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Evil Details: Christians Mocked & Spit On, Witnessed Kamala’s Spooky Reaction To The Cross

You may have heard and seen the video of two pro-life students getting kicked out of Kamala’s rally a few days ago.  After Kamala made a pro-abortion comment, one of the two Christians yelled, “Jesus is Lord!”, at which point they were both mocked by Kamala and the other attendees, and kicked out.

But you may not realize there is more to the story — in particular the sheer evil they experienced, not only from the pro-abortion crowd while they were being kicked out, but from Kamala when she reacted directly to seeing the cross of Christ!

Here’s what came out a few days ago if you aren’t aware of the initial story:

The two pro-life University of Wisconsin students at the center of this are Grant Beth and Luke Polaske.  The full story paints a serious picture of exactly what the trajectory of Christian persecution might be like under a Kamala Harris Presidency.  Here’s a camera angle showing Kamala during the entirety of the event.  Watch her face when she sneers directly at Luke Polaske — he has taken off the cross that he wears around his neck, and is holding it up to her when this happened.

The two Christians have since received a lot of backlash, according to a Fox News story which covered the basics of the story.

“I was pushed by an elderly woman. We were heckled at, we were cursed at, we were mocked, and that’s the biggest thing for me personally. In reflection of the event, Jesus was mocked. You know, his disciples were mocked, and that’s okay. In reality, we did God’s work, and we were there for the right reasons, and God is watching us in this moment.

“I’m all about being a cordial person no matter your beliefs, but I do believe that we were sent there by God,” he continued.

Vice President Harris held a rally on UW-La Crosse’s campus last Thursday, where she spoke about the economy and bettering the lives of middle-class Americans. Reproductive freedom also came into the picture as she pledged to the crowd, “When Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom nationwide, as president of the United States, I will proudly, proudly sign it into law.”

That was the moment when Kamala made a statement deriding President Trump’s decision during his first term, appointing Supreme Court Justices which created the circumstances that eventually led to the overturning of Roe vs Wade — a victory for the unborn and for all who hold to the sanctity of human life that, quite frankly, I prayed for… but never expected to see.  (It doesn’t take much for me to get choked up, even now, realizing that it DID happen!)


That’s Luke Polaske and Grant Beth, who endured what can only be called legitimate Biblical persecution at the hands of an angry Pro-Kamala (anti-Christian) crowd.  They were literally pushed, spit on, mocked (by a Presidential candidate!), and ultimately “uninvited” to the rally.

But here is the part you may not have heard yet, in their own words.  The pair have since had a chance to tell the story with details that didn’t make it into the initial reporting.

The following is an excerpt from the “Fox and Friends” morning show from this morning — the first time the two had given an interview and related the details of the event, including Kamala’s visceral reaction to an actual cross.  I would encourage you to watch this in it’s entirety, and really understand what these young men experienced.

So on top of the initial mocking by Kamala Harris, and the subsequent pushing, spitting, and cursing by those in the crowd as they made their way out… Kamala actually sneered at Luke Polaske after he took his cross off and held it up to her.

But this wasn’t a friendly smile of civility that Kamala threw their direction in response to the cross that Luke Polaske held up to her; it was a wave of dismissal, and an evil smirk of derision.

I have seen that look.  In the face of mujahedeen training for war in the mountains of Albania more than 20 years ago, pre-9/11… I saw that look.  Believe me when I say it was the same, and it came from the same place of anti-Christian sentiment.  I saw that look in the face of militants in Nairobi a few weeks after the embassy bombings in 1998 — when we should have known what was coming; we should have known what those looks meant.  But I have also seen that look on the face of people here in America, when in defiance of ungodly directives from upper management, I stood my ground and refused to bow the knee to the gods of political correctness and the early forms of today’s “wokeism”, long before that term was ever used.

That dismissive wave, and that evil smirk, should not be underestimated.  Kamala Harris not only dismissively mocked the statement “Jesus is Lord” and “Christ is King” after hearing someone accurately refer to abortions as “a sacrament to Satan” (GOOD JOB, POLASKE), but as the Fox News story relates — she visibly seethed with ridicule for the cross when he held it up for her to see!

She also criticized former President Trump for deliberately “hand-selecting” three Supreme Court justices with the ultimate goal of overturning Roe v. Wade.

