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Prison Warden Admits It: Steve Bannon Being Kept Illegally Locked Up Beyond Release Date!

It should not surprise those of us paying attention to the lawfare and weaponization of the justice system being used against conservatives in America, but the rumors are true.

Steve Bannon is being kept behind bars in violation of Federal law, even though he should have been released per the First Step Act LAST MONTH!

“The Harris Bureau of Prisons is illegally holding me past my legal release date–trying to eliminate one of President Trump’s strongest advocates–these criminals reek of desperation.”  -Steve Bannon

Bannon’s daughter Maureen, the acting CEO of Bannon’s War Room, spoke just about an hour ago about her father’s situation, and the continuing illegal imprisonment of her father, in what she says can only been seen as being politically motivated.

According to a report in Newsweek, the reason being given for violating the Federal First Step Act has to do with the bureaucratic policy in place within the Regional Reentry Management Office.  Apparently there is a policy in place (not law, but policy) that pushes back against accepting home confinements placed for under 30 days.  Surprisingly enough, if the law would have been acted upon when Bannon’s lawyers initiated the process for his early release, the “whoops, we’re out of time!” argument would have been moot.  Somehow, I feel that may have been the plan all along.

Bannon is scheduled to be released from jail on October 29, his original release date, acting warden Derek Puzio wrote in a letter to Bannon’s lawyers.

“Mr. Bannon has insufficient time on his sentence to process a referral and secure approval for 10 days of home confinement placement,” he said in the letter seen by CNN. “The Regional Reentry Management Office overseeing your client’s release area advised their Residential Reentry Centers, which monitor home confinement placements, that they will not accept placements under 30 days,” Puzio added.

Bannon and his supporters, including his daughter, Maureen Bannon, have accused the prison system of political interference.

She has previously said the government is “deliberately stalling his release in order to prevent such a key voice in the MAGA movement from being behind the mic and out there and able to help secure an election for Donald J. Trump on Nov. 5.”

Don’t miss that.  We just got a snapshot of the combined 1-2 punch of LAWFARE and the DEEP STATE acting together.

  1. Imprison those who don’t bow to your rules, while letting political allies skate.
  2. Use DEEP STATE bureaucratic “policy” to ensure they aren’t released per law.

Who wants to see the United States Attorney General under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris explain to reporters why HE doesn’t need to comply with Congressional Subpoenas if HE decides they aren’t “legitimate” – you know… the EXACT REASON they locked up Steve Bannon, one of President Trump’s most vocal supporters and strategists, to begin with?


Here are more details of the drama surrounding the violation of Federal law in order to maintain Bannon’s imprisonment illegally from The War Room:

Bannon’s legal team sought his early release, when he had 75 days left of confinement, under the 2018 Trump-era First Step Act, which provides leniency for some federal offenders, including potential home confinement. However, Bannon’s request was denied and only explained to him recently, leaving the timing for the denial highly suspicious.

With only 10 days left to his sentence as of last Friday, Bannon was told that he does not have the 30 days left the Warden needs to qualify Bannon for a transfer to home confinement.

The acting warden of FCI Danbury, Derek Puzio, stated that Bannon had “insufficient time on his sentence” to qualify for home confinement under the Act. Bannon would need at least 30 days remaining on his sentence to be eligible, while he only has 8 as of Monday.

That is very strange. They had not addressed the request made for an August release- which doesn’t leave them enough time to address the issue now because he will be out soon. That is convenient if you want to keep him locked up, and Bannon is understandably frustrated over this lack of respect for the First Step Act.

Many Bannon supporters speculate that the late denial is politically motivated. As reported by National Pulse, Bannon accused the Biden-Harris administration of “political interference,” keeping him away from his influential position in the weeks leading up to the November 2024 election. Maureen Bannon, Steve Bannon’s daughter, expressed her frustration.

Now might be a good time to remind you of two important things to keep in mind: Why the Democrats want Steve Bannon dead or locked up to begin with, and why they are terrified of releasing him now that he has endured the injustices of the Biden-Harris lawfare.

This… is why they need him silenced.  He understands the system (he was Harvard, Navy, and Wall Street) — and he’s TELLING PEOPLE the truth about how the system is rigged against them!

And if that wasn’t scary enough for the Democrats trying to silence President Trump and anyone else who attempts to shed light on the criminalities of the current regime… they have now pissed him off.  Yeah, if you think Steve Bannon was a threat to the Biden-Harris status quo before; watch this.

Obviously, Democrats are not the only ones who should be worried that this guy is going to be unleashed.  Republicans who are sucking at the teat of the globalist agenda in a symbiotic relationship with the evil usurpation of American strength are silent on Bannon’s continued imprisonment for a reason — he is coming after them, too… alongside President Trump.

Let the Mitch McConnells and Mike Johnsons on Capitol Hill should be wary.

According to reporting in the Tennessee Star, Bannon’s attorneys received a letter from the Bureau of Prisons acknowledging that it is holding Bannon in violation of the First Step Act of 2018!

The Tennessee Star on Monday obtained a letter sent by the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to attorneys representing Steve Bannon, wherein the federal agency acknowledged it is holding the former White House chief strategist in violation of the First Step Act (FSA) of 2018, as Bannon accrued 10 days of good time credit toward an early release:

“To date, Mr. Bannon has earned 10 First Step Act (“FSA”) time credits. These credits would typically be applied toward early transfer to supervision pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 3624 (g) (3). However, Mr. Bannon does not have a term of supervision following his term of imprisonment. Thus, his 10 FSA time credits can only be applied toward prerelease custody placement in a Residential Reentry Center or on home confinement.”

According to attorney R. Trent McCotter, who represents Bannon, “Those credits mean that Mr. Bannon could have been released to home confinement two days ago on October 19, 2024 (i.e., 10 days before the end of his sentence) – yet the BOP declined to do so, citing its view that there is ‘insufficient time’ remaining on Mr. Bannon’s sentence ‘to process’ the referral to home confinement.”

According to Jeff Clark, a former Dept. of Justice Assistant Attorney General, the official story that there is simply “not enough time” to release him early to home confinement presumes one thing: “they think you are stupid”.

Here is the full text of Jeff Clark’s post:

For those trackin

g Steve Bannon’s situation, you see the official story is now that there is simply not enough time to release him to home confinement.

They think that you’re stupid. And that you’ll buy that the Bureau of Prisons can’t make demands of its subordinates or its contractors (unclear which in the CNN story). But whether they are contractors or sub-units of the BOP, they can certainly be made to carry out orders. Don’t be fooled.

There is just no will in the Harris-Biden Administration to do so. They want Bannon to serve *every last second* of his sentence in the jail.

Presumably, the Biden-Harris Department of Justice will find it in their hearts to oversee that the Bureau of Prisons does release Bannon on his original October 29th release date.  But quite frankly… I would not be surprised if some “technicality” or internal policy somehow stalls that process as well.

This is a developing story with more to come as it is made available.


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