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Democratic State Lawmaker Claims Chinese Communist Party Attempted To “Steal” His Seat

A Democratic state lawmaker claimed that groups tied to the Chinese Communist Party attempted to steal his seat in the party’s primary.

“There were clear patterns of foreign influence trying to dictate the outcome of the election,” New York State Assemblyman Ron Kim told the New York Post.

He said groups tied to mainland China and the CCP attempted to steal his predominantly Asian-populated seat in Queens.

“It’s a very layered operation. We’re entering dangerous territory. I don’t know how we can stop it,” he said, according to the New York Post.

From the New York Post:

Kim’s Dem opponent in the 40th District’s primary race, upstart Yi Andy Chen, was endorsed by the American Chinese Commerce Association. The association is a group identified as linked to the CCP and John Chan, a Chinese-American activist and chairman of the group with reportedly close ties to the People’s Republic of China and its Consulate General office in New York.

Kim, who was first elected in 2012, won his tough primary battle by 443 votes.

The CCP’s influence-flexing in New York’s growing Asian communities has been whispered about in recent years, but people feared going on the record to avoid being targeted by the powerful foreign government known to monitor its critics abroad, sources said.

“It’s a scary thing,” Kim said of speaking out against the CCP.

He said an overwhelming majority of Chinese and other Asians move here to flee communism and authoritarianism for a better life and are patriotic Americans.

“The majority of Asia groups are loyal to American business and American capital,” Kim said.

But “there is a new wave of organizations tied to the CCP that are not loyal to our way of life,” he said.

Kim’s claim follows the arrest of a former top aide of New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, who faces accusations of acting as an undisclosed agent of the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party.

BREAKING: Former Aide To New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Charged With Acting As An Agent Of The Chinese Government

From the Associated Press:

Linda Sun, who held numerous posts in New York state government, including deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kathy Hochul and deputy diversity officer for former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, was arrested Tuesday morning along with her husband, Chris Hu, at their $4 million home on Long Island.

Federal prosecutors said Sun, at the request of Chinese officials, blocked representatives of the Taiwanese government from having access to the governor’s office and shaped New York governmental messaging to align with the priorities of the Chinese government, among other things.

In return, her husband got help for his business activities in China — a financial boost that prosecutors said allowed the couple to buy their multimillion-dollar property in Manhasset, New York, a condominium in Hawaii for $1.9 million, and luxury cars including a 2024 Ferrari, the indictment said.

Sun also received smaller gifts, the indictment said, including tickets to performances by a visiting Chinese orchestra and ballet groups and “Nanjing-style salted ducks” that were prepared by the personal chef of a Chinese government official and delivered to Sun’s parents’ home in New York.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at 100 Percent Fed Up.

View the original article here.


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