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Supreme Court Makes Final Decision on Michael Cohen’s Last-Ditch Lawsuit Against President Trump

The Supreme Court just said “nope” to Michael Cohen’s appeal to resurrect his lawsuit against President Donald Trump.

Cohen had accused President Trump of throwing him in prison out of spite for writing a tell-all book.

But with the highest court slamming the door, Cohen’s case is officially out of appeals.

What will he do now?

Looks like another victory for President Trump.

I’m sensing a pattern. Trump gets attacked. Attack ends up being a dud. Trump wins.

There’s no pushing this one forward, the Supreme Court shut it down hard.


Fox News reports:

The Supreme Court dismissed ex-lawyer Michael Cohen’s appeal to revive a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump on Monday, shutting down Cohen’s accusations for the last time.

Cohen had claimed his 2020 imprisonment was retaliation by Trump’s administration for publishing a book critical of the former president. The lawsuit had sought monetary damages from Trump, former U.S. Attorney General William Barr, federal prison officials and the federal government.

“Michael Cohen has exhausted every avenue of his pathetic attempt to drag my client into court time and time again.  As expected, the Supreme Court has correctly denied Michael Cohen’s petition and he must finally abandon his frivolous and desperate claims,” Trump attorney Alina Habba told Fox News Digital in a statement.

Cohen had served three years behind bars for several federal crimes relating to his work for Trump, including lying to Congress. He was released on home confinement during the pandemic, but was sent back to prison after refusing to sign an agreement limiting his postings on social media and contacts with the press.

The Constitution is the bedrock of our democratic republic and is what makes America the beacon of the world,” Cohen said of his lawsuit in July. “To have a President weaponize the DOJ… is how autocracies are created.”

Cohen argued that he was sent back behind bars, shackled and placed in solitary confinement on the alleged orders of Trump and Justice Department officials in July 2020 in retaliation for his writing his first tell-all book, “Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump.”

Will this be the last we hear from Cohen?

And what will happen when President Trump wins?

Cohen says he’s outta here.


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