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“Indomitable Spirit”: Man Who Lost Business in NC Leaves President Trump Visibly Awed; Prays Over Him!

President Trump travelled to North Carolina today.  He is holding a rally in Greenville, NC right now as I type.  But the story I’m bringing you now happened before the big venue of Greenville where most of the press and media will cover every conceivable angle of the event — particularly the angles they can twist into something to be used as fodder for the Harris-Walz camp.

What I am about to show you was hard to find.  You can find the picture, the video, and the occasional caption on a news site like the AP or Reuters; but the full story?  Thankfully there is video, because it almost seems like this story is being kept under the water — not too different from the flooding in Ashville, where this happened.

Yesterday I covered the untold and under-reported portions of the story of the two young Christian guys who stood up for Christ and the unborn at a Kamala rally — and were subsequently kicked out after being spit on, mocked, shoved; and after enduring a withering visceral response from Kamala when one of the two took a cross from around his neck and held it up to her.  I’m considering that story part 1: Evil Details: Christians Mocked & Spit On, Witnessed Kamala’s Spooky Reaction To The Cross

And if that was part 1, this is surely part 2 of this story.  But you can relax… because this story has a lot less evil in it, and a whole lot more “Thank you, God”.

As I said, President Trump visited the devastated area of Ashville, NC — according to a story in Politico.  After touring the area, he stood with a few others on a gravel parking lot in front of a small wooden podium, probably borrowed from a Sunday School room at a nearby church, if I had to guess.

Standing behind a plain wooden lectern in the gravel parking lot of an auto mechanic shop — with a backdrop of rubble, cars strewn against trees and damaged homes — Trump acknowledged the loss of life here and the difficult road to recovery and repeated his claims that the federal government wasn’t doing enough to help.

“Many Americans in this region felt helpless and abandoned and left behind by their government,” Trump said to reporters assembled for his remarks Monday. “And yet, in North Carolina’s hour of desperation, the American people answered the call much more so than your federal government.”

But it was during his remarks as he introduced several individuals who had endured the loss of homes and businesses, to each say a few words about their experiences, that he brought Mike Stewart forward to join him at the wooden lectern.  President Trump introduced Mike as the owner of Pineview Buildings — which we are soon to find out doesn’t really have any buildings remaining, thanks to the hurricane.  And that’s when something happened that President Trump didn’t anticipate.  Watch this:

I’m not crying, you’re crying.  Right?  Here’s a man who lost basically everything, at least in terms of his business and most of it’s assets.  His company, Pineview Buildings, lost more than 70 buildings, according to Mike.  And what does he do?  He has the spiritual discernment to recognize that God has raised up President Trump for this time in our nation, and to use his few moments with President Trump to pray over him — one of the most powerful prayers I think I’ve ever heard — and the whole thing caught on video, broadcast LIVE on Fox News as it happened.


Do you wonder that I had a hard time finding anything else out about this story?  It’s too powerful.  It’s too much “GOD” for the godless media to handle.  And boy, does it ever contrast with that story from yesterday… when Kamala Harris personally mocked and persecuted two Christ-followers.

I know what the detractors will say.  “That wasn’t persecution!”  Yes, yes it was.  That’s what it looks like, on the surface.  That’s what persecution looks like, at first.  It looks like mocking, a derisive dismissal, and it looks like people almost enjoying the opportunity to unleash their pent up rage towards God Himself.  Yes – that is exactly what persecution looks like.  It just doesn’t happen to be the full expression of it, yet.

How strange, that in the United States of America, we have one of the most energetically charged elections in history happening between a man who glorifies God for his very life, opens his rallies with prayer, and is often the “victim” of impromptu prayer cessions… and on the other side, a woman who finds it completely acceptable to openly mock Christians, the cross of Christ, the sanctity of human life — and encourages her followers (I use that word very intentionally) to do the same.

After far more searching than should have been necessary, I finally found a story published by the Associated Press under the headline, “The Latest: Trump and Harris make final pushes in key battleground states“, on  And buried in the many short bulletin-style updates of that story, I found this:

Donald Trump is hearing from supporters who were involved in the response to Hurricane Helene in and around Asheville.

Mike Stewart, owner of Pine View Buildings, thanked the Republican nominee for visiting the region and offered to pray for him.

Putting a hand on Trump’s shoulder, Stewart prayed to God, “I ask that you anoint Donald Trump.”

I am not exaggerating when I tell you — that is the fullest description I could find as of the time of this writing, about what that man said to President Trump, and his prayer over him.  Thankfully, rose to the occasion and handed us the video.  But this should not be the hardest story to find of the day; it should be at the top of the deck.

But if you want to know the accurate reading of the “temperature” in our proverbial room — I would say that’s a good reading.  Even Christians have a tendency to overlook the spiritual nature of the happenings of our everyday lives; but we should not.  It is a very dangerous time in America, and getting more so by the day.  We need to be like those “sons of Issachar” in I Chronicles 12:32 — these guys weren’t just reading their Bibles, but they were also watching the happenings of the day.  “…who had understanding of the times, and knew what [the nation] ought to do.”

The warfare embedded inside this election is no less hot than that of battlefields across the globe where different sides are right now exchanging fire; neither is it less impactful.  We stand at a crossroads — an “inflection point”, to quote Biden, of all people.  But that is indeed where we stand.

If you saw the clips in my story about Kamala’s rally the other day, keep that in mind as you watch this clip.  In contrast to the anti-Christ spirit of Kamala’s rallies… this is how President Trump’s rally began today, in North Carolina.

The difference could not be more evidentfor those who have eyes to see it.

This is the second time in two days I’ve felt led to end a story with prayer; and so be it.

Lord, we thank you for blessing our nation in times past, for Your glory, and for our good.  We thank you for preserving the life of President Trump, who has so evidently been raised up — not for his own glory — but for your glory, and for the good of every American who trusts in You rather than the worldly deceit that is being perpetuated in our nation.  We who claim Your Name humble ourselves, confess our own sin, and ask that you remember Your Word — forgive us of our sins, and HEAL OUR LAND.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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