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CEASE & DESIST: President Trump Posts THIRD Warning of Severe Penalties to Election Cheaters!

One thing we can now say for certain: President Trump is making it VERY clear that he and his team is watching and recording this election and any cheating will be dealt with in a historically severe fashion.

In other words, any cheaters will be made an example out of.

Quote: “Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.”

Here’s the FULL post:


CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.

Did you also catch he says “WHEN I WIN”?


He is sending a message:

Folks, I don’t know how much clearer he can make it….

He’s putting everyone on fair notice and he’s saying he will throw the book at anyone caught cheating so that it never, ever happens again.

I believe we are in for a fantastic closing of this movie we have all been stuck in for the last four years, how about you?

This is NOT the first warning he has given…

This one was from 4 weeks ago:

President Trump AGAIN Says He’s Going To Prosecute 2020 Election Fraud!

President Trump AGAIN Says He's Going To Prosecute 2020 Election Fraud!

President Trump keeps dropping massive hints about the fact that he intends to go back and prosecute people for election fraud both in 2024 and 2020 if he wins....

Why do you think he keeps saying that?


Here's the latest...

Watch for yourself right here:

Backup on Rumble here:

Remember, this comes on the heels of MANY other similar comments made in the past 1-2 weeks....

Like this one:

President Trump Just Posted “CHECKMATE”


President Trump Just Posted "CHECKMATE"


Is the end-game finally here?

Looks like it might be, if you know anything about Chess.

President Trump just posted this to his TruthSocial:

Now I know what some of you may be thinking....

Don't make a big deal out of this, he just tried to type a trending hashtag and hit post too early.


Except....he didn't edit it and didn't delete it.

It appears that is the post he wanted.

So what does a # indicate?  Other than "phone number" (for the older generation) or "hashtag" (for the younger generation)?

For all my Chess players out there, you know it's what you write in your notation after you win the game.


It's the shorthand for "Checkmate":

Oh my, are we finally here?

Posted Friday, September 13, 2024 at 4:19pm and still not taken down!

Can you find the checkmate on this board?

My friends...."The Pause" has been long and grueling, but is it finally over?

I see light at the end of the tunnel.

It was a VERY tough 4 years, but here's why it had to happen:

More PROOF "The Pause" Is Real...and Why It Was Needed

The Dash...

The Pause...

All hidden in plain sight.

Do you know what it means?

I've explained it here many times, but the recent evidence is just absolutely overwhelming and even some of the most ardent doubters are beginning to wonder if something bigger is happening behind the scenes than what we've been told (spoiler alert: you have no idea!).

Buckle up, because I have a LOT to show you, starting with President Trump's motorcade.

No, this is not the only piece of evidence I am going to show you, far from it.

I just think this is a good starting point because a picture is often worth a thousand words.

Just take a moment to watch President Trump's motorcade and then ask yourself if you've EVER seen a "former President" travel with this level of protection:

I haven't.

That looks like a Commander In-Chief to me.

Here's another look, absolutely beautiful heading through the mountains:

I'm not the only person who thinks this STILL looks Presidential:

In fact, even during the full prior 4 years, I have never once seen Joe Biden travel with a motorcade anywhere near this level, have you?

Things that make you go hmmmm.....

Then there was this:

Then from yesterday, we have President Trump performing the traditional role of the Commander In-Chief at Arlington National Ceremony and I still have not heard anyone offer a valid explanation for how this happens (other than the obvious conclusion I am drawing in this article):

Derek Johnson Explains EXACTLY Why President Trump Conducted The Wreath Ceremony Yesterday

Now let's go to Derek Johnson who just posted this (we seem to be on the same wavelength), explaining "The Dash":

Part One: Let’s gooooooooooo!

This is going to open the can of worms 🐛

This is why the DASH Matters.

President Trump signed Executive Order 13848 with National Emergency on September 12, 2018, TWO months before ANY Election under his visual first term.

"Biden" has continued this EO with National Emergency for 3 years in a row... NOT because of indicting President Trump.

A National Emergency has a 2 year automatic termination clause on it. All "he" had to do was let it expire if "he" was President.

Continued = Enforced.

Even though I know it's part of the Occupation and Operation, many have no clue about the DASH between 45 - 47, as this was ALL planned and a strategic operation, some normies need to hear it in their form to comprehend.

So, let's pretend I don't know what I know via ALL the Military and Federal Laws and Orders invoked and in-action (enforced)... and also pretend President Trump didn't tell the whole world over and over and over again and still does:

"We have it all. We've caught them all."

And in speeches this weekend:

"We don't need votes. We have those. We are focused on their cheating."

And Fox News along with National Guard dot Mil official sites have shown the National Guard observing real data with analog systems (not digital aka hackable) in 2020 and 2022...



