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Elon Musk Confirms Whether He Will Run For President In 2028

Is Elon Musk supporting President Trump as part of a bigger foray into politics?

Does he want to be President some day?

Perhaps run in 2028?

He was asked that in one of his recent Pennsylvania Town Hall events and he gave a very clear answer: (1) it’s not even possible without a Constitutional Amendment because he’s not a native-born American citizen, and (2) he wouldn’t want to anyway!  He just wants to build cool things and he can’t do that under the current Biden/Harris Regime, so that’s why he’s now involved.

Take a look here:

Backup full clip from my friend MJTruth right here:


Elon has been having some INCREDIBLE clips come out of these events.

Truly one of the smartest people we have right now in America, a real treasure.

I loved this one too:

And in related news, I want to dig in to why Elon Musk is putting so much on the line (his companies will almost surely be destroyed by the Government if Kamala wins) and on top of that why does he look so incredibly calm in the face of that pressure?

I think I know why….

See here:

Elon Musk Has It All? Promises Massive Data Dump After Trump Wins!

Elon Musk Has It All? Promises Massive Data Dump After Trump Wins!

Does Elon Musk have it all?

Is he holding the proverbial Trump Card?

Do you remember right after he purchased Twitter he said it's both a social media company AND a crime scene?

Note, he REPOSTED that on 9/21/24, just a few weeks ago.

Are we about to find out exactly what that meant?

I think I know what it means....



In fact, I keep asking why do Elon Musk and Donald Trump both look so incredibly calm and relaxed?

Considering how high the stakes are, shouldn't they appear even slightly nervous?

But neither one looks nervous....

They look the exact opposite to me.

They look like someone who is already holding the winning cards and simply waiting to play them:

Why Is Elon Musk So Relaxed When He Admits “If [Trump] loses, I’m f*cked!”? I Can Explain…

Is that just wishful thinking?

Maybe.....but Elon Musk basically just came right out and told you it was true.

Did you catch it?

Elon Musk was recently asked why we don't know who the J6 pipebomber was, and his reaction was that maybe he's a Federal Employee....


But he didn't say it like a joke, he said it like he KNEW.

Watch here:

But that wasn't even the key part.

After that, the man asked a follow up question about when we will get to finally see all the evidence that is rumored to be out Elon's hands.

Elon's answer?

He didn't say that's a stupid question....he said after President Trump wins he expects there to be a massive data dump and then we can all dig through it:

OH MY!!!

Backup here:

Ok, so it seems very clear to me Elon is tipping his hat and letting us know they have it all.

But why not release it now?

Why wait until after the election?

That's the most interesting question to me.

Do they need to win this election straight up without that tipping the scales?

Do they need President Trump in power to make sure justice is doled out?

And is this why Elon Musk seems so calm considering all he's laid on the line?

Why Is Elon Musk So Relaxed When He Admits “If [Trump] loses, I’m f*cked!”? I Can Explain…


Why Is Elon Musk So Relaxed When He Admits "If [Trump] loses, I'm f*cked!"? I Can Explain...

Why Is Elon Musk So Relaxed When He Admits "If [Trump] loses, I'm f*cked!"?

Allow me to explain...

And it starts with Elon being "All-in"!

No, that's not a reference to him going on the All-in Podcast like so many others have recently.

No, it's actually from a brand new longform sit-down interview he just did with Tucker Carlson and it is every bit as incredible as you might expect!

First is this revelation from Elon and I think he's right over the target:  Elon Musk tells Tucker Carlson the reason Kamala Harris is getting so much support from some billionaires is because Trump will release the Epstein Client list.

The quote that's going viral and Elon and Tucker joking around about what happens if Trump loses....

Elon:  “If [Trump] loses, I’m f*cked… How long do you think my prison sentence is going to be?”

They're laughing it up and having a great time, but something very strange jumped out to me as I was watching this.

