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BREAKING: 2,000 Pages (Grand Jury Testimony) Unsealed in Jack Smith’s Case Against President Trump – 3 Weeks Before Election!

Judge Chutkan, presiding over Jack Smith’s January 6th related case against President Trump, released “a mountain” of evidence in the case — unsealing Grand Jury testimony among the thousands of pages of evidence just days before Election Day.

Reportedly many of the pages are heavily redacted, which could argue that the only purpose for such a release would be to bring attention back to the case just before voters head to the ballots.

But not everything is redacted — including the pivotal assertion by prosecutor Jack Smith that President Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, 2021 were the actions of a private citizen, as opposed to a President, which would invalidate the immunity ruling of the Supreme Court for a President.  It would stand to reason, however, that it would also remove the argued culpability of President Trump if his actions from the Oval Office are, as Jack Smith now wants to contend, not official acts of a President. (Keep in mind, the logic Jack Smith uses to get to this assertion is equivalent to saying since he wasn’t sitting behind the Resolute Desk using his official computer, but was holding a TV remote and drinking a Pepsi… it wasn’t officially “Presidential” — and yes… that’s actually part of Jack Smith’s deranged argument.)

Here is a CBS video report detailing those specific aspects of this evidence unsealing — which I would argue leaves no alternative except to see this as election interference in its’ purest form.

As reported, the majority of the documents in the unsealed dossiers which are not redacted include much of what was already in the public sphere, as reported by Newsmaxso why do so now, with just 18 days until the Election?

Evidence unsealed Friday in the federal criminal case accusing former President Donald Trump of attempting to overturn the 2020 election contained few details not previously made public and was filled with redactions.

The hundreds of pages, many of which were blanked out and marked “sealed,” included material referenced in a sweeping court filing from special counsel Jack Smith made public earlier this month that argued that Trump, the Republican presidential candidate in this year’s election, is not immune from the remaining allegations in the case.

Smith refiled his case after the Supreme Court ruled that a former president has broad immunity from prosecution for official acts conducted while in office.

The unsealed documents included excerpts of interviews, with witnesses names blacked out, conducted by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House Jan. 6 select committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Remember, this is not some statutory compliance issue where the Judge is ensuring that some legally binding window is met by releasing certain information within a specific time frame.  This was simply a decision on the Judge’s part to release information ALREADY IN THE PUBLIC SPHERE.


What reasoning would predicate that decision except to simply bring attention back to those things that may have lost the “wind” that carried them along when they were first revealed publicly?

According to a CBS report on the situation, 1,889 pages have been released, to be precise.  President Trump’s legal team attempted to prevent the unsealing, arguing the very thing that I am highlighting — obvious election interference intended to sway voters by re-introducing information into the public’s view (EVIDENCE & TESTIMONY) which has yet to be validated, and has led to no verdict being made.

The 1,889 pages of material, which Trump’s legal team had sought to keep under wraps, constitute four volumes of an appendix that Smith’s prosecutors filed alongside a motion over presidential immunity that was unveiled earlier this month. U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing the case, ordered the unsealing of the redacted appendix last week, but delayed the release to give Trump time to contest her decision.

The new documents include transcripts of court hearings, interviews and speeches related to the case, as well as additional source material. Smith had indicated that much of the appendix contains sensitive information that should stay hidden from the public, and the released version contains hundreds of pages that remain under seal. That evidence, subject to a protective order issued at the start of the case last year, likely includes transcripts of testimony before a grand jury and FBI interviews.

Every now and again, even CNN will say the truth out loud.  You can here the obvious bias from both Jake Tapper and Katelyn Polantz in the following clip.  But I want you to pay attention to what she says is behind President Trump’s lawyer’s consistency in highlighting that the judge is not “doing things right“.

Did you catch that?  If she is correct, and I believe she is — that President Trump’s lawyers’ intention here is to create a consistent record of pointing out the wrong handling of these types of incidents by the Judge… that tells me two things by inference:

  1. The case IS being handled improperly.
  2. The prosecution and judge both know it.

To which you might ask, “So?”.  Imagine a scenario where the presiding judge and the prosecutor both know that the case is never going to be ultimately successful against President Trump — that even if he is “convicted” in this court, ultimately that decision will be overturned and thrown out at some later date.

And imagine, if you are an anti-Trump prosecutor and an anti-Trump judge, and you are willing to do anything you can to sway the election in an attempt to prevent President Trump from taking up residency in the White House ever again… what are you willing to do?

Are you willing to sacrifice a case against President Trump from any future win, that you know isn’t possible anyway, if there is the slightest chance that you could sway voters against him 18 DAYS BEFORE THEY CAST THEIR VOTES?

The obvious answer… is “Yes”, if you are an unethical anti-Trumper suffering from a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

President Trump’s lawyers rightly argued yesterday that the release could be dangerous for potential witnesses, according to a Newsweek story, considering the amount of coverage the case and election is getting in the news.

In a filing on Thursday, Trump’s lawyers warned release of the new evidence could also endanger potential witnesses, “especially in light of the extraordinary media coverage of this case and the Presidential election that is less than 3 weeks away—and also irreparably harm President Trump.”

They also complain that Vice President Kamala Harris has been using the released evidence in YouTube ads for her presidential campaign.

“The incumbent Vice President—whose administration the Special Counsel serves—also began featuring the Special Counsel’s brief in political advertisements for the 2024 Presidential Election. Kamala Harris, YouTube (Oct. 6, 2024),” the filing states.

On Friday, Chutkan unsealed a substantial appendix to the 165-page evidence brief. That appendix has never been seen by the public and contains further allegations against the former president.

Will this ultimately have any bearing on the final outcome of the election?  I don’t think so — at least, not in terms of the Presidency.  I see this as one of a few “Hail Mary” attempts that democrats attempt to throw as they see Kamala and Walz burn their own campaign to the ground around them.

What this does is show just how far the “normalcy bias” has shifted the landscape in America, when such an overt (and prosecutable, in my opinion!) act of election fraud can be considered worth the risk by those perpetrating it simply because they expect no push-back!

Let me just say… after November 5th, there might be push-back.  This case will ultimately be thrown out, or whatever verdict is reached overturned, and it will be found to have been politically motivated from inception.  But that injustice should not go unpunished, if that is what happens.  And isn’t that what this election is all about; a return to JUSTICE?


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