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SPREAD THIS EVERYWHERE: List of President Trump’s TOP 100 Accomplishments!

A reader messaged me today suggesting we get the message out about all of President Trump’s accomplishments.

I thought it was a great idea, so I compiled a TOP 100 list….and it seems like a fantastic time to review all of these with less than 30 days to go to the Election.

Remember David Letterman’s Top Ten List?

That was great, but we need more than ten here, we need 100!

Now this morning I just used it to compile a list of President Trump’s TOP 100 accomplishments during his first term and the list is truly stunning!

I do want to say that a couple on here you may not agree with (i.e. “Warp Speed” — although the final verdict on that is still out — READ MORE HERE:

And some I had forgotten about!

Actually MANY I had forgotten about!


So let’s all remember together….and then SHARE this far and wide if you don’t mind!

  1. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Enacted significant tax cuts for individuals and businesses.
  2. Economic Growth: Oversaw a period of substantial economic growth pre-COVID-19.
  3. Unemployment Rates: Achieved historically low unemployment rates before the pandemic.
  4. Stock Market Records: Stock markets reached all-time highs during his term.
  5. Criminal Justice Reform: Signed the First Step Act, reforming sentencing laws and expanding rehabilitation programs.
  6. Military Spending: Increased defense spending, modernizing the military.
  7. Veterans Affairs: Signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials to fire failing employees and established a VA hotline.
  8. Border Security: Advocated for and began construction of barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border.
  9. Trade Agreements: Renegotiated NAFTA, resulting in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
  10. China Trade Policy: Imposed tariffs on Chinese goods, aiming to combat unfair trade practices.
  11. Deregulation: Reduced the number of federal regulations, aiming to simplify governmental processes for businesses and individuals.
  12. Judicial Appointments: Appointed three Supreme Court Justices and numerous federal judges.
  13. Israel and the Middle East: Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and helped broker the Abraham Accords.
  14. Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal: Withdrew from the JCPOA, citing concerns over Iran’s compliance and regional behavior.
  15. Energy Independence: U.S. became a net exporter of oil and natural gas.
  16. Elimination of ISIS’s Territorial Caliphate: Directed efforts that led to the end of the Islamic State’s territorial control in Iraq and Syria.
  17. Space Force: Established the U.S. Space Force as a new branch of the Armed Forces.
  18. North Korea: Engaged in direct diplomacy with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
  19. Opioid Crisis: Signed bills to combat the opioid epidemic and increased funding for opioid treatment.
  20. Healthcare: Repealed the individual mandate penalty of the Affordable Care Act.
  21. Right to Try Act: Allowed terminally ill patients to try experimental treatments not yet approved by the FDA.
  22. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Increased funding and signed legislation to support HBCUs.
  23. Bipartisan Conservation Legislation: Signed the Great American Outdoors Act, funding national park maintenance and conservation.
  24. Child Care and Family Leave: Advocated for and supported policies for paid family leave and child care support.
  25. Immigration Policy Reform: Implemented measures aimed at reducing illegal immigration and reforming asylum procedures.
  26. NATO Funding: Pressured NATO allies to increase their defense spending.
  27. Syria: Ordered a missile strike against a Syrian airfield used in a chemical weapons attack.
  28. Criminal Deportations: Increased deportations of gang members and individuals charged with serious crimes.
  29. Human Trafficking: Signed legislation and took measures to combat human trafficking.
  30. Food Stamp Reform: Implemented reforms to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), aiming to encourage self-sufficiency.
  31. Broadband Internet in Rural Areas: Worked on expanding broadband access in rural communities.
  32. 5G Technology: Promoted the development and deployment of 5G technology.
  33. Israel-Gulf States Relations: Facilitated normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab states.
  34. Anwar al-Awlaki Operation: Conducted a successful operation eliminating ISIS leader Anwar al-Awlaki.
  35. U.S.-Taliban Peace Deal: Negotiated a peace agreement with the Taliban in Afghanistan.
  36. Protecting Life in Global Health Policy: Expanded policies to restrict funding for overseas abortions.
  37. Title IX Protections: Revised Title IX regulations to provide due process protections in college sexual assault cases.
  38. Religious Liberty: Promoted policies to protect religious freedom.
  39. Opportunity Zones: Created Opportunity Zones to encourage investment in low-income communities.
  40. Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule: Revised the WOTUS rule to reduce federal jurisdiction over waterways, aiming to benefit farmers and landowners.
  41. Clean Energy Technologies: Supported the development of clean coal and nuclear energy.
  42. Medicare: Implemented policies to lower Medicare prescription drug prices.
  43. Environmental Protection: Signed the Save Our Seas Act to reduce oceanic plastic pollution.
  44. Telehealth Services: Expanded access to telehealth services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  45. COVID-19 Pandemic Response: Initiated Operation Warp Speed to develop and distribute COVID-19 vaccines.
  46. Middle East Troop Withdrawals: Reduced American troop presence in the Middle East.
  47. National Security Strategy: Released a National Security Strategy emphasizing competition with China and Russia.
  48. U.S.-Japan Trade Deal: Signed a trade agreement with Japan.
  49. U.S.-South Korea Trade Agreement: Renegotiated the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement.
  50. U.S.-EU Trade Relations: Worked on improving trade relations with the European Union.
