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Burgum Has The Perfect Response To NBC Host’s Claim About President Trump’s Fair Election Demands

Given the lingering confusion and uncertainty surrounding the 2020 election results, it might not be surprising that President Donald Trump is interested in bolstering the integrity of the 2024 election.

He recently shared a social media statement that made clear the consequences of interfering in the electoral process, but some on the left tried to interpret his rebuke as a threat to those who are legitimately working at polling places around the country.

One of Trump’s many media critics was NBC News Kristen Welker. When she brought up the subject on Sunday’s installment of “Meet the Press,” however, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum was quick to correct her.

As the Daily Wire reported:

Welker again claimed that Trump was threatening “political operatives, donors, and election officials” and asked if that was appropriate.

“I think what’s appropriate is that we keep working hard as a country to make sure that we’ve got a belief in our elections and a trust in our elections,” Burgum said. “We’ve got some states that remarkably have just now this year cleaned up their voter rolls and eliminating people that no longer live in the state, people that are no longer alive. And when you’re talking about states taking millions of people off the voter rolls, I mean, this is just common sense database clean-up. I’ve spent 30 years in tech. I mean, you can’t run a company if your customer database is completely out of date and has people that no longer are your customers, but you’re still providing – still sending them a ballot, in this case. And so I think there’s a number of basic things that we can all agree on that would make sure that the elections are free and fair.”

Plenty of social media commentators and pundits similarly endorsed Trump’s call for fair elections:

As The Washington Examiner reported, Trump’s post on X followed similar concerns he raised during a campaign stop:

The comments come after Trump held a rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin, in which he made his oft-repeated claim that the 2020 election was stolen.

“We got to stop the cheating. If we stop that cheating, if we don’t let them cheat, I don’t even have to campaign anymore we’re going to win by so much. In the meantime, too big to rig, too big to rig,” he said.

Republicans have also made illegal voting a priority this election season, leading to the House of Representatives passing the SAVE Act in July, which seeks to prevent noncitizens from voting by requiring proof of citizenship before registering to vote. That bill was introduced by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) after Johnson met with Trump to discuss election integrity concerns.

Here’s a clip from Burgum’s recent interview:


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