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President Trump’s Epic Trolling Triggered Meltdowns and Even Advanced Newest Dem Conspiracy Theory!

Apparently, working at McDonald’s is a highly sought-after political plus for Democrats.  At least that’s my take, considering how many times over the last few election cycles we’ve seen Democrats throw their McDonald’s work experience into the mix.

So President Trump’s recent HIGH-PROFILE TROLLING of Kamala Harris, as expected, has hit a nerve.  Democrats are MAD.  And as often happens when someone gets mad for reasons that seem foolish to say out loud (or for altogether non-existent reasons), you have to make up reasons.  And that’s exactly what is happening.

That’s the President’s own son reacting on X.  I reasoned it might be nice to start with something funny and positive… considering how riled up the Trump-haters are getting over this whole event.

But let us be clear, and not pretend this was something it wasn’t.  This is President Trump trolling Kamala Harris by orchestrating a half-hour work session at McDonald’s.

Trivial?  Petty?  Underhanded?  Yep — and that’s what makes it so funny.  (It’s also what is making the Kamala camp so upset!)


First off, this was President Trump’s arrival.  (Volume up!)  Right off the bat, you have probably thousands of people lining the streets just to welcome Trump to town.  Oh, yeah — Democrats are not going to be happy from this moment forward.  That ship sailed long before President Trump walked under those golden arches.

Ah — and there’s our first hate post from the Palmer Report:

The real proof of Donald Trump’s dementia is that he let his handlers do this to him today without pushing back about what a humiliating idea it was.

Keep in mind — these are the same people who were willing to look the other way for years, pretending it was perfectly natural to have a geriatric patient in the White House with legitimate cognitive decline.

My wife and I took care of my mother for the last year of her life — and she was more cognitively functional than Biden!  Trump has dementia???  Whatever, dude.  I don’t think y’all could spell dementia except you saw the rest of us use to so often talking about Biden!

These folks are so mad at President Trump… that even with Joe Biden STILL ALLOWED TO OCCUPY THE WHITE HOUSE AS PRESIDENT — they are running with this conspiracy theory that President Trump is having cognitive issues!  (I think they really have convinced themselves that it’s true!  — and they call “us” the conspiracy theorists!?)

I snuck something heartwarming in with that post.  The one who posted it is fully convinced that Trump didn’t “really” serve ordinary people…

The staff at McDonald’s working alongside Trump are all Secret Service agents. The restaurant was closed for the day, creating an air of secrecy. Don’t get fooled. The rich President won’t serve for ordinary people, you will never buy the Trump’s McDonalds.

But, did you listen to the folks in the car?  I honestly think it’s hard for Kamala supporters to imagine a world where someone actually wants to pray for you, on the spot, without orchestrating something for the cameras before hand.  To all those Democrats out there who can’t imagine this is real life — come to our side; praying for people is the best endorphin drop you’ll ever get!  (And no overdosing!)

Seth Abramson says:

Perhaps no stunt in the history of U.S. politics deserves more ridicule than the grotesquely embarrassing mummery Trump put on at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s today The whole country got sh*ttier because of this The McDonald’s was closed, the customers were fake, Trump did nothing

To which I will only address his final point.  Trump did nothing?  Oh – you mean like Kamala?  At least President Trump doesn’t have to LIE about his work history.  (Bam!)

Ah – here we go.  It has started!  The calls to CANCEL McDonald’s have begun!

@McDonalds has entered the political arena in support of #FelonTrump – who wouldn’t be allowed to work there as a convicted felon mind u – for a staged shoot. So I’ll never enter another McDonald’s (not that I eat that poison anyway) #BoycottMcDonalds
Don’t you have to at least BUY from McDonald’s before you can technically “boycott” them?  Oh well, I’ll let poor Troy have his angry moment.  After all… he’s only a few weeks away from watching his favorite puppet get trounced on national television.  Give him his anger; it’s all he has.
And now let’s see what the official mouthpiece of the anti-Trump hate committee has to say about President Trump’s epic trolling abilities.

