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Elon Musk Declared “Enemy Number 2”, Decides to Upgrade Security (Guess Who’s Enemy #1?)

Long before he stepped into the realm of politics, Elon Musk has been a lightning rod for controversy.  Even if you like him now, chances are he’s done something (or been reported as saying something) that bugged you in the past — at least a little.

After all… he’s reportedly worth somewhere in the range of a quarter of a trillion dollars ($250,000,000,000).  If you’re like me, you occasionally get confused trying to send $20.00 to someone vs $200.00 on Venmo.  Who is this rich dude that pretends to be a regular guy!?

Stick with me herewe’re going to build up to this story, so it hits right.

The fact is, he’s actually concerned about a lot of the same things us regular folk are worried about lately — will my kids grow up knowing what “free speech” really means?  It doesn’t take long, if you’ve listened to Elon talk, to know what he wants more than anything else.

Freedom.  And not some pansy-leftist version of freedom.  Elon Musk wants REAL FREEDOM.

But… enter the globalists.  Enter the cabal.  Enter all those shadowy groups that use money and power to leverage entire nations, media conglomerates, and enormous corporations (you know, the ones that are “too big to fail”?) — for goals OTHER THAN freedom.

Those guys don’t just “kinda” dislike Elon Musk; they hate him, with a fiery passion.  Because unlike you or I, he has the resources to saunter up to the big boys table, and at the very least demand to be taken seriously.  (Don’t get me wrong… “we the people” have a lot of power, but it takes UNITY to pull it off; whereas Elon is just one dude with a ton of resources — which scares them to death!)

And, now?  Elon has joined forces with one of the most “dangerous” men on the planet, for exactly the same reasons I just lined out: President Trump.


Those two didn’t come up on the coat-tails of the shadow groups.  They didn’t make their money by having it bequeathed to them as reward for towing the line.  Both of these men, love them or hate them, made their money as entrepreneurs — as both their track records record incredible gains and incredible losses… not at all the smooth ascendency of a “made man” with the path greased for him by those in the upper echelons.

And now, just as the globalists seem perched on the edge of whatever worldwide “reset” is truly being thrust upon us… these two American “cowboys” stand up and proclaim themselves defenders of freedom?  Or, to be critically specific, defenders of INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY?  No, no… we can’t have THAT.

Now, it might be easy to dismiss that headline right away if you’re like me; an American.  But don’t forget, we don’t live in the same nationalistic world we once did — not in terms of finance and governance.  We may not have a full-scale one world government yet (thought that could be argued…), but we definitely have collusion on the part of the true movers and shakers of the world; and not for the better.

As an American, my tendency would be… “I don’t give a flip what some German publication thinks.”  Okay.  But that German publication is only echoing what most AMERICAN publications think; they just happened to catch the headline today because they put it in black and white and had a snazzy picture to make the point.

I want to play you a video, and then we’ll break into the news of this.  This is Bill Maher DEFENDING Elon Musk against Joe Scarborough and Mark Cuban.  Think about that.  That in itself tells us how crazy we’ve gotten.

Do you want to know what scares me about that whole conversation the most?  They actually think they’re right.  They actually think they occupy the high ground.  They literally think it is their DUTY to restrict Elon Musk… because THEY have decided that his POWER (because he has resources) is DANGEROUS.

Let that sink in.  How do you dialogue with someone who stands on those combined presumptions?  Did you follow Bill Maher’s line of reasoning?  Folks, that’s as good as you’re going to get.  Did it work?  Not that you could tell; didn’t seem to make a dent.

According to Fox News, Elon said he’d already had plans to upgrade his security, but it definitely sounds like he’s fast tracking the process after the “Public Enemy Number 2” slap in the face.

Musk held a town hall discussion in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Sunday in support of former President Donald Trump’s candidacy. While talking to the crowd, Musk commented on the heightened political atmosphere as the nation approached the November presidential election.

He noted he was recently on the cover of Der Spiegel, which labeled him “Public Enemy No. 2” – the first being Trump.

