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FROM NOAH: Yes, I Am Finally Accepting Mail From You!

Hi friends,

Noah here and the is a special announcement due to popular request.

I originally started this website and my Newsletter back in 2015 from scratch.

As in, zero of everything!

Zero experience managing a news website….

Zero experience setting up a website in the first place…

Zero readers….

Zero subscribers to my Newsletter.

In fact, the Newsletter didn’t even exist in 2015, I added that later in 2017.

Since then we’ve grown like crazy.

From zero readers to now averaging over FIVE MILLION readers per month on the website!

And as of the time of writing this, our Newsletter has over 370,000 subscribers.

It’s such an honor to serve all of you and to know that our mission of getting the TRUTH out to people is working and enjoyed by so many.

For years, people asked if they could donate to support our work.

I always said no, but about a year ago I finally gave in and created a PayPal where people could send donations as well as a Crypto Tip Jar where you can send cryptocurrency donations if that’s your thing.

And for those who don’t like or trust PayPal, I get it — so we created this alternative at GivingFuel.

My standard disclaimer is that you should only donate if you feel led to support our cause and you have the money to do so.

No pressure.  Ever.

And I tell people that even $1 means a lot, because it truly does.

Truth of the matter is, as we’ve grown so have our expenses.

For example, we’ve had to upgrade our server so many times due to the traffic that we now have the most expensive one they offer.

That’s ok, it’s worth it and the site is running great.

Then we always have the people trying to take us down, so I’ve had to invest heavily in tech defenses to fight them off.

Heck, even the Newsletter costs over $2,500 per month just to send out emails!  I bet you didn’t know that.

Most people think of email as being free…and it is, until you try to email 370,000 people all at once.  You have to get a special service to do that.

Anyway….I tell you all of that to say it’s a real privilege to continue running this site but I eventually broke down and agreed to accept donations to offset some of these costs.

And I am SO THANKFUL to everyone who sends in donations.  Truly humbling to receive those.

But along the way I’ve had dozens or probably hundreds of people at this point ask if there was a way they could send a donation by mail.

I’ve always said no to that, but after being asked so many times by a couple loyal readers and longtime friends of the Newsletter, I’ve finally set up a PO BOX where you can mail a donation.

As always, please only send something if you feel led to do so.

Tap here to view my mailing address:


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