As usual, I’m not writing this to try and convince you of anything.
I’m just reporting.
I report, you decide what you think!
As for me personally, the “coincidences” became too many to ignore long ago, but you may be different.
Here’s the latest one…
You’ve probably heard and seen by now that yesterday Joe Biden put on a red Trump 2024 hat.
He was also surrounded by a group of kids wearing Trump gear.
That is all big in and of itself, but it’s not the full story.
I think this will blow your mind…
Is this whole movie about to end the same way it began?
We’re starting to get a ton of clues that say yes.
Because here’s the deal….what happened yesterday in Shanksville, PA is almost an exact carbon copy of what happened in that very same room three years ago.
Same exact day (9/11)….
Same exact town (Shanksville, PA)…
Same exact room (see pics)…
Same exact kids wearing Trump gear….
Ok, maybe not the same, identical people (although I haven’t verified that yet, wouldn’t that be a mind-bender! We’ll look into that farther down below).
Take a look:
🍿 What are the chances?
Exactly 3 years ago, Fake Biden was pictured in Shanksville on 9/11 with a group of kids wearing MAGA hats & shirts, with a box over his shoulder that says “Q” on it.
Exactly 3 years later, in the SAME firehouse, he’s pictured putting a MAGA hat…
— (@DailyNoahNews) September 12, 2024
🍿 What are the chances?
Exactly 3 years ago, Fake Biden was pictured in Shanksville on 9/11 with a group of kids wearing MAGA hats & shirts, with a box over his shoulder that says “Q” on it.
Exactly 3 years later, in the SAME firehouse, he’s pictured putting a MAGA hat on.
If you believe EITHER of these events would EVER happen without the White Hats MAKING this actor do them, I don’t know what to tell you.
🍿 You are watching a ‘Scripted’ movie
Even got the Q box in the photo, did you catch that?
So everything is identical, except in 2021 we get the Q box and in 2024 we get Joe Biden “donning” a red Trump 2024 hat!
And the shirts say “I’ll be back” with Trump’s face:
You have GOT to be kidding me…
"Joe Biden" takes a photo exactly 3 years later, at the same exact place with ANOTHER group of MAGA kids…
Sporting Trump's "I'll be back" shirts
Same day he puts on a Trump hat..
And people think this is normal? Couldn't possibly be a…
— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 12, 2024
Ok, now let’s look into the kids in the photo with Biden….
Because something in my gut tells me to check that.
If this truly is a “setup” to give everyone a sign that the White Hats are in some level of control, then they might have just left us an Easter Egg by using some of the same kids.
Let’s take a look:
2021 on the left, 2024 on the right.
I’m really bad at this, but is the girl in the yellow circle the same in both photos, just 3 years older on the right?
And is the girl in the red circle the same in both photos, just 3 years older?
Folks, what are the odds?
Unless….this was all planned with meticulous perfection?
And here’s the even bigger question….
Why in the world would Joe Biden “play along”?
What idiot puts on a red Trump 2024 hat and then takes photos with kids wearing MAGA Trump gear…twice?
Unless….he’s playing his role?
Now let’s talk for a moment about what it means when we say “You are watching a movie”.
Does it mean everything is scripted?
Every last detail?
I don’t think so.
It was in this particular case, and I think they do when they can, to give those little winks and nods and Easter Eggs to let the people watching know they are in control, but I think this is kinetic warfare full of moves and countermoves.
I think a lot is planned and was planned but then I think the plan is constantly being rewritten and updated on a daily basis.
My friend BrainstormJoe explains it really well:
"A movie" let's think logically for a second.
Is everything a movie? Of course not.
Is there a controlled presentation to safely present the truth, taking place before our eyes? I think yes. Hear me out.
Think about it. What happens when 90% of the media is…
— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 10, 2024
“A movie” let’s think logically for a second.
Is everything a movie? Of course not.
Is there a controlled presentation to safely present the truth, taking place before our eyes? I think yes. Hear me out.
Think about it. What happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations? What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by a political ideology?
Things can be hidden, lies can be told, narratives can be controlled. A population can be down right brainwashed and enslaved.
“Trillions of dollars at stake.” “Controlled by groups of special interests.” “Illusion of democracy.”
So how would you counter, when most of society believes fantasy is reality? Could you just tell them?
Of course not.
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. It must be controlled… Just as Q said.
Psychological warfare. Psych 101 really.
Take control of the MSM and social media (digital soldiers) and slow drip a level of amplified messaging. Hence, the movie.
If a migrant crossed the border illegally and hurt someone and no one told you.. Did it happen?
Now on the flip side. Flood the information streams with reports of (very real events being hidden before) illegal migrants crossing the border and hurting people. Use MSM and social media to amplify all of the threats at a CONTROLLED pace….
Would society begin to see? Would they begin to find motivation to get involved?
Of course they would. It’s what’s happening. The Great Awakening.
Drip, drip, drip…. Flood.
Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind? Sound familiar? Wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the ‘conspiracy’ label. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won’t be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours.
Patriots are in full control.
