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Bombshell: Kamala’s Husband an “Asshole” & “Misogynistic”, And That’s Not All…

As Vice President and current Democratic candidate for President, Kamala Harris generally soaks up the majority of the spotlight.  But recently her husband, the “Second Gentleman”, has made waves of his own in the media.

Now on top of several recent scandalous peaks behind the curtain of Doug Emhoff’s life (which I will probably touch on at some point in this story), several former colleagues have come out with tales of debauchery and crude misogynistic descriptions of working with the would-be “First Gentleman”.

(Lord, please forgive me for even mentioning that remote possibility that he becomes the “First Gentleman”, and please hear my prayer to the contrary.)

I remarked to my wife during the course of researching this story that there is a big difference between us, and people like Doug Emhoff.  Don’t get me wrong — I completely believe that the potential for the vilest of evil rests in the heart of every one of us.  “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked…” (Jeremiah 17:9 KJV)

But there is a difference between the sin with which we each contend, to varying degrees of success from one day to the next… and the evil that overtakes a person who no longer wars against sin, but musters every resource to ensure that sin is PROVISIONED and the fallout MITIGATED, so that they can sin all the more the next day, and the day after, and the day after that.

I’m a sinful man, just like every one of you reading this – even those of us redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.  But the evil that permeates the life of someone like Doug Emhoff is nearly tangible, and scary.  So what has me getting so Biblical in the middle of a story?  Let’s get into it, and you can see for yourself.


If you’re not as familiar with Doug as you are with Kamala, let me play a couple of videos so you can get a feel for his demeanor; at least, his public-facing demeanor.  Here’s a very short clip of an interview he did with Jen Psaki for MSNBC a little more than a week ago.

You may have noticed “Katya” pictured to the right of that video.  Let’s turn to a post by Collin Rugg of Trending Politics for a little insight into Katya, and as Paul Harvey would say, “the rest of the story”.  (I’ll post the full text of his post below for easier reading.)

Doug Emhoff’s former colleagues have come forward, say he refused to promote women who didn’t flirt with him & would brag about yelling at women.

Emhoff impregnated his nanny, is accused of assaulting his girlfriend, and now this.

According to the Daily Mail, Emhoff was a known misogynist as the managing director at Venable in LA.

Emhoff would scream at women and yell expletives at them and then brag about it with his male colleagues.

“What’s worse was he bragged about it to the management at Venable and they were aghast. He’s an a**hole. He told them how he “put her in her place”. A misogynist, that’s who does that,” a staffer said.

Emhoff was “very flirty” and “if you weren’t flirty back or didn’t respond positively then you were on his s**t list,” a female staffer said.

Venable was even sued by former legal secretary Marjan Rabbi in 2019 alleging s*x discrimination when she worked at the company.

In her lawsuit, she says Emhoff had a secretary in her 20s referred to as ‘Katya’ who was “unqualified” but was “hired because she was young, attractive, and friendly with the powerful men in the office.”

That’s a lot of misogyny for one man.  I’d like to show you one more video clip of another interview Doug did with Jonathan Capehart, also with MSNBC, a year ago.  Capehart asked Doug about masculinity, and Doug predictably waxed on about so-called “toxic masculinity”.

And then came a question about their personal lives.  And as careful as Doug was to maintain that veneer of authentic “normal” — I’m not buying it.  I see a man who seems like his primary fear is being exposed, and his primary focus is maintaining the ruse of “normal”.

Am I imagining things simply because I disagree with the guy’s politics?  (And worldview, and definition of manhood, and choice for a wife, and previous life choices, etc.)  But, hey — you be the judge.

That line about, “You’ve got this troupe out there where you’ve gotta be tough, and you know, angry, and lash out to be strong – I’m just the opposite.  Ya know, strength is how you show your love for people, strength is how you are for people and how you have their back, and how you – you stick up for other people; pushing up- pushing out against bullies.”

Yeah, no.  Not buying it.

One of the outlets running with the new revelations by his former colleagues is the Daily Mail.  For the most part, the story has gone surprisingly under reported.  To the degree that I just saw where President Trump is speaking about the apparent avoidance of much of the media to report what SHOULD be a huge story!

No chance this story gets minimal play if President Trump is in the hot seat for these accusations.  But the party who PRIDES (ironic pun intended) itself on being the party that fights for women’s rights and against misogyny has a Presidential candidate married to a man with a fairly lengthy misogynistic rap sheet, with more allegations coming to light — and the media just lets it slide???

That was President Trump on with Ben Shapiro today, hitting back at the softball handling the media is giving Kamala and the “Second Gentleman”.  I have to agree.  If accusations like that were leveled at President Trump — or even Melania, if you want to compare apples to apples, to some degree — there is no chance it isn’t the biggest scandal you could imagine in the media.  They would absolutely lynch President Trump and Melania if roles were reversed.

And, look — it’s not like this is the first MASSIVELY DAMNING report that has come out about Doug Emhoff, with tons of corroborating witnesses and evidence.  Just… watch this.  (Full-screen video and full text both below for easier viewing.)