Which in Layman terms means... "WE HAVE IT ALL, WE'VE CAUGHT THEM ALL"... because that Data does not lie.

And who just addressed the National Guard yesterday?

You realize after the Supreme Court ruled the President has Immunity... that this is another form of Election Interference PLUS against the Federal Law by indicting President Trump?

And if you haven't been paying attention to President Trump's speeches:

"You know... we won the documents case. He didn't ("Biden"). I have the Presidential Records Act. He didn't."

The Presidential Records Act protects the Vice President and the President for holding certain documents. The case isn't about "Biden" when he was Vice President.

If "Biden" were real and really President, it makes ZERO sense why he would continue an Executive Order with National Emergency by President Trump when the Codification aka the Law says a N.E. expires in 2 years if not revised or continued.

If "Biden" and Democrats / Liberals were in power right now... they could invoke the 25th Amendment on President Trump if he was a "Former" President with the first meeting he held at Mar-a-lago with a Foreign Leader.

Obama and Biden invoked the Logan Act, 18 United States Code Section 953, on 3 Star General Michael Flynn for Foreign Correspondence with a Foreign Leader.

President Trump has met with 6 Foreign Leaders 7 times, one via phone, at Mar-a-lago and Trump Tower, in the past 4 months.

Due to it being an Election Year with Federal Election rules... This would be Election Interference by the man who signed the Executive Order and declared a National Emergency.

All "Biden" said is President Trump was trying to "gain leverage on the Presidency."

A Presidential Race that "he" would drop out of a month later (at the time of the article)?

THIS "indictment" is the GRAND FINALE setup! Because if it were all real and true time... and if the Democrats and Liberals truly had power... they would invoke the 25th on President Trump forever barring him from re-election.

But yet they call him a "Felon" over a Civil "She said, He said" Trial versus using 18 United States Code which is Federal Crimes and Criminal Procedures and could invoke the Logan Act, 18 USC 953, for Private Correspondence with Foreign Leaders in an Election Year, plus the 25th...

But no... this "indictment" is for 2020... the WHOLE reason EO 13848 with National Emergency was signed and declared.

And it's due for Continuation or Resolution on September 12, 2024.

Now let's advance the story and talk about President Trump BLATANTLY and very OPENLY still using the Presidential Seal all over the place.

You do know that even for a Former President, that a violation of Federal Law, right?  Did you know that?

And am I correct that they are trying to use every single court case they can muster to stop President Trump, yet I'm supposed to believe that this one is served up on a silver platter for them and they're not taking it?

Why in the world would they not be prosecuting him for this very obvious violation of federal violation (which carries a 6 month prison sentence)?

Take a look for yourself and you tell me:

BREAK-50: President Trump Is STILL Using The Presidential Seal!

Well, well, well....what do we have here?

Why is President Trump still tooling around in a Golf Cart that proudly and prominently has the U.S. Presidential Seal displayed on it?

In case you don't know, even "Former Presidents" are generally not allowed to use the Presidential Seal.

They can use an altered version that lacks the outer-ring inscription, but not one that says "Seal of the President of the United States".

And yet, that's EXACTLY the version 45-47 was just seen tooling around in while playing a round of golf on "Break 50".

The use of the Presidential Seal is governed by laws and regulations to ensure its proper use. Specifically, the restrictions on its use are outlined in the United States Code and the Code of Federal Regulations.

  1. 18 U.S.C. § 713 - This statute governs the use of the Presidential Seal. It states that anyone who knowingly displays the Presidential Seal, any facsimile thereof, or any representation of it in a manner reasonably calculated to convey a false impression of sponsorship or approval by the Government of the United States is subject to a fine or imprisonment. This means that only the sitting president and those authorized by the president may use the seal in an official capacity.
  2. Code of Federal Regulations, 5 CFR § 2635.702 - This regulation prohibits the use of public office for private gain, which includes the use of official symbols such as the Presidential Seal for personal purposes. This regulation applies to current and former government employees, including the president.

While former presidents cannot use the official Presidential Seal, they often use a modified version of the seal. This modified version lacks certain elements of the official seal, such as the outer ring and the inscription "Seal of the President of the United States." The use of this modified seal is not explicitly regulated by the same statutes but is a convention that respects the restrictions placed on the official seal.

In summary, the use of the Presidential Seal by former presidents is restricted by 18 U.S.C. § 713 and 5 CFR § 2635.702, which ensure that the seal is used only for official government purposes by the current president or those authorized by the president. Former presidents can use a modified version of the seal for personal and post-presidential activities, adhering to the spirit of these regulations.

And what are the penalties for violation?

Fines and imprisonment up to 6 months!

You really think they just decided to "look the other way" on this one?  Or....are they not prosecuting because he's still President and that would blow the whole "Pause" wide open?