Of course, there was also this very famous Q-drop:
🟨 Worth noting…
— NewsTreason Channel 17 (@NewsTreason) September 12, 2024
Now let’s keep going…
Because this is only the latest example in a long series (well over 100 at this point) of really weird “coincidences” just seeming to point out that you are watching a movie.
Each one could, I suppose, be explained away.
But when you keep stacking them together, day after day after day, eventually you hit a point like I did where you say “I don’t know if I can believe all of this is just random coincidences or slips of the tongue.”
That’s the conclusion I came to.
But keep reading and tell me how far you can get in this before you have similar thoughts:
“THE MASK” — Final Proof We’re All Just Watching a Movie?
For almost 4 years now, many have been speculating or even flat out claiming that we are “Watching a Movie” — in more ways than one.
A Fake President…
Actors in Masks….
Fake White House sets….
It goes on and on.
And if you wanted to squelch those pesky rumors, what is the one thing you probably wouldn’t do?
You probably wouldn’t want to send your Press Secretary out dressed LITERALLY as Jim Carrey in “The Mask”.
Look folks, I’m not telling you what to believe, I’m just reporting….but come on, you really telling me this ridiculous outfit and it’s EXACT resemblance of Jim Carrey’s character in “The Mask” is just another one of those crazy coincidences?
Credit to my friend JoeRambo (again) for this one:
Part 1) 🤯
Is it a coincidence that Biden's press secretary is dressed like the Mask? 🤣
Not to mention she is pointing at Q drops. "Vigilant" 2 times.
FF weather alert (WW). Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.
Chatter. Trains. Buses. Be vigilant.
Same day…
— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 9, 2024
Part 2) 🤯
I mean.. Come on. Seriously?
Joe Biden is literally the Mask in many of our eyes.
— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) September 9, 2024
I don’t get all into the “Q Drops” and “deltas” and trying to claim that certain words being used mean a “Q Card” is being invoked….
That’s all a bit much for me.
I like to keep it simple, and for me simple is trusting my eyes and asking who in their right mind would wear this outfit if you weren’t (a) Jim Carrey playing a ridiculous character in a movie, or (b) an (actor?) in the Biden Regime giving the most obvious callback to a movie character you could think of.
Here they are side-by-side, judge for yourself:
you don't even need me to say a thing – they are showing you all you need to know.
If you look at these two photos below and see nothing – then you are about to soon go through a very difficult time in your life.
— The Rubber Duck ™ (@TheRubberDuck79) September 9, 2024
I know, I know….probably just another random coincidence right?
How many of those are we up to now?
Over 100?
Here’s my master list that I just keep adding to:
BREAKING: President Trump Teases Mass Arrests Are Coming!
President Trump has the Internet buzzing right now over the post he just sent out on TruthSocial.
Let’s read it first here:
President Trump isn’t fcking around…!
You’ve been warned!
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) September 7, 2024
Full image:
Full transcript if that’s easier to read:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.
654 ReTruths 1.61k Likes 9/7/24, 6:01 PM
People are taking all sorts of messages from this…
Some think he is implying the people who cheated in 2024 AND 2020 will be prosecuted at unprecedented levels:
Donald Trump states that when he wins the 2024 election, the ones that assisted in the stolen election of 2020 will be PROSECUTED. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Grab your popcorn folks!!!
— Steve 🇺🇸 (@SteveLovesAmmo) September 7, 2024
Others are picking up on the fact Mass Arrests are indeed coming soon according to this post:
Trump— Mass Arrests Vibes 👀
He Just sent a Dire Warning to everyone thinking about Cheating in the 2024 Election.
WARNING ‼️ Lawyers, Political operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, Corrupt elect officials —— YOU “WILL be sought out, Caught, and Prosecuted”… like never seen…
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) September 8, 2024
I continue to believe that President Trump DID in fact catch them all in 2020.
Because he told us so!
Haven’t you been paying attention?
He’s literally told us point blank:
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I Caught Them, I Caught Them All…”
This clip is from 2019 (clip below).
This is President Trump waiting to board Marine One in an interview with a reporter where he came right out and said it:
“I caught the swamp. I caught them all. Let’s see what happens. Nobody else could have done it but me.”
First, can you imagine Joe Biden holding this interview?
No handlers around…
No cue cards…
No earpieces…
No one to usher him off stage when he’s done…
Just pure intelligence, pure power, pure strength.
President Trump going toe-to-toe with the Crooked Media and absolutely holding court.
That’s the first thing that jumped out at me.
We all knew Trump was the gold standard (literally) and Biden is not mentally all there, but this clip really underscores just how big of a drop we’ve suffered.
But the real reason I wanted to play this clip for you (clip below) is to make sure we don’t forget about what President Trump said here.
I believe it’s about to become VERY relevant.
I believe this clip will be played on a loop on all major news networks after the truth comes out and they are FORCED to cover the story.
This clip will go down in history as President Trump telling us all that he already had them dead-to-rights and then he gave them more rope to hang themselves with so he could clean out the cabal once and for all.
