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ALERT: Kamala Harris Just Held “Emergency Press Conference” To Call President Trump “Unhinged & Unstable… Fascist”

In an increasingly hostile uptick in rhetoric, Kamala Harris just held what is being called an “emergency press conference” simply to label President Trump as being “unhinged”, “unstable”, and “fascist”.  This was an official press conference held by the Vice President of the United States.

Considering the stories we are covering of the continued lawfare against conservatives and Trump in particular and the weaponization of the justice system, coupled with the complete panic in the Democrat’s camp over the reality that President Trump is — by all reasonable estimates — on the verge of an historic victory; I can’t help but find the trajectory of this rhetoric very worrisome.

The entire press conference lasted barely 3 minutes.  Here is one clip carried by C-SPAN:

During her remarks, she predicated her labeling of President Trump as a “fascist” on the story that is also breaking of General John Kelly’s attacks against Trump yesterday and earlier today.  Kelly was President Trump’s Chief of Staff at one time.

That story is being carried from primarily the single angle just put forth by the Vice President, even while Kelly’s assertions that President Trump made the statements at all is still dubious at the very least, and likely politically motivated — just two weeks before the election.

According to Newsweek, an article published yesterday in The Atlantic ran with Kelly’s claim that President Trump made statements that in effect put him in the same category as Hitler.

On Tuesday, The Atlantic published an article alleging that while serving as president, Trump once told Kelly: “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had. People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders.”

The account was attributed to “two people who heard him say this” and cited Kelly, Trump’s White House chief of staff from 2017 to 2019, who said the then-president expressed admiration for the loyalty of “Hitler’s generals.”

In a statement sent to Newsweek on Tuesday, Trump campaign adviser Alex Pfeiffer said: “This is absolutely false. President Trump never said this.”

In a post Truth Social post last year, Trump called Kelly “the dumbest of my Military people,” adding that Kelly was “incapable of doing a good job, it was too much for him, and I couldn’t stand the guy, so I fired him like a ‘dog.'”

Here is another longer clip from Kamala’s “emergency press conference”, spreading what has been confirmed to be misinformation from others who had first-hand accounts of working with President Trump.


I pointed this out yesterday in more than one story; this is a very dangerous time for America.  From my vantage point, the globalistic democrats — and weak republicans — are in complete panic mode right now at the thought that President Trump may be about to win the Presidency… and tear down the un-American evil structures that have dotted the landscape of American governance for far too long.

According to an ABC NEWS article running with John Kelly’s unsubstantiated claims against President Trump, Kelly said he had previously refrained from talking about his experiences in the White House, but now suddenly felt “pushed” to come forward.

Kelly, who had previously refrained from discussing his time in the White House so openly, said in expansive interviews with The New York Times that Trump’s discussion of using the military against the “enemy within” — who, in Trump’s words included Democratic foes — pushed him to come forward. His comments come after several other prominent former administration officials, including those with military experience, expressed concern about Trump’s fitness for office.

“And I think this issue of using the military on — to go after — American citizens is one of those things I think is a very, very bad thing — even to say it for political purposes to get elected — I think it’s a very, very bad thing, let alone actually doing it,” Kelly said.

There is ample reason to question the narrative that President Trump made these inflammatory statements to begin with, and also enough political positioning by those carrying these claims forward to call into question the validity of the story — now being pushed by the Vice President of the United States during an official press briefing held for that express purpose.

Other outlets are taking a slightly more careful approach, like this article in The Hill, simply pointing out that the story in the Atlantic and John Kelly’s interview with the New York Times were the embers that brought the accusations to life — which Kamala is now using as a weapon in the information war against President Trump — just two weeks from Election Day.

Harris was referring to a new interview in The New York Times, during which Kelly said Trump “certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure.” And, she also referenced a recent interview in The Atlantic with the retired general, during which he said Trump said while in office that he wanted the military to be like “Hitler’s generals” in terms of loyalty.

“This is a window into who Donald Trump really is. From the people who know him best. From the people who work with him side by side in the Oval Office and in the Situation Room,” Harris said Wednesday.

She also warned that Trump wants a military “that is loyal to him” and not to the Constitution, adding that her GOP rival wants troops who “will obey his orders even when he tells them to break the law or abandon their oath to the Constitution of the United States.”

“It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the deaths of six million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans,” Harris said.

Here is the complete 3 minute “emergency press conference” as uploaded to YouTube:

This is still breaking news as the fight for the White House, and I would says the future of America, heats up in the final days and hours of the Election.

We will bring you more as it comes available.


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