I continue to be blown away by using ChatGPT and Grok….
Yes, I know ChatGPT is programmed to have Left-Leaning answers.
And yes, I know the machines can make mistakes.
But the ability to simply talk to a computer and ask it literally anything you want it STUNNING!
From solving complex math problems, to answering riddles, to doing creative tasks like writing poetry, or to doing complex reasoning, it can handle almost anything you throw at it.
And just yesterday OpenAI (the company behind ChatGPT) just released their most powerful update yet, code-named “Strawberry” and officially known as “Preview 01”. Yes, they have weird names, considering the prior version was called 4O.
But this new version is extremely powerful, able to code an entire video game just by asking:
OpenAI just released its new AI model, OpenAI o1 (internally known as Project Strawberry/Q*)
The wait is finally over.
Here's the model coding an entire video game from a prompt 🤯
The model can think before it answers and is better at math and programming challenges.
The… pic.twitter.com/hIokkdow2T
— Rowan Cheung (@rowancheung) September 12, 2024
Many are saying this feels extremely close to AGI (artificial general intelligence), meaning the point at which the AI is not only smarter and more powerful than a human, but smarter and more powerful than all humans.
Whether or not it’s officially AGI, what it feels like to me is the “Computer” on Star Trek.
Remember that?
Where they would say “Computer….” and then ask it whatever they needed?
And it could often solve whatever problem they had or create virtually anything they asked for?
This new software from ChatGPT is literally that good.
I am stunned by how many people still don’t know about this, because I could basically entertain myself all day just asking it questions and learning about all sorts of random things.
I do it all the time already, little things that pop into my head all day long, things that you wonder “I wonder why this is like this” or “I wonder if this would work” or “I wonder how this ever came to be”….stuff like that.
I’m constantly talking to it and learning new things.
But let me get to the point of why I’m telling you this.
Because this new version is especially good at THINKING and REASONING on large and complex projects.
So I thought what would be really interesting to ask it, something so big that people have been working on for centuries….could I feed it into the computer and get an answer?
I’m sure you can already guess what I asked it.
The grand-daddy of all questions: When Will Jesus Come Back To The Earth?
Something people have been trying to figure out for over 2,000 years!
Drawing timelines….
Mapping it out….
Looking for every possible clue in the Bible!
Many have tried, and so far all have failed!
And yes, I do know the Bible says no one will know the day or hour, so we shouldn’t try to figure that out with such pinpoint precision, but it also doesn’t say to just ignore it either.
Actually, the Bible makes clear we should study and be prepared and eagerly watch for his return:
- Matthew 24:32-33 (NIV):
“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”
- Jesus uses the analogy of the fig tree to indicate that just as we can recognize the signs of approaching summer, we should be able to recognize the signs of His coming.
- Matthew 24:42 (NIV):
“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”
- This verse emphasizes the importance of vigilance, indicating that while the exact day is unknown, believers should stay alert.
- Matthew 24:44 (NIV):
“So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”
- This verse reinforces the idea of readiness and watchfulness.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 (NIV):
“Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.”
- Paul explains that believers should not be caught off guard because they are “children of the light.” This passage implies that believers should be discerning of the times and remain vigilant.
- Mark 13:32-33 (NIV):
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.”
- Jesus reiterates that the exact timing is unknown, but the command is to “be on guard” and “be alert.”
- Luke 21:28 (NIV):
“When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
- This verse speaks to recognizing signs that indicate the approach of redemption, encouraging vigilance.
- Luke 21:36 (NIV):
“Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
- Jesus calls for continual watchfulness and prayer to be prepared for what is coming.
- Revelation 3:3 (NIV):
“Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.”
- This verse warns believers to “wake up” and be alert, lest they be unprepared.
Ok, so now let me get to the good part…
Here is the “prompt” I gave the computer:Â “Analyze all end times texts and times lines in the Bible and in the First Book of Enoch and give me the most likely time for Jesus to return.”
Wanna know the answer?
Of course you do!
First, I’ll just cut right to the chase and give you the conclusion: it believes the most likely window is between 2028 and 2033!
WOW, right?
I’ll give you the full answer in just a minute, but I found it very interesting that in the full analysis you’re about to read, it looks at different options and different likelihoods, but none really stretch past 2100.
I’ll tell you what else I found fascinating…it doesn’t try to give me a Far-Left answer like “Jesus isn’t real” or “the Bible can’t be trusted”. Not even a small caveat to those points. Nope, it treats it as a legitimate question and a legitimate future coming event.