“I’m like, enemy number 2 of what? Uh, democracy? I mean I’m pro-democracy. I’m literally trying to uphold the Constitution and ensure we have a free and fair election,” Musk said, eliciting applause from the crowd.

“I’m definitely upgrading my security. Guess I better cancel that open-car parade,” Musk said, a seeming nod to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The SpaceX CEO said he was a “little shook” by the “level of vitriolic hatred on the left.”

“They claim they’re tolerant. And yet, they’re incredibly intolerant and spewing hate,” Musk said. “Whereas on the right I see people who tend to regard people on the left as, well, misguided. But they don’t hate them… but the amount of hate coming from the left is like, wow, next level.”

Here’s Elon at the event, showing his classic humor in talking about the very real threat.  It seems to me that while he’s maintaining his humor, he’s taking the threat seriously.

And if you tracked with me above, and the picture I painted of what sets Elon Musk and President Trump apart from the average globalists trying to push us towards some totalitarian dystopia, what he said next will track perfectly.

I ran across this, the Governor of Pennsylvania, barely able to keep from just coming out and saying it — he absolutely wants to see Elon Musk arrested for finding a creative (AND GENEROUS) way to bring awareness to the Constitution!

And don’t forget what Elon’s stated mission is: freedom.  At the same event today, he equated what is going on in California with what will happen in the broader U.S. — if Kamala Harris gets the reins of power.


“I would prefer not to be in politics. I stepped into the arena because I think the stakes are extremely fundamental. I fear if Trump does not win, we are going to have a single-party state that is going to be worse than California.

The one thing that keeps California from going even further is that people can move out of California and still be in America. But if you’ve got no place to move, then it’s going to be much worse than California, and that’s the danger that we face.

An oppressive totalitarian state that has extreme restrictions on freedom of speech that continues extreme over-regulation that makes government even bigger than it is today and takes away the liberty of the people.

It’s not something I wanted to do, but I thought it was critical to do it, or America is not going to be America.”

That is why the globalists hate him.  The global media, the global banks, the global network of tyrannical heads of state; they all hate him.

Oh, but don’t forget that they said he is “enemy number 2”.  And who is “enemy number 1”, then?  If you missed it, they put it right on the front cover.

According to that story in Zerohedge (which I find entirely too ironic to be quoting in this article, considering how many times in the past I’ve seen Zerohedge come out against Elon in the early days of Tesla) — but according to Zerohedge, this is different.  This isn’t just about a man who has the resources to overturn markets with a single trade.  This is much bigger, because this is about President Trump, and freedom; in particular, free speech.

The Tesla CEO admitted that he is a “little shook” by the “level of vitriolic hatred on the left.”

“They claim they’re tolerant. And yet, they’re incredibly intolerant and spewing hate,” Musk said, adding “Whereas on the right I see people who tend to regard people on the left as, well, misguided. But they don’t hate them.”

“But the amount of hate coming from the left is like, wow, next level,” he continued.

Musk is no stranger to threats since taking over Twitter in an effort to preserve free speech.

Musk has come under sustained attack since coming out for Trump.

Deranged leftists, such as Mark Cuban, are openly advocating sanctioning Musk’s companies because of his political opinions.

Musk has repeatedly warned that if Trump doesn’t win the election, it could be the last and that civilization is on the line.

Did you catch that?  What really put Elon in the crosshairs, so to speak?

  1. He bought Twitter.  (And is using it as a bastion of free speech.)
  2. He backed Trump.  (Who is a bastion of free speech… in every possible way!)

Elon Musk is in the crosshairs… because President Trump is in the crosshairs… and President Trump is in the crosshairs… because he refuses to back down and let those who would LITERALLY END FREEDOM AS WE KNOW IT have their way.

They say elections have consequences.  But I don’t know that there’s ever been an election with quite the degree of consequences at stake that we are facing right now.  I honestly believe that liberty in the world (not just America) to the degree that it exists, will rise or fall with the tide of this election.

By all means, upgrade your security, Elon; I think we may need you to play your part even more than we’ve realized up to this point.




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