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Local Government Passes Motion Calling For Suspension Of mRNA COVID-19 Jabs, To Notify All 500+ Local Councils In Country

According to journalist Rebekah Barnett, an Australian local government has called for the suspension of the mRNA COVID-19 jabs.

“WORLD FIRST: Australian local government calls for suspension of Covid mRNA vaccines over DNA contamination concerns,” Barnett wrote.

“Other councils are likely to follow. Meanwhile, federal authorities continue to deny any problems,” she added.

“In a surprise move, the local government of West Australian mining town Port Hedland has voted to call for the immediate suspension of the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines pending an investigation into evidence of excessive levels of synthetic DNA in the shots,” Barnett wrote in Dystopian Down Under.

“The Council voted 5:2 in favour of a motion that will see EVERY LOCAL COUNCIL in Australia notified of the contamination risks. This move comes after @DJSpeicher detected up to 145x the legal limit of residual synthetic DNA in Australian vaccine vials,” Barnett noted.

X account ‘Humanspective’ shared footage from the Port Hedland Council meeting.



Per Humanspective:

NEW. HISTORIC MOMENT IN AUSTRALIA. The action that results from this could end up sweeping the World

A new motion brought by the Port Hedland Council, in Western Australia, gets a 5-2 majority vote to “Call for an immediate suspension of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 products”. Here’s some IMPORTANT POINTS of the motion that was passed by majority:

◻All 537 Local Councils Australia Wide will be notified that they have called for the immediate suspension of covid mRNA vaccine, providing also the evidence and research around DNA contamination
◻ “That Council forthwith deliver the letter seen at Annexure 1 to the Prime Minister”
◻ “That Council forthwith circulates to all registered health practitioners and medical clinics operating within the Port Hedland Local Government Area”
◻Councils will “Circulate to all other Australian Local Government Councils and shires [informing] all Councils and Shires about the findings”
◻“Council strongly urges to practitioners to share this information with patients contemplating receiving any Pfizer or Moderna Covid mRNA vaccines”
◻The CEO and their delegates contact the Commonwealth Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler, presenting Dr. Speicher’s Special Council Meeting Agenda”
◻“The Council request a formal and public response from Minister Butler”, the Australian Federal Health Minister

These councillors discuss “the seriousness of the matter” around DNA contamination of both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines [which showed] levels 145x higher then levels deemed safe by the TGA. The councillors say there is “Clear scientific evidence that millions of Australians” could be, or have been, exposed to these risks:

(4:34) Second Councillor Speaks. Votes FOR. Mentions that the silence from the Government and Health Officials is “QUITE ALARMING”
(13:33) This is a Historic Motion
(14:49) Nurse with 47 years experience. Votes FOR
(16:21) Fourth Councillor votes FOR
(16:57) Deputy Mayor. Votes FOR
(21:15) Closing Remarks by Cr. Adrian McRae and final Vote. Adrian mentions


“Evidence [shows] levels of synthetic DNA contamination [is] up to 145 times higher [than] the TGA’s own safety limits. For those unfamiliar the TGA limits are there for a reason, because synthetic DNA has been shown to integrate into human cells, leading to potential longterm health risks, like cancer genomic instability, vascular thromboses and blood clotting… well as immune system disruptions. These findings are alarming, but they are also far from isolated.

Independent studies now in Canada, Germany and the US have all confirmed similar levels of contamination. International experts including some of the world’s leading oncologists, geneticists, virologists, immunologists, microbiologists, and biochemists have joined forces to warn governments around the world, including our own government, about the dangers these contaminants pose.

This is why the honorable Russell Broadbent MP, the Federal Member for Monash, has written multiple letters to the Prime Minister urging an immediate investigation and suspension of these vaccines. Yet the response from our government has been nothing but silence, not a word from the Prime Minister, not a word from the minister of health, despite receiving clear scientific evidence that millions of Australians could be at risk including those folks right here in Port Headland who were forced to take these experimental shots”

“Sure health is not in the remit of of local government, but looking after our people most certainly is…..Tonight it was certainly not doing anything other than asking questions…..I would like to think that most of the people here are are not scared to ask questions of our bosses or of our state governments, or federal governments….we’re all people no matter, you know, we’re all just making our way through and I just think [that] this motion tonight [could] be the ripple that um creates a bigger wave across the country, and perhaps across the world.

So there are a lot of people watching this, I know all over the world, pretty much every continent is covered and it’s been a honour to talk with you guys about it, and it’s an honour to represent you guys on such an issue…. [but] I just hope that everyone votes the right way and [I think] most people here know what the right way is so thank you”

This really could be the beginning of a grass roots movement within the smaller government councils, notifying smaller communities Australia wide, pushing the Federal and State governments to take real action

“The Council will send written warnings to all health practitioners in Port Hedland of ‘the potential health risks posed by synthetic DNA contamination, including the dangers of genomic integration, cancer, hereditary defects and immune system disruption,’” Barnett wrote.

Federal and state officials will also be contacted, as Port Hedland Council joins forces with @BroadbentMP to circulate a dossier co-signed by 52 leading scientists & academics calling to stop the shots until ‘substantial risks’ have been investigated,” she added.

“The media has since claimed that Port Hedland Council is ‘off the rails’ and that DNA contamination concerns have been ‘debunked.’ However, ‘debunking’ would require that evidence be presented, and no regulator or media outlet has done this as yet,” Barnett said.

Per Dystopian Down Under:

The council will join federal MP Russell Broadbent in calling for the suspension of the mod-RNA Covid vaccines until an urgent and thorough investigation has been carried out into the DNA contamination matter, after independent testing of Australian vials of Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines detected residual synthetic DNA at levels up to 145 above the legal limit.

In several letters to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese last month, the independent Member for Monash included warnings from leading scientists that “excessive synthetic foreign DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles can integrate into human cells, potentially leading to genomic instability, cancers, immune system disruption, and adverse hereditary effects.”

Port Hedland Councillor Adrian McRae, who brought the motion, said on Friday that he hoped the vote “will be the ripple that creates a bigger wave across the country, and perhaps the world” on the issue of Covid vaccine safety.

During the two-and-a-half-hour special meeting, councillors reviewed an analysis of Australian Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines by molecular virologist Dr David Speicher, which showed that levels of synthetic DNA in the vials “far exceeded” the allowable regulatory limit set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Councillors heard that the TGA has denied the validity of Dr Speicher’s findings. However, Moderna’s protocol for measuring DNA levels in its Covid vaccine, released in response to my Freedom of Information request to the TGA (FOI 5286), calls the TGA’s claim into question.

According to Barnett, Port Hedland Mayor Peter Carter said a ‘stupid motion’ brought by ‘anti-vaxxers’ may compel the Western Australian state government to dissolve the council.

“All 537 Australian Councils to Receive DNA Contamination report contained in correspondence from Russell Broadbent MP to the Prime Minister. Australia’s Prime Minister has been alerted to a clear and present danger within Covid shots,” X user ‘jules on the beach’ said.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at 100 Percent Fed Up.

View the original article here.


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