wasteful and selfish behaviors and it’s gotten so bad that we have voluntarily chosen to leave the Earth in space pods so that the Earth can “heal”.  Oh, and did I mention the Earth is “alive” and we worship it?  That’s right, the movie spends much of it’s time documenting how throughout time humans have worshipped the Earth and then ironically we destroyed it — I’m sure by our carbon footprint!  So humans bad, Earth good.

That’s the basic premise, but there’s a lot to unpack in there.

We start off with the idea that while not specifically naming it, the movie is all about something called “Gaia Worship”.

Gaia Worship is an ancient pagan tradition of believing the Earth is alive and we are actually supposed to worship it.

In fact, it was actually really weird that on the plane out and back from Vegas, I was reading one of my favorite authors, John Sandford, and it was a Lucas Davenport novel about a group of “Gaia Worshippers” who created a virus to kill everyone on Earth so Gaia could be saved.

The book is called Toxic Prey if you want to get a copy, Sandford is the best.

Anyway, so here I am reading this thriller novel on the plane out about a homicidal group of Gaia worshippers, and then I get to The Sphere to watch this show that I thought was just going to be about nature and animals on Earth and instead it turns out to be a Gaia worship film!

What are the odds?

The film goes deep into Gaia worship, with scenes from all over the world showing images of Churches, Temples and Mosques and it’s subtle and you might miss it if you’re not paying attention, but the film shows all these places of worship and then the narration over those images says “For centuries, we have worshipped the Earth, building places of worship all over the planet.”  (That’s my rough paraphrase).


Ummm, with all apologies to The Sphere and to Director Darren Aronofsky, no — we do not worship the Earth.  We worship God.

We do not worship the creation, we worship the Creator.

But the twist is so subtle that it flies right by!

And that’s not all, we’re just getting started.

In addition to Gaia worship, you get a big dose of….you guessed it, evolution!

The film starts off by saying “life evolved from life” which I think is a nod again towards Gaia worship.  According to the film, life evolved from the Earth itself, although the film doesn’t bother to address how the Earth got there in the first place.

Then you get a good dose of Woke mind virus, telling us how we’ve destroyed the Earth through our actions.

Ah yes, the big bad humans and all their Carbon!

Just remember, humans are made out of Carbon, so the next time they talk about reducing carbon, just remember this:

The film spends most of its time and energy trying to convince us that we’ve destroyed the Earth.

There are many hilarious ironies in this, the first of which are all the “before” video the film includes of times when the Earth was vibrant and full of life!

Of course the film ends with big smokestacks and fire and rubble, showing how we’ve so thoroughly ransacked the Earth.

But then if you’re using your brain you realize no, they just made this film recently and every single piece of footage is from essentially “now”.

So the irony is that they want you to believe in the film that all the vibrant videos of the Earth teeming with life are somehow in the long distant past and we’ve destroyed the Earth today, but then you realize that no, they shot all of that footage right now for this film!  It’s just blatant propaganda and fake on its face!

The second hilarious irony is that the film goes to great lengths to lecture us on how we’ve used too many resources and destroyed out planet….meanwhile, we’re sitting in a $2.2 billion artificial dome situated in the desert that is soaking up historic levels of resources on a daily basis!  Oh the irony!!

It’s typical Far-Left sanctimonious garbage…so focused on their virtue signaling they have no idea how ridiculous they actually look to those of us who are awake.

And I saved the best for last.

The film ends with everyone on Earth blasting off into space, but they had to throw one more big piece of propaganda with them.

What do they do when they get to space?

They bring a magical orb with them that “brings life” to the new world they live on of course!

And there you have it!

How did life originate on Earth?

Not from God, but from “aliens” from distant planets who seeded life here!

Folks, this film hit all the big ones….Evolution, Gaia Worship, and the idea that life was seeded on Earth many millions of years ago by aliens!

Why am I so worked up about the last one?

Two reasons….

First, I believe that will be the very real narrative they will soon roll out here on Earth when the “aliens” allegedly show up.

Don’t laugh, I think you will see them play that card in our lifetimes.

Second, because people bought it, hook line and sinker!

As I was walking out of the show, the people right next to me were talking and the one guy literally says “I wonder if that’s what happened here on Earth, that’s how life came to Earth!”

And mission accomplished: the idea has been planted in hundreds of thousands of minds.

Wow, that’s a lot right?

You can watch the full show here and see if you spot everything I just told you about:

Two more things before I wrap this up….

One part I found especially fascinating was when the film showed the “darkside of the Moon”.

You may not realize it, but we only see one face of the Moon here on Earth at all times.

In fact, we have never seen the back side of the Moon.

So I was fascinated when this scene claimed to show the backside of the Moon and what exactly IS that?

Does that look like it’s lit up with electricity to anyone else?

Why would they show it like that?

Very strange!

And I want to end with this….

The next film coming after this one?

It’s called “The End of Genesys” and it looks like this:

Yeah, you don’t need to be a genius to put those pieces together, do you?

Genesis = God brings life to Earth.

End of Genesis = it’s all over and the robots replace us.

Scary times….


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