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It Didn’t Work For Hillary, And It’s Not Working For Kamala (Side By Side Video)

Really good memes are those that need very little alteration to be funny and make a point.  But the BEST memes are the ones that need absolutely no alteration at all.

And that’s when LEAHmemes entered the chat.

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the last week or so, you’ve noticed a change.  I mean, it’s not as if “joy” was ever ACTUALLY Kamala’s strong point.  Sure, it was a hashtag.  It was a soundbite.  It made a good campaign ad tagline.  But are you really going to build a winning campaign on “joy” to begin with?

Kamala attempted to build a campaign on it, but everyone with a brain knew it was a terrible idea — and definitely wouldn’t end up to be a “winning” campaign because you stuck a positive noun on the bottom of your campaign posters to elicit the warm and fuzzies.

But here we are, 18 days until Election Day, and it seems as though the joy — even her faked version — is GONE.  In fact… she seems just as shrill and angry as Hillary did this time 4 years ago!

Jessie Watters noticed the same thing — Kamala seems to be resorting to Hillary’s 2016 panic mode.  And why not?  She tried to steal President Trump’s policies when she had none of her own (at least, not good ones she was willing to talk about).  Why shouldn’t we expect her to steal Hillary’s version of PANIC MODE, when her own wasn’t working?  (President Trump didn’t have a panic mode to steal — that’s not his area of expertise.)


There’s a reason that Kamala is suddenly switching from “joy” to “angry panic”, according to reporting from The Hill.  And that reason is simple.  Her campaign is collapsing, her numbers are collapsing, and President Trump is absolutely trouncing her — what else is there for her to do, except panic?

Kamala Harris is continuing to underperform across the polling spectrum.

Pick any average from the multitude of polling views — two-way, multicandidate, battleground states, and even individual battleground states — and Harris is running consistently below where Joe Biden was in 2020 and Hillary Clinton in 2016.

So it’s no surprise Democrats are growing nervous.

There’s a reason the Harris campaign is suddenly making her available for softball media opportunities, such as her recent appearances on CBS’s “60 Minutes” and “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” as well as ABC’s “The View,” and even for riskier ones like her Wednesday appearance on Fox News.

Gone is the strategy attributed to Abraham Lincoln that it is “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” Silence is a luxury that Team Kamala can no longer afford. A look at Harris’ polling numbers will tell you why.

The RealClearPolitics Oct. 17 average of national two-way race polling shows Harris leading Trump, 49.2 percent to 47.7 percent. That’s close, but it’s still a lead —no reason to panic, right?

Wrong. Remember that Biden beat Trump by 4.4 percent in 2020’s popular vote, yet he barely squeaked by in the Electoral College. His margin of victory there came from winning Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin (with 43 electoral votes) by less than 77,000 votes combined.

The reason for Biden’s comparatively wide popular vote margin and his narrow electoral victory came from racking up surplus votes in California and New York, worth roughly 4.4 percent of the total popular vote.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton rolled up similar California and New York surpluses but just a 2.1 percentage-point popular vote margin overall (48.2 to 46.1 percent). She lost the electoral vote handily (304-227).

That Harris’s current polling lead is slightly below Hillary’s 2016 popular vote margin is reason enough for Democrats to worry. But they have bigger worries still, because Harris is polling far worse now than either Biden or Clinton at the same time in 2020 and 2016. What’s more, she’s doing it almost across the board.

Across the board bad news equals across the board panic, right?  For better or for worse (I’m guessing much worse), that’s what Kamala has apparently decided to go with; the angry panic of Hillary 2016.  As Benny Johnson pointed out on X, it didn’t work for Hillary… and it’s not going to work for Kamala.

The good news is her downfall is so obvious that she’s even reacting to it.  Eighteen days — isn’t that what stands between President Trump and electoral ascendency?  Yes, yes it is.

Until then, pray for our true President.  Pray against those who would do him harm.  Pray for our country, our future, and the defeat of the enemies of our Constitution – foreign or domestic; or as President Trump put it, the “enemies within”.

Oh – one more video I uncovered researching this story.  Apparently Kamala showed up at a Trump rally at one point.  At least… that’s what it appears to have happened; allegedly.  Whoever it was, they sure looked a lot like loser Hillary Clinton to President Trump.  And Kamala Harris is looking JUST like Hillary Clinton did, right before her big loss to President Trump.  I’ll point out that he had to have the lady in the video escorted out by security.

Oh, how I look forward to that day.  Bye, Felicia.  Er- I mean, Kamala.


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