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Eric Trump Goes Off on Kamala: “The One That Bothers Me The Most”

Eric Trump is not one to shy away or keep his mouth shut when he has something to say.  Today, he had something to say about Kamala Harris.  And in true Eric Trump fashion — he said it!

Eric’s comments come on the heels of a ton of backlash in the direction of Kamala’s promise of $750 bucks that hurricane victims can apparently apply for online for emergency funds.  Keep in mind… a lot of them are still cut off from civilization, stuck on mountains trying to survive, and logging in to some government website is not exactly on their agenda at the moment.

There were signs that Eric Trump wasn’t quite happy with Kamala’s $750 offer this morning, when he posted this:

In case you’re out of the loop, here’s a reminder of Kamala’s oh-so-generous and thoughtful offer to the hurricane victims still fighting the elements with most structures and roads completely destroyed and gone:

But as the day wore on and news started coming out about Biden and Kamala’s visit to the storm zone earlier in the day, it seems like Eric Trump really hit his stride.  He’d had enough (he’s not the only one…) of Kamala’s grandstanding and Biden pretend awareness of the severity of the situation.


If you have any doubt of my last statement… just watch this.  I know it’s hard to stomach, but when I say Biden is PRETENDING to have AWARENESS, good Lord I wish I was only joking:

I feel like the combination of Biden’s pretend awareness and Kamala’s inept grandstanding must have just finally broken the camel’s back, and Eric Trump decided he wasn’t going to hold back.  And he didn’t.  Here he is on Fox News with Hannity:

“There are 157 hotels in New York City that are completely full of illegal immigrants… and then you see these pictures of husbands and wives and children who’ve lost everything… and what does Kamala do? She comes out and offers $750.” -Eric Trump

As I said, he definitely isn’t the only one who’s had enough of the dual ineptitude and grandstanding coming from the Biden-Harris White House in the face of a disaster that should see an American government coming to the aid of American’s in trouble.

The BBC covered the President and VP’s visits to the storm ravaged areas of North and South Carolina, flying by helicopter over the devastation:

President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris have travelled to south-eastern US states hit by Hurricane Helene, as the death toll from the storm climbed to 180.

Biden flew by helicopter over North and South Carolina to view the scale of the devastation.

Hundreds of people remain missing, with search-and-rescue teams struggling to reach remote areas.

Vice-President Harris, who is the Democratic presidential nominee, travelled to neighboring Georgia on Wednesday.

In North Carolina, where tens of thousands of residents remain without running water, Biden took an aerial tour of storm-ravaged western areas of the state.

“God willing, they’re alive,” he said, referring to reports of up to 600 people unaccounted for. “But there’s no way to contact them again because of the lack of cell phone coverage.”

I have a feeling you caught the part about President Trump having already visited the storm zone days before either Biden or Kamala made it a priority.  President Trump echoed his son’s irritation with Kamala’s response to the people who have been hardest hit but the hurricane, and took time today to address both Kamala and FEMA:

But even compared to President Trump’s comments… Eric really nailed it today, and captured the sentiment of those of us who are completely exasperated by the audacious ineptitude of Kamala Harris — to the point that he labeled it as the one political move designed for campaign optics that bothers him the most.

Our government carelessly sends “billions”, as he pointed out, to places like Pakistan; billions to Ukraine to fund a war that is completely out of our current control under the inept leadership of the Biden-Harris White House — and we offer up $750 dollars to Americans who probably don’t even know the offer exists, because they are simply trying to survive until help comes?

I’m with Eric Trump on this one.  Kamala is grandstanding.  Biden is pretending to have awareness.  And FEMA is PRETENDING to have the competence to handle it’s SOLE REASON FOR EXISTING.

The substance of Eric Trump’s attack on Kamala Harris today is a perfect microcosm of the ineptitude and arrogance of a political party with no future, and only empty promises to hand out in exchange for votes.  I can only hope that more people see the truth of his sentiment today, and realize just how dangerous a Kamala Presidency would be… in the world we are currently living in.

We don’t need any more ineptitude, grandstanding, or pretend competence.  We need REAL LEADERSHIP.  We need proven competency.  And we need someone in the White House who will do what they say, and do what needs doing, regardless of politics; regardless of “optics”.  We need President Trump… to be President, again.  And from my vantage point, we need him sooner rather than later.



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