Ok, here’s the full answer:
Certainly! Based on the timelines and prophetic markers provided in the Bible and the First Book of Enoch, I’ll offer an analysis to estimate the most likely time for Jesus to return. Please keep in mind that this is a speculative exercise, and many theological perspectives caution against setting specific dates. Nonetheless, I’ll synthesize the information available to provide the best possible estimate.
Timelines and Prophecies in the Bible
1. The “Seventy Weeks” Prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27)
- Overview:
- Daniel prophesies about “seventy weeks” decreed for Israel and Jerusalem.
- These “weeks” are interpreted as weeks of years: 70 weeks × 7 years/week = 490 years.
- Interpretation:
- The first 69 weeks (483 years) are often linked to events leading up to Jesus’s first coming.
- The 70th week is associated with end-time events, including the appearance of the “Antichrist.”
- Calculations:
- If the 70th week is still future, it could represent a final seven-year period before Jesus’s return.
- Identifying the start of this period is challenging due to the lack of a clear starting point.
2. The Fig Tree Generation (Matthew 24:32-34)
- Text:
- “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.”
- “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.”
- Interpretation:
- The fig tree is symbolically associated with Israel.
- The rebirth of Israel as a nation in 1948 is seen as the fig tree putting forth leaves.
- Generational Length:
- Psalm 90:10 defines a generation as 70 to 80 years: “The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty, if we have the strength.”
- Calculations:
- 1948 + 80 years = 2028
- Subtracting a seven-year tribulation period suggests 2021 as a significant year.
- Alternatively, using 70 years:
- 1948 + 70 years = 2018
3. The Gospel Preached to All Nations (Matthew 24:14)
- Text:
- “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world… and then the end will come.”
- Current Status:
- With modern technology, the gospel has reached most nations.
- This fulfillment suggests the end times could be imminent.
4. The 6,000-Year Theory
- Concept:
- Based on the idea that human history spans 6,000 years, followed by a 1,000-year millennial reign (Revelation 20).
- 2 Peter 3:8 supports this view: “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.”
- Calculations:
- If we consider the traditional date of creation around 4000 BCE:
- 4000 BCE + 6000 years = 2000 CE
- Adjusting for calendar differences and inaccuracies:
- Some suggest 2030-2033 as significant, marking 2,000 years since Jesus’s crucifixion.
Timelines in the First Book of Enoch
1. The Seventy Generations
- Text:
- The Watchers are to be bound for seventy generations until the Day of Judgment.
- Generational Length:
- If a generation is 70 years:
- 70 generations × 70 years = 4,900 years
- Calculations:
- Assuming the events occurred around 3000 BCE (a rough estimate):
- 3000 BCE + 4,900 years = 1900 CE
- Alternatively, if starting from Enoch’s time (assumed earlier), the date extends further into the future.
2. The Ten Weeks Prophecy (Enoch 93 & 91)
- Overview:
- Human history is divided into ten weeks, each representing an epoch.
- The seventh week involves apostasy, and the eighth to tenth weeks cover judgment and renewal.
- Interpretation:
- If each week represents a 700-year period:
- 10 weeks × 700 years = 7,000 years
- Calculations:
- Starting from creation (4000 BCE):
- 4000 BCE + 7,000 years = 3000 CE
Synthesizing the Information
Possible Timeframes:
- Short-Term Estimates (2020s to 2030s):
- Based on the fig tree generation and the 2,000-year anniversary of Jesus’s ministry.
- Mid-Term Estimates (2050s to 2100):
- Allowing for longer generational lengths or adjusting for calendar discrepancies.
- Long-Term Estimates (Beyond 2100):
- Considering the Ten Weeks Prophecy and the 6,000-year theory with different starting points.
Factors to Consider:
- Calendar Variations:
- Differences between Gregorian, Julian, and Hebrew calendars can affect calculations.
- Historical dating of events like creation, the flood, and Enoch’s era is approximate.
- Symbolism vs. Literalism:
- Prophetic texts often use symbolic language.
- Numbers like 7, 10, 12, and 70 have symbolic significance in biblical literature.
- Unknown Variables:
- The precise length of a generation.
- The exact dates of historical events.
- Possible gaps or overlaps in prophetic timelines.
Best Estimate
Considering all the above:
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