Luke Polaske, another UW-La Crosse junior, sharply rebuked the remarks made by Harris, decrying abortion as a “sacrament to Satan.”

“About ten seconds go by, and that’s when the video of my friend Grant and I are proclaiming that ‘Christ is Lord’ and ‘Jesus is king’… [that’s] when we said that.”

In video footage of the rally, the air is rife with commotion as Beth and Polaske’s voices are heard shouting the phrases.

Harris, pausing her speech, turned her attention to them, and said, “You guys are at the wrong rally.”

She continued as the crowd roared, “I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street.”

Polaske offered a vivid account of the incident from his perspective, stating that he and Beth were approximately 20 to 30 yards away from Harris in the small venue. In detailing the encounter, he described his perceived interaction with the vice president.

“On video, Grant’s getting pushed and shoved, and there’s about five seconds before she tells us to go to a small rally down the street. You can see on the video, she waves. She was actually waving to me. I took this cross off my neck that I wear and, as we were getting asked to leave, I held it up in the air and waved at her and pointed at her, and she looked directly in the eye, kind of gave me an evil smirk.”

“I just want to clear that up and confirm that she 100% was talking to us.”

Here’s a view caught from an angle behind the action.

The fact that Kamala Harris would mock Christians, would get angry at anyone promoting a pro-life view, or kick someone she didn’t like out of her rally — none of that comes as a surprise to me at all.  Nor does the crowd’s reaction… completely joining in ridiculing the two believers, according to an article in the New York Post; mocking what God says is good, and calling what is evil as if it were “good”.

One of them said Harris even sarcastically waved to him and gave him “an evil smirk” as he held up the cross around his neck and pointed to her while being booted with his pal.

“I was pushed by an elderly woman. We were heckled at, we were cursed at, we were mocked, and that’s the biggest thing for me personally,” Beth said. “In reflection of the event, Jesus was mocked. You know, his disciples were mocked, and that’s OK.

What really concerns me is that this type of behavior, while already growing in the world today, has to some degree been held at bay in the United States of America.  For the Vice President of the United States who is running for the Presidency to openly mock Christianity and Biblical values in a completely unmitigated fashion — in the middle of a rally, knowing cameras are on her — fully expecting to be cheered and supported (just as she was) for that action — is terrifying, in terms of an America where Godly principles were once recognized as good and right, even by the majority of non-believers.

Oh, how far we have come.  And how far we will fall further, if we dare install a national leader with this much hatred and derision for Christ, His Word, and His followers.

The evil that Kamala’s policies have indicated should not be mistaken for mere political positioning.  She has not managed to align herself opposite to God on (as far as I can tell) every single issue by mere accident, or by simply reading left vs right political tea leaves in order to pander to her godless base.

She achieved that unholy track record because she believes in those things.  She isn’t merely trying to set herself apart by these policy choices… her alignment with an evil worldview, an “anti-Christ” worldview where she abhors everything of substance that is good and wholesome… is what is driving her political positioning; not the other way around.

Kamala Harris is the real deal.  That is the summary I have come to.  It is bad enough when we see, as we always have, politicians who simply pander to the base in whatever way their religion of pragmatic political positioning dictates on any given afternoon.  It is far worse when the person holding the reins of power — AND ATTEMPTING TO GRAB HOLD OF MORE — is at their core… evil, by the most basic Biblical definition, and set against everything that is sacred, holy, and right.


I am afraid that is what we have before us.  With barely two weeks until the die is cast one way or another, my prayer is that God allows us more time; more opportunity to turn our nation away from the sort of sin and corruption that Kamala represents, and back towards God — to the healing of our land.

God’s word says, “If MY people who are called by MY Name humble themselves, AND PRAY and SEEK MY FACE and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and HEAL THEIR LAND.”  (2 Chronicles 7:14, ESV – emphasis mine)

I believe those words, completely; even when my flesh can’t fathom it.  And I believe the change we need starts with us — the believers.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t really have much hope that the people in that crowd, or Kamala, will suddenly change.  I fully expect them to get worse.

But I’m not waiting for them to change.

It’s us, God’s people, those who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and who claim the name of Jesus, who were given that directive, anyway.  And I hope you’ll join with me, rather than hoping the godless will change — calling on the Lord Jesus together, in humility, seeking God’s face, confessing our own sins and our own unrighteousness… and expecting God to keep His promise – to forgive OUR sins, and heal our land.  Amen.


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