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SCANDAL BREAKING: Kamala Harris “Borrowed” Image of a Black Woman To Play Her Grandmother In Her Book?

We recently covered the scandal involving Kamala’s alleged plagiarism in her book, “Smart on Crime“, and the fact that the New York Times eventually had no choice but to admit after much scrutiny that the issue was, in fact, not just a “minor” case of plagiaristic abuse.

Well, apparently Wikipedia articles and stories from the boyhood of Martin Luther King Jr weren’t the only things she plagiarized — she also allegedly stole a Grandmother!

Reports are surfacing, with particular help from Candace Owens, that the picture included in her book depicting her Grandmother is actually someone else’s Grandmother!  I am simply assuming that the lady pictured in the book had kids and grandkids, and was in fact “a grandmother” — but according to what Candace Owens is reporting, Kamala Harris is not one of them!

Check out this video that recently dropped as part of Candace’s deep dive into the background and heritage of Kamala Harris.

The alleged reason for Kamala’s deceit about her true Grandmother’s identity is to hide the fact that her paternal grandmother was a white woman, likely Irish!  According to Thinking Conservative, Candace began looking into Kamala’s background starting in episode 70 of her online show.

Candace Owens did a deep dive on Kamala Harris‘s genealogy researching Kamala Harris’ family background. Owens’ research has raised some interesting questions about Harris’ ethnicity suggesting some serious inconsistencies in her show episodes 70, 71, 72 and 73. More may be coming.

In the first 22 minutes of Episode 73 Owens explains the questionable background of Kamala Harris. Some are already noticing the parallels of this story with Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Obama, aka Barack Dunham, aka Barry Dunham. Owens has determined Harris’ background seems to be somewhat amiss. Is this another scam being perpetrated on America as it was with another “half-Black” candidate Barack Obama?

Owens apparent interest in investigating the background of Kamala Harris seems to have been spawned when black singer Janet Jackson (sister to Michael) came out to dispute the assertion that Kamala Harris was black.

“She’s not Black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian. Her father’s white. That’s what I was told. I mean, I haven’t watched the news in a few days,” Jackson said.

Thereafter Jackson took some immediate flack for her comment and even had an aid of hers write a letter of retraction and apology without her knowledge or authorization. That aid was immediately fired and Jackson stood by her original statement.

I want to point out that people have lost their jobs over this, simply because it is such a contentious issue.  The idea that Kamala Harris is black, or not, in some ways simply doesn’t matter — nor should it, in terms of her attempt to become President of the United States.

On the other hand, as Candace Owens points out in episode 78 of her show in which she actually talks to Kamala’s uncle in Jamaica, her ethnicity IS AN ISSUE because Kamala made it a campaign issue — she has literally ran her campaign partly on her by her ability to claim issues facing America’s black population as her own, and thereby claim the ability to speak with more authority on those matters than she might otherwise have been afforded.


If you’re interested in a “deep dive” of your own, here is episode 78 of the Candace Show.  It is here that Candace really started making serious headway in discovering some of the deceit that allegedly went in to creating Kamala’s faked heritage and “origin” story.  (This is fascinating stuff, and she ultimately gets into far more than just Kamala’s heritage!  I am dying to bring you more information on what she is finding!)

According to a story carried by Fox News regarding the controversy of Kamala’s ethnicity — and Janet Jackson’s straightforward comments about the issue — Jackson’s manager released a statement saying her comments were “based on misinformation”, and did not truly reflect Janet Jackson’s actual thoughts.

In an interview with the Guardian on Saturday, the 58-year-old singer was asked about her thoughts on Harris potentially becoming the first Black female president.

When the interviewer argued Harris was both Black and Indian, Jackson continued, “Her father’s White. That’s what I was told. I mean, I haven’t watched the news in a few days. I was told that they discovered her father was White.”

Buzzfeed reported that Jackson’s manager, Mo Elmasri, released a statement on Sunday saying her comments were “based on misinformation” rather than her actual thoughts on Harris.

Jackson’s original comments came a couple of months after former President Trump’s contentious appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). During a Q&A event, Trump said Harris changed her racial background.

As it turns out, Mo Elmasri is only a “creative consultant”, not her manager.  Janet Jackson stood by her comments, as did President Trump.  Good for them both.  There is no room for racism in American politics, and obviously there are circumstances that ethnicity should play zero role in.  But when a person makes their ethnicity an issue, and lies about it as Kamala Harris has allegedly done, it becomes a valid issue that needs to be addressed.

There is no room for racism in American politics.  There is likewise no room for liars and deceivers — which is my biggest concern about Kamala Harris; not what her DNA is.

That said — it takes a person of low character to stack as many deceitful stories as Kamala Harris has been accused of stacking.  Just as I do for all of Kamala’s sketchy stories I hope that the truth does come out, if for no other reason than to expose her for the liar that she is.  Did Kamala Harris plagiarize somebody else’ Grandmother?  I don’t doubt it.  But whether we find out this is or isn’t true, the fact remains that she has lied about so much more that we do know about.

Here is the full episode of Candace’s Show, episode 86, titled “Who Is Kamala’s Real Grandmother?”  This gets deep — but it’s exciting to see someone actually dig into things that Kamala would rather no one find out!

This is breaking news, and we will bring you updates as they come available.


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