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Republican Senator Dies In Freak Accident … But His Name Will Still Be On Next Month’s Ballot

Voters in one Kentucky district were shocked to learn that their representative in the state Senate had been severely injured after driving his lawnmower into an empty pool.

Republican Johnnie Turner died this week from his injuries, leaving his friends and family mourning and the immediate future of the district mired in uncertainty.

As the New York Post reported:

In recent years, Turner made headlines as he battled for pro-coal industry legislation and other measures to shore up the economy in his district, which took a hit due to cheaper natural gas prices and tougher environmental regulations, CBS News reported.

Because Turner died so close to the Nov. 5 election, his name will still appear on the general election ballot, the outlet said.

His only challenger, an Independent, recently withdrew from the race.

Tributes, condolences, and a few conspiracy theories soon began to pour in on social media:

As for what comes next for Turner’s district, WYMT offered some insight:

The Kentucky Secretary of State’s Office said the deadline for people interested in filing for write-in candidacy is Oct. 25th at 4 p.m.

When someone files there is no requirement to input a party affiliation.

There are questions about a special election but the Secretary of State’s Office said whichever write-in candidate receives the most votes will win the seat.

Here’s some additional coverage of the incident:



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