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BREAKING: “More To This Story”, Newly Uploaded Video on Assassination Attempt

With all eyes on tonight’s debate, the assassination attempt of President Trump has suddenly been brought back to the forefront.  Melania Trump just posted this video to her account:

That doesn’t sound like someone giving an update within the “normal” flow of an investigation.  It sounds to me like there is “more to this story” — and possibly the Trump family have stumbled upon or become privy to information that the general public has not been made aware of.

CNN, as you might could guess, is coming right out of the gate with the conspiracy theory label — and flat out called Melania “irrelevant”.  Watch this:

I really wouldn’t expect anything more from a democratic strategist in the pay of CNN.  But still… “irrelevant”?  President Donald Trump’s wife is “irrelevant”, weeks away from the election, weeks AFTER his assassination attempt that should have never happened?  In the words of conservative Christian musical artist Zuby — “Ok, dude”.

Check out the story Newsweek just ran after Melania hit “send”:

Melania Trump has questioned why police did not arrest Thomas Matthew Crooks before his assassination attempt on Donald Trump in July.

Crooks was shot dead by Secret Service agents after he opened fire from a rooftop while Trump was speaking at a presidential campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. The former Republican president was left bloodied after suffering an ear injury, while a bystander was killed and two others were wounded.

In a video posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday, the former first lady said directly into the camera: “The attempt to end my husband’s life was a horrible, distressing experience. Now, the silence around it feels heavy.

“I can’t help but wonder; why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech?”

She added: “There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the truth.”

She’s only echoing what most of us have been thinking.

Why didn’t authorities arrest him beforehand at a number of different points when it would have seemed reasonable for them to do so?  Like you, I have asked myself that multiple times.  But there’s a difference when you or I think it, and when the wife of President Trump says it out loud for the world to hear.

Given… she’s the husband of a presidential candidate on the eve of the big debate leading up to a pivotal election, and she just came out with a book (which appears at the end of her video).  Does that negate the plausibility of noble motivations for coming out with this video?  I don’t think so.  I think that’s faulty logic.

That post by Benny Johnson was the first warning I had that something had happened this morning.  So I started digging.  Here’s what I found being reported by The Hill:

Melania Trump had spoken out about the shooting that injured the 45th president a day after it happened, saying in a statement, “When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron’s life, were on the brink of devastating change.”

“I am grateful to the brave secret service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their own lives to protect my husband,” Trump said at the time.

In her video on Tuesday, Melania Trump indicated she was still searching for answers.

“There’s definitely more to this story,” she said.

That was exactly what stood out to me; she is a woman searching for answers.  But to me it seems as though there is renewed vigor on that front.  I kept digging.  And there happens to be some other news coming out of the Secret Service this morning.  Related?  Perhaps.  Check this out from Fox News:

A high-ranking leader within the United States Secret Service (USSS) has been asked to retire, Fox News Digital has learned.

Michael Plati, the office of protective operations assistant director, has been asked to retire from his position, and he is ending his tenure with the service in the coming days.

The decision is reportedly linked with the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania — a security failure that has sent shock waves through all levels of the agency.

Plati was asked to step down by senior leadership, including Acting Director Ronald Rowe.

That is no low-ranking Secret Service Agent.  That is the Assistant Director of the Office of Protective Operations.  That’s no mere political job.  That is an operational position.  That’s big news.  That’s probably a bigger deal in reality than when the Head of the Secret Service resigns in disgrace.  It might not make as big of a headline, but on the ground, that is a position of relevance.

How much would you bet that has everything to do with the struggle behind the scenes to get at the truth — whatever it may be — about the assassination attempt on President Trump?  The story on Fox News hints at it with no confirmation.

If you watched the full clip uploaded by Melania, you know the video cuts to a copy of her new book at the end.  I’m sure there are those who will say this is just a ploy, an attempt to capitalize on the wave of current interest surrounding the assassination attempt of her husband.  Sell more books.  Again, maybe.

But that doesn’t sit right as a primary motive for me.  I look at this, and I see President Trump’s wife trying to focus her zeal for finding the truth of who was REALLY behind her husband’s attempted murder — weaponizing her PR team to that end.

Personally, I can’t blame her.  I have that same zeal for the truth.  But this is her HUSBAND.  I would imagine her zeal is WHITE HOT at the moment.

At any rate, this is still breaking news.  It may be swallowed up by news of the debate in the coming hours.  Or, we may be looking back years from now, remember when the tide turned and the FULL STORY started coming out… because the wife of a man marked for assassination was determined not to let the story go quiet.

We will bring you more as the story unfolds.


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