18 U.S.C. § 713

The penalties for violating 18 U.S.C. § 713, which involves the unauthorized use of certain official seals (e.g., the Great Seal of the United States, seals of the President, Vice President, Congress, etc.), include the following:

  • Fines: A person found guilty of violating this section can be fined. The specific amount isn't mentioned in the statute itself, but fines are typically governed by the general federal criminal fines provision, which allows for fines up to $5,000 for individuals or $10,000 for organizations.
  • Imprisonment: In addition to or instead of fines, the violator may be subject to imprisonment for up to six months.
  • Both: A combination of both fines and imprisonment can also be imposed.

Here's the full video if you'd like to watch for yourself:

And here's a screenshot I took clearly showing the Presidential Seal:

Folks, is he telling you as clearly as he can?

Continuity of Government?


You do know what the dash means, right?

Has Derek Johnson been right all along?

It's not the first time President Trump has been spotted PROMINENTLY using the Seal:

President Trump Still Using The Presidential Seal?

Do we have yet another installment of "hidden in plain sight"?

I'll report and let YOU decide...

As always, each one of these can perhaps be explained away, but how many do we have to see before they become too many to ignore?

I'll just keep reporting on them and let you make that decision for yourself.

Here's what just happened...

During a MAGA Rally yesterday in Iowa, President Trump suddenly help up his folio/binder and eagle-eyes on Twitter noticed it had the Presidential Seal and said PRESIDENT in the bottom right.

Take a look, it's in this short clip here:

A zoom in:

Closer up:

And one more:

Closer up:

So, it appears clear that this actually happened.

He is still using a folio with the Presidential Seal and marked The President at the bottom.

The only remaining question is whether that has current significance or if he just has a bunch of these leftover from his First Term and he's still using them?

That's the question for you to decide.

But as you decide that, weigh it in the balance of everything else I'm about to show you below....ESPECIALLY the clip where he says his Second Term is essentially happening right now...

President Trump: "We are not going to let them rig the election of 2024!"

Looks like I have to update my "hidden in plain sight" article yet again....

And this one is about as direct as you can get!

You have to see this clip from President Trump yesterday in Anaheim, CA.

It's short and powerful, but as you watch this ask yourself one question: does this look like a man who is worried about anything?

Or does it look like a man who already holds ALL the evidence and is just waiting for the perfect time and place to play it?

My take?

You don't talk like this unless you know you already "have it all".


And if you missed the full speech, I have it for you right here:

Ok, now for the rest of the "Hidden in plain sight" article...

It just keeps growing.

Read it all right here -- it's getting longer and longer each day!

President Trump: "...In My Second Term, Which Is Sort Of Happening Now..."

What in the world does this mean?

I have now updated this article almost 10 times since originally posting it.

This article is a compilation of all the little hints (big hints, really) that President Trump keeps dropping in his speeches.

I thought I would just post it once and that would be it, but there is a new once almost every single day.

At some point I don't know how you can't see it....

How you can't connect the dots...

It's starting to become almost impossible to ignore.

Trump is telling us!

At least that's what I think.

And so does Derek Johnson who has been doing an excellent job of covering this story.

Watch this latest clip right here which is just stunning:


“And in my second term… which is sort of happening now, but I don’t want the results, right? I don’t want the results of this second term. This second term is a disaster for this Country.”

War is ugly. And we’re in it. We’ve been in it. It’s declared in 50 US Code §1550. Has not been terminated.

The Federal Continuity Directives, 2017 National Security Strategy, and the other issues under the FCDs address disasters. They’re for: before, during, and after a catastrophic event.

This is an EPIC Comm. And still separates him as CIC versus President. They’re separate.

Thank you 2016 Supreme Court for the Military Justice Act of 2016, written in May, for clarifying they’re separate, passed in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (Defense Budget for ALL Armed Forces) on December 23, 2016. Merry Christmas radicals 🤭

Boy, did that backfire for the swamp.🔥

It’s right in front of ya. 🇺🇸

I'm sorry folks but what does that even mean if you don't accept it at face value?

Here was the last one from just a couple days ago...

Start piecing these all together and it's an almost impossible message to ignore:

President Trump: "...In Less Than 5 Months, We're Going To Defeat Biden..."

This is now probably the 7th or 8th time I've updated this article.

The common thread in this article is "hidden in plain sight"....all the things Trump keeps telling us in speeches.

Small little bits here and there.

Just misspeaking?

Just a mistake?

Once or twice, ok I can see that.

But President Trump is SHARP...

He still has a Razor Sharp intellect, and at some point you have to ask yourself if these are all just goofs -- or if he's trying to let us know something.

You decide, but here's the latest from South Carolina today:


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