I just want to point out — they are watching President Trump don a McDonald’s apron and go through the motions of learning to work at McDonald’s in an obvious stunt to poke fun at Kamala.  And what does MSNBC go on about with those pictures showing?  Trump is a threat to the nation, and “appears to be not well”.  There is is; there’s that CONSPIRACY THEORY again!  I’m taking that as a sign that President Trump REALLY hit pay dirt with this stunt!

As I said earlier, what do you do when you have literally no comeback for something?  You make things up, you get really mad, and you just sort of “huff” around – frustrated.  I see you, MSNBC.  Just let it all out.

President Trump, who never worked at a McDonald’s growing up (and didn’t pretend he did), showed up at the golden arches in Bucks County, PA according to a story in USA Today.

Former President Donald Trump’s recent appearance at a McDonald’s in Pennsylvania has gone viral as the 2024 candidate makes his appeal to swing state voters less than three weeks from the election.

His appearance at the restaurant in Bucks County, just outside of Philadelphia, was prompted by Vice President Kamala Harris, who has burnished her middle-class roots by sharing that she worked for McDonald’s in the 1980s to pay her college tuition. Trump said he doesn’t believe her, and agreed to “work the fries” at a location.

“I’m looking for a job, and I always wanted to work at McDonald’s. I never did,” Trump said in a video posted on X. “I’m running against somebody that said she did but it turned out to be a totally phony story.”

In the video, Trump could be seen at the drive-thru window handing out bags and waving at the crowd, stating that he’s “having a lot of fun.”

As much as Trump’s McDonald’s stunt has stirred up his detractors, I think more than anything else… it’s all just a really accurate commentary on the democrats as a whole; and USA Today (of all places) covered the simple truth of the scenario without ever meaning to.

President Trump was “having a lot of fun”; just like he said he was.  And you know what?  I believe him.  I think he was having a blast.  Not only was he definitely getting under his opponents skin (Shame on her for making stuff up!  That’s what you get!) — but from the video I saw of that day and the reception he received, President Trump really was having some good clean fun.

I wonder if Kamala is so out of touch… does she even remember what it’s like to just have fun, and do something a little silly?  Judging by the way her and her followers fail to pass the “can you take a joke” test, I’m guessing the answer is a “No.”

But I can’t end on that negative note when I have an awesome interaction up my sleeve between President Trump and one of the customer’s at the drive-thru window, can I?  Check this out!

That was Nayara Andrejczyk, a mother living in Pennsylvania who came to the U.S. 26 years ago from Brazil.  She literally fled Brazil because it was turning in to what Kamala Harris’ policies would push the U.S. towards.  Here’s the backstory on Fox News:

A Pennsylvania mom who was served by former President Trump at McDonald’s discussed the one request she asked of the former president when he surprised her at the drive-thru window on Sunday.

A clip of Nayara Andrejczyk pulling up to the drive-through window where Trump waited with her order went viral, with online users highlighting a remark she made to the former president during their brief interaction.

“Mr. President, please don’t let the U.S. become Brazil, my native Brazil, please,” Andrejczyk pleaded.

“We’re gonna make it better than ever, ok?” Trump said, shaking her hand while continuing to greet the crowd through the drive-thru window.

The Pennsylvania resident, who moved to the U.S. from Brazil 26 years ago, was asked about the remark in an interview on “The Story” Monday.

“My parents were victims of Brazilian corruption, government corruption,” she told anchor Martha MacCallum. “My mom lost a pretty successful business…almost 30 years ago, and that’s the reason why we moved to the United States.

“I am very grateful for this country. I love this country,” she continued. “And I don’t want to see this country become the corrupt sewage that Brazil is at this moment, where politicians do whatever they want with no accountability to the people.”

“There was no stunt over there. Of course, we knew something was up because of the level of security,” she said, but “it was a great surprise to see him there….he’s a very charismatic person and very relatable.”

Andrejczyk said her short interaction with Trump felt like “meeting a friend.”

Not everyone was upset by President Trump’s McDonald’s stunt, so it seems.  And from listening to the fervent request of Nayara, I don’t suspect she’ll suffer any sort of meltdown when he wins the Presidential election.

Somehow, I don’t expect that’ll be true for most of the other folks who provided me with content for this story, come November.  But hey, look on the bright side!  I’ll get to bring you ANOTHER “meltdown” story when that happens!


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