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President Trump Gets GREAT News With New Release!

Since Kamala Harris replaced Joe Biden in the Democratic presidential race, the common media narrative has been that President Donald Trump’s campaign is in big trouble.

Although she might be a marginally tougher candidate than the 81-year-old cognitively impaired incumbent, there is mounting evidence that Trump stands an increasingly good chance of securing a second term in the White House.

Now, even The New York Times is admitting it, as RedState recently reported:

Election watchers woke up to a shock on Sunday after The New York Times and Sienna College released a poll that changed the perception of the presidential race.

Kamala Harris, who entered the race in July after pushing Joe Biden aside, has been leading most polls with the conventional wisdom being that she held a slim if not durable lead. According to this latest survey, though, Trump is beating Harris in both the head-to-head and multi-candidate field.

The latest polling data has received significant attention on social media:

This poll is not the only reason for Trump supporters to be cautiously optimistic about his chances:

The poll also signaled that the more voters learn about Harris’ far-left ideology, the less likely they seem to support her, according to Fox News:

Among the data compiled in the poll, it found that nearly the majority of voters reported Trump is “not too far” to the left or right on key issues, while only around one-third of voters said he’s “too conservative,” the New York Times poll found.

On the other hand, nearly half of voters surveyed, at 44%, reported that Harris is “too liberal and progressive,” and 42% found that she’s “not too far either way.”

Here’s some additional coverage of Harris’ extreme leftism and the impact it will likely have on her chances to become President:


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