And completely.
A total wipeout.
Watch the clip here on Rumble, it will give you chills:
Oh and by the way, it’s not the first time he’s said it.
Watch here:
LISTEN: President Trump Calls In To PA Hearing: “They got caught! We got them!”
So if he caught them all in 2020 why not release the evidence?
I believe it's because we had to have "The Pause".
People had to see it with their own eyes.
He would have been branded a Dictator if he tried to convince everyone he won back in 2020.
He had to let time play out.
President Trump: “There is a genius to what I’m doing, you do know that right?”
How many times does President Trump have to tell you he often speaks in code and there is MUCH MORE happening behind the scenes than you know?
He's dropping as many hints as he possibly can....
And this latest one may be the most overt yet.
It's only 23 seconds but take a quick look:
“There is a genius to what I’m doing, you do know that right?”
— (@DailyNoahNews) September 1, 2024
Full screen video player here:
“There is a genius to what I’m doing, you do know that right?”
— (@DailyNoahNews) September 1, 2024
How much clearer can he make it?
I believe it's all "Hidden in plain sight" and just like the ending of The Sixth Sense, once it's all fully revealed, people will look back and be stunned they didn't notice it along the way.
Most people.
Not us.
We've noticed.
And we keep telling you as we go.
Some day, people will look back on these archives and be stunned that we documented it all in real time.
Here's one example:
HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: “We Beat Them TWICE, We Beat The Hell Out Of Them The Second Time!”
And here's another:
UPDATE: More EVIDENCE Hidden In Plain Sight — Trump Has Been Telling Us All Along!
And one more:
HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT? President Trump’s Twitter Banner Predicted The Future?
HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT? President Trump's Twitter Banner Predicted The Future?
Are we truly just watching a movie?
Has most of this over the past 10 years all been scripted? Or at least heavily influenced?
I don't know, and I'll let you decide for yourself what you believe, but what I'm about to show you may blow your mind.
And it all circles around Butler, PA, -- yes, the town now synonymous with President Trump's near assassination.
But it turns out Butler, PA also has some history with the Trump Campaign dating back to 2020.
I actually remember this like it was yesterday...COVID was running wild and people were afraid to gather together, but President Trump was holding Rallies anyway -- just doing them outside.
And he was holding 2-3 per day, with the last one of the day often stretching to near midnight.
One of the most iconic was from, you guessed it, Butler, PA on October 31, 2020 -- just 3 days before the election.
Here is a CBS Article headline covering the Rally from back in 2020:
I bet you will remember these images:
Whenever I think of iconic images, I think of Trump’s Butler, PA rally in 2020—right before the election—which drew an estimated 57,000 people.
— Julia 🇺🇸 (@Jules31415) April 4, 2023
That post is right, absolutely iconic images.
Three days before the Election in a battleground swing state, President Trump was showing the world that he could draw tens of thousands of people, outdoors, in the cold (keep in mind, this is PA in late October, it's chilly), at an airport runway strip, at nearly midnight!
Meanwhile, Joe Biden could only draw about 10 people and then went to bed at 7:30pm after "putting a lid" on the day by lunch time:
But why am I telling you all of this?
Because this iconic photo of Butler, PA from 2020 has been President Trump's banner image on Twitter since 2020!
Here's what it looks like:
There is no publicly available history of Twitter profile/banner image histories available, but according to an article from VOI.ID published in 2022, this is the banner image that was on President Trump's Twitter profile when he was banned from Twitter on January 8, 2021....and it has sat that way to this very day.
I know some of you will say "big deal" and it's "just a coincidence" but it seems quite a strange coincidence to me.
You mean to tell me that one of the last and most important MAGA Rallies of 2020 was in Butler, PA, a town of only 13,000 people?
Why pick a town of only 13,000 people for such an important Rally?
Then you put that image up on Twitter and it remains there to this day?
Has never been replaced with anything else?
A Butler, PA Rally from 2020?
Then you return to Butler, PA 4 years later, still a town of only 13,000 people and that's where he is nearly assassinated?
Look, I don't even know what conclusion to draw from this and I'm not saying President Trump or anyone on his team staged the assassination attempt, I'm just saying it's a really mind-blowing coincidence that President Trump decides to use an image from Butler, PA on his Twitter profile, leave it up for 4 years like a literal Billboard Advertisement saying "LOOK HERE!" and then that's the place where he's nearly assassinated?
What are the odds???
My mind is blown, but you can each decide what you think.
Like always, I leave you with one question: How many of these extremely bizarre coincidences need to happen before you say it's statistically impossible for ALL of these to be just weird coincidences?
Personally, I passed my limit long ago.
Keep reading to see why:
WATCHING A MOVIE? MSNBC Refers To The "Last 5-6 Years Of This Show"
One of the phrases that gets thrown around so much in the "Q Community" (whatever that means) is the idea that we are "Watching a Show" and "you're gonna love how this show ends".
The implication being that large parts of what we are seeing on the world stage are scripted in some way, or being carefully orchestrated.
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