  51. Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism: Targeted anti-Semitism in educational institutions.
  52. Bureau of Land Management Headquarters Relocation: Moved the Bureau of Land Management’s headquarters to Colorado.
  53. Protecting Seniors with Diabetes: Made Medicare plans more affordable for seniors with diabetes.
  54. Executive Orders on Healthcare: Signed executive orders aimed at lowering drug prices and protecting pre-existing conditions.
  55. Public Charge Rule: Enforced immigration rules ensuring self-sufficiency of immigrants.
  56. National Garden of American Heroes: Announced the creation of a national garden to honor American historical figures.
  57. Protecting Federal Statues and Monuments: Signed an executive order to protect federal statues and monuments.
  58. Reducing Humanitarian Crisis at the Border: Implemented policies to reduce the humanitarian crisis at the southern border.
  59. U.S. Energy Dominance: Pursued policies contributing to the U.S. becoming the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas.
  60. Streamlining Infrastructure Projects: Expedited environmental reviews for infrastructure projects.
  61. Protecting U.S. Steel and Aluminum Industries: Imposed tariffs to protect the steel and aluminum industries from foreign competition.
  62. Reforming the Endangered Species Act: Implemented changes to the Endangered Species Act, aiming for more effective and efficient implementation.
  63. Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP): Established the MPP, requiring asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while their claims are processed.
  64. Enhancing Cybersecurity: Signed legislation and executive orders to enhance U.S. cybersecurity.
  65. Fighting the Opioid Crisis: Declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency and implemented a nationwide public awareness campaign.
  66. Support for Law Enforcement: Strongly supported law enforcement and implemented policies to back police departments.
  67. Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship: Aimed to prevent online censorship by social media platforms.
  68. Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement: Withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement, citing concerns about economic impact.
  69. Rebuilding the Military: Focused on rebuilding the U.S. military with new equipment and technology.
  70. Enhancing School Choice: Advocated for and supported policies to enhance school choice and charter schools.
  71. Reducing Prescription Drug Prices: Signed four executive orders aimed at reducing the prices of prescription drugs.
  72. Improving Kidney Care: Signed an executive order to improve care for patients with kidney disease.
  73. Securing 5G Networks: Worked on securing 5G networks and technology in the U.S.
  74. Strengthening the U.S. Manufacturing Base: Focused on policies to strengthen the U.S. manufacturing base and bring back manufacturing jobs.
  75. Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence: Signed an executive order to promote the development and regulation of artificial intelligence.
  76. Improving Rural Health: Launched initiatives to improve healthcare and connectivity in rural areas.
  77. Enhancing American Agriculture: Negotiated deals and aid to support American farmers.
  78. Protecting Ocean Resources: Issued an executive order on ocean mapping and resource management.
  79. Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic: Coordinated a federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including travel restrictions and stimulus packages.
  80. Promoting Women in the Workforce: Supported initiatives to promote women in business and global development.
  81. Strengthening Immigration Enforcement: Enhanced U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and border security.
  82. Revamping the U.S. Space Program: Revitalized the U.S. space program, including a return to manned space flights and a mission to Mars.
  83. Supporting Mental Health: Signed an executive order to address the mental health needs of veterans and reduce suicide rates.
  84. Enhancing American Fisheries: Implemented policies to enhance and protect American fisheries.
  85. Promoting American Leadership in AI: Launched the American AI Initiative to promote AI research and regulation.
  86. Addressing Electronic Health Records: Worked on improving the interoperability of electronic health records for veterans.
  87. Expanding Access to Association Health Plans: Expanded access to association health plans to provide more health insurance options.
  88. Strengthening NATO Alliance: Encouraged NATO allies to increase their defense spending, strengthening the alliance.
  89. Promoting Energy Exports: Expanded U.S. energy exports, including liquefied natural gas (LNG).
  90. Enhancing the Federal Workforce: Implemented policies to improve hiring and management of the federal workforce.
  91. Reforming the H-1B Visa Program: Initiated reforms to the H-1B visa program to protect American workers.
  92. Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment: Launched initiatives to advance women’s economic empowerment globally.
  93. Reducing Regulatory Burdens: Continued efforts to reduce the regulatory burden across various sectors.
  94. Promoting Religious Freedom Globally: Took steps to promote religious freedom internationally.
  95. Enhancing U.S. Sovereignty: Worked on policies emphasizing U.S. sovereignty in international relations.
  96. Improving Veteran Employment: Focused on improving employment and training opportunities for veterans.
  97. Strengthening Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure: Enhanced the cybersecurity of critical U.S. infrastructure.
  98. Promoting American Biotechnology: Issued an executive order to promote the development of biotechnology in the U.S.
  99. Reforming the Environmental Review Process: Reformed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to streamline infrastructure projects.
  100. Supporting the Blue Economy: Promoted the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystems.

Incredible, right?

Did we miss any?

100 is a lot, but it could probably easily be 1,000 so please put any we missed in the comments below….



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