Doug Emhoff not only beat his ex, but he beat the Nanny he impregnated and caused her so much trauma that she miscarried. Doug Emhoff has not denied these allegations: Maureen Callahan: The evidence that the [Daily] mail collected is copious detailed, legitimate. She later learned that the nanny had told people that his aggression, his anger, he yelled, he did something in her estimation, caused her to lose that pregnancy. Now there is a police report, an LAPD police report that lines up with the time that the nanny would have been pregnant. That was designated a level three response, since that’s a life threatening emergency. Megyn Kelly: All of that is in the Daily Mail’s second report on Doug Emhoff, which hit on October 2nd. And that business about the nanny is so critical because let me tell you what’s not denied. In Doug Emhoff’s, unnamed spokespersons or the campaign’s unnamed spokespersons statement to Semafor, that. That he paid the nanny $80,000 to sign an NDA that was not broken in the first Daily Mail report a month earlier. This is new that he paid her 80 grand to sign an NDA and that the nanny, according to Doug Emhoff, as told to this attorney he dated, blamed him for what we now know.” How ironic, the guy who the media billed as the ‘Protector of women’ is a wife beater who stressed out his mistress so much with his beatings, that she miscarried. As the media sells their soul: “But his tweets are so mean…”

As I mentioned already, the Daily Mail was one of the few outlets that actually ran the story of Doug’s former colleagues and their wild tales — actually calling him an “asshole”.

Attorneys who worked with Doug Emhoff at his former firm Venable say he yelled expletives, held a men-only cocktail hour in the office, revoked work perks from women who didn’t flirt with him, and took only young, attractive associates in a limousine to a ball.

A 2019 lawsuit also claimed sex discrimination by other partners in the LA office Emhoff ran, and that while engaged to Harris, he hired an ‘unqualified’ part-time model as a legal secretary ‘because she was young, attractive and friendly with the powerful men in the office’.

The claims are the latest in a string of allegations revealed by that threaten to shatter Emhoff’s image, heavily promoted by the Harris presidential campaign, of a feminist ally and ‘wife guy’.

In August revealed the Los Angeles lawyer cheated on his first wife and got his daughter’s grade school teacher-cum-nanny pregnant.

Emhoff admitted to the affair after the story broke.

And last week we uncovered claims that he struck his ex-girlfriend in 2012.

It takes a real “misogynistic asshole” (hey, I didn’t say it, they did) to pull off that much debauchery.  But wait!  There’s more!

Before becoming the country’s first Second Gentleman, Emhoff was managing director at Venable in their 23rd story office in Los Angeles.

Now his former colleagues from the Venable Los Angeles office, which he ran from 2006 to 2017, are coming forward with allegations about his ‘inappropriate’ and ‘a**hole’ behavior in the workplace.

They all spoke upon agreement they would not be named, fearing retaliation.

One senior former staffer claimed Emhoff ‘bragged’ about yelling ‘get the f*** out of my office’ to a female partner at the firm, later telling his top male colleagues that he had ‘put her in her place’.

‘She had to ask him something,’ the ex-staffer said. ‘His office door was closed. She said to his secretary, ‘is he on the phone?’ She said no. She tapped on the door, he didn’t answer, so she slightly opened the door and stuck her head in.

‘He said “get the f*** out of my office.”

‘What’s worse was he bragged about it to the management at Venable and they were aghast. He’s an a**hole. He told them how he “put her in her place”. A misogynist, that’s who does that.’

Trust me when I tell you that’s not even half the story.  The list of Doug’s alleged bad behavior goes on, and on, and on.  How is this not a huge story!?  As President Trump said, how does the media get away with letting “THEM” get away with so much — and yet there would be a grand jury and indictments if a third-grade teacher so much as hinted that Trump once chewed gum in class or cheated on a test.

I would be willing to bet… the cover-up (because that’s what it is) has been so successful, most people likely have no clue that Kamala’s husband (according to three friends who confirmed the story to the Daily Mail in a previous story) “forcefully slapped ex-girlfriend for flirting with another man”.

The Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, 59, allegedly struck the woman in the face so hard she spun around, while waiting in a valet line late at night after a May 2012 Cannes Film Festival event in France.

One of her friends told that the woman called him immediately after the incident, sobbing in her cab, and described the alleged assault. is not naming the woman, who is a successful New York attorney, but will refer to her by the pseudonym ‘Jane’.

A second friend said Jane, who had been dating Emhoff for three months, also told her about the alleged violence at the time.

A third friend told that Jane first told her in 2014 that she had dated Emhoff, and recounted the full story of his alleged abuse in 2018, when then senator Harris was in the news after grilling Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in a Senate hearing over sexual assault allegations.

The friends, who all asked not to be named for fear of retaliation by Emhoff, shared with pictures of him and Jane together from 2012, and other documents and communications corroborating elements of the story.

If you want, this might be a good time to scroll back up and re-watch that interview clip during which Doug says, and I quote — “I’m just the opposite” of that abusive type of masculinity.  But, are you, Doug?  I’m not so sure.

And we return to the possibility that this man could potentially move from “Second Gentleman” to “First Gentleman”, in a tremendous blow to this nation and its moral undergirding.  Again… I pray – Dear Lord, let it not be.


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