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Why Don’t Men Support Her? Kamala Interviewed By Al Sharpton (Bonus Word Salad!)

In what has accurately been described as a “dumpster fire” interview with Al Sharpton, Kamala Harris seems to have grown  more brazen in her attempts to shame anyone who refuses to support her.  The growing likelihood of her defeat at the ballot box probably has something to do with her campaign shifting from a supposed “joy” platform, to a much more scornful and shame-based methodology.

The interview, which aired Sunday, was touted by MSNBC’s “Politics Nation” as an “exclusive interview” — though like most of her media appearances, the interview barely lasted 15 minutes.

Keep in mind it was only a few days ago that Al Sharpton made it clear he was confident he would be put “on a list” if President Trump wins the election; specifically an enemies list, and would thus become targeted, according to a Fox News report.

MSNBC host Al Sharpton and frequent guest Donny Deutsch expressed fears Friday that Donald Trump would place them on an enemy’s “list” if he was elected president again, suggesting imprisonment or worse awaited them.

Deutsch, known for his excitable anti-Trump screeds on “Morning Joe,” said Trump would put enemies in jail and there would be no free media in another Trump administration, turning suddenly to Sharpton and asking, “Are you worried, going forward, that you’re on a list if Donald Trump is elected? Yes or no?”

“I’m convinced I’ll be on a list,” Sharpton said, with Deutsch chiming in “I am too!”

“I don’t know how we are not going to be,” Sharpton said.

So if you were expecting some sort of non-biased discussion, much less a hard-hitting interview free of softballs and carefully curated questions designed to make Kamala appear something other than the word-salad chef she has often proven to be — that’s not what happened.

Even still, Kamala did manage to somehow whip up another words salad!

But far worse than her repeated word salads is her increasing willingness to shame and devalue those who might dare refuse to support her, or give her their vote.


When Sharpton asked her very pointedly if she attributed her inability to gain the support of certain men to misogyny (though they both later attempted to argue against that narrative altogether, saying she is in fact not struggling with male voters — which makes absolutely no sense all all in light of reality), Kamala didn’t back away from that assertion at all.

It is very telling that both Sharpton and Kamala consider it far easier to attribute growing resistance to her as a candidate to misogyny… than to see it as resistance to her actual policies and questions about whether she is fit to be President of the United States.

No — the resistance to her can’t possibly be policy or character based; how would you push back against that?  You can’t, if your policy and your character are both dismal.  But if they continually push the “you’re racist” or “you’re misogynistic” if you don’t support her — in the “me too” day and age, those accusations are as good as convictions in a court of law, at least for the “woke” democrats that constitute her only remaining sizable base of support.

According to a different Fox News story, the sit-down discussion with Sharpton was held on Kamala’s 50th birthday.

“Today is your birthday, and we all reflect on our birthdays, what our life would mean. You called me on my birthday. Thanks again. What do you want, 50 years from now, history to say about Kamala Harris?” Sharpton asked.

“I hope that, and I really do work that…my life will have proven to have been a life that is about fighting for the people. Fighting for the dignity of people. Work that is – work that has impacted and uplifts the people – all people. I do hope that is what history will say,” Harris said.

That would be a nice sentiment — except nearly everything she says lately has to do with shaming or reviling those who aren’t already part of her locked-in supporters.  In light of her actual rhetoric, that statement smacks of pure political BS — the sort of thing you say when you want people to think you’re “for them”, when in reality you are far more likely to kick them out of your rally if they dare espouse a worldview that clashes with your own.

“Fighting for the dignity of people” is certainly not something I would pin on Kamala Harris.  Attacking the dignity of people?  Yes.  Violating the dignity of the unborn?  Yeah, that too.  Endangering the dignity of people by flooding their towns with unvetted illegal immigrants who are not intent on assimilating into American culture?  Yep, that’s Kamala.  That sounds a lot more like she fights AGAINST the dignity of people, to me.

I would say the “dumpster fire” characterization of that interview that I’m seeing thrown around is mostly accurate; though dumpster fires usually last longer.  They also tend to reduce the amount of trash you have on hand rather than increasing the total rubbish you have to deal with.

Call it what you will, but it certainly was not well designed if the purpose was to win her votes, or recover votes that her campaign has been hemorrhaging lately.  Then again, maybe the Kamala campaign knows that ship has sailed, and there is nothing left for them to do except try to look strong and defiant?  I think they have the defiant part down; but that strength thing… you can’t fake that.  At least not without LOOKING like a fake.

It remains to be seen whether the Kamala campaign will ever figure that fact out, and cease exposing their lack of genuine credibility and depth of weakness over and over again.  It remains to be seen, but today is apparently not that day.



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