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“CATS FOR TRUMP” Going Viral On Social Media Amid Outcry Over Haitian Migrants

Yesterday, we brought you a story about Haitian migrants invading and harassing the small town of Springfield, OH, where residents are fed up with the situation.

Reportedly, the migrants have been snatching and eating local wildlife like ducks and geese, as well as pet cats and dogs.

Full story here:

Haitian Migrants OVERRUN Small Ohio Town, Reportedly Butcher, EAT Pets & Wildlife

One of these claims centers around a Springfield woman's Facebook post warning other residents to protect their pets after her neighbor's cat was found strung up and being carved up for some friendly local Haitians' dinner.

For reference, here's that post:

This has sparked a wave of outrage, rightfully so.

It has also started a viral and hilarious new trend of "CATS FOR TRUMP" on social media.

If you want to protect your pets, VOTE TRUMP!

Kamala's crazy cat ladies can't even defend her anymore, when she let in 20,000 (alleged) cat-eating migrants!

Check out some of the best, most viral posts on X:

MTG joined in on the trend:

So did Elon:

This one from The Babylon Bee had be rolling:

And, here's the reverse:

These memes are political humor at its finest.

But, they point to a truly disturbing reality and a serious need for electing Trump back into the White House.

Never forget this:

Or this:


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