I'll share that in just a moment, but first here is the link to the full interview so you can watch it, plus time-stamps for each topic:

Full screen video player here:

Ok, so now I want to talk about reading between the lines and what jumped out so strongly to me about this interview....

And that's how absolutely confident and completely unworried Elon looks.

Tucker looks the same way.

President Trump himself looks the same way.

This video has become a meme, but it's not too far off from real time:

EVERYONE on Team Trump looks happy and confident, almost giddily so!

Ask yourself, why is that?

With so much on the line, and the reality being that Elon is right...if Trump loses, Kamala Harris will weaponize the full weight of the federal government to go after him personally and to destroy his companies...

So in light of that crushing pressure surrounding you, how can he look so carefree?

I think I know EXACTLY why....and I wrote about it a few days ago in this report:

OCTOBER SURPRISE? Ivan Raiklin Asks Elon Musk To “Release The Mother of All Twitter Files”

OCTOBER SURPRISE? Ivan Raiklin Asks Elon Musk To "Release The Mother of All Twitter Files"

Remember when Elon Musk purchased Twitter and then started releasing documents that became known as "The Twitter Files" to certain journalists who then released them to the public?

Those files largely centered around Twitter being pressured by the US Government and Presidential Campaigns to censor information leading up to the last election.

But many believe Elon actually has more....much more!  And that he's been saving it up to deploy it at just the right time.

Perhaps an October Surprise?

I actually wrote about it earlier this morning on (where else?) Twitter:

What will be the October Surprise?

Obama on the Diddy list?

Elon releases Mother of All Twitter files?

Another attempt on Trump?

What do you think it will be?

I personally think Elon is holding a Trump card. I think he's exposed himself far too much to risk a Kamala presidency. I think he knows Trump will win because of the "Trump card" Elon will play. Coming soon!

It just makes sense...

Elon has gone all-in for President Trump but that is a tremendous risk if he loses.

So what causes a rational businessman like Elon to take on so much risk?

Perhaps he knows he's holding the "Trump Card" this whole time?

But it's not just my wild ideas....

Ivan Raiklin is suggesting the very same thing and even going so far as too show up the Texas House of Representatives to coordinate how it will all go down:

Here's Ivan with the caption: "Elon please feel free to share this:"

A ton of people are talking about it.


When Elon purchased Twitter, he got it all!

All the data!

Raiklin is calling this the "peaceful and patriotic" retribution:

As for Elon Musk, he has gone on record saying he intends to guarantee maximum consequences for what they did to his son:

Buckle up folks, it's about to get wild!!

In related news, have you heard of the "November Surprise"?

Former CIA and Pentagon Advisor Warns… “November Surprise Could Trigger Biggest Constitutional Crisis in America”

Former CIA and Pentagon Advisor Warns… “November Surprise Could Trigger Biggest Constitutional Crisis in America”

You've heard of an "October Surprise" but have you heard of a "November Surprise"?


If you’re worried about the recent market volatility…

You need to see what Former CIA and Pentagon Advisor Jim Rickards is predicting for this November. 

Jim is a lawyer and economist who’s worked at the highest levels of Wall Street and international finance across five decades.

And he correctly predicted the last two major financial crises in America. 

In the summer of 2008, he wrote a letter to top advisors in the presidential campaign saying:

“We can expect another panic spike in October 2008. This financial crisis is not over.”

Three weeks later, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt…

Panic took over and markets crashed across the world, ruining the retirement of millions of Americans.

Fast forward to January 2020. 

When most people were not worried about a pandemic, he sent an email to a small group of his readers…

Predicting the pandemic could soon trigger panic in the markets.

Sure enough, three weeks later, everyone began to panic…

And the stock market plunged 30% in what was the fastest crash in history.

Jim Rickards now believes a terrifying new crisis will hit America this coming November.

He’s predicting millions of Americans could be blindsided and suffer catastrophic losses.

And it’s all thanks to the information inside this little-known book you see below. 

Jim just posted a new video on his website with all the details, including the 5 steps every American should take right now.

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