Jonathan Cahn never ceases to impress….
Just when I think I have a good grasp on a topic, Jonathan Cahn shows up and points about 10 things I had missed and had no idea even existed.
And he just did that on steroids with this latest one, that he’s calling “The Stunning American Mystery: Trump & The Coming Election.”
Interested to know what prophecy has to say about President Trump and the coming election?
Jonathan Cahn has famously been tracking the “Harbinger” from the Bible and how those events are replaying right now in our world, and have been since as far back as 9/11/2001.
So what does The Harbinger say will happen next?
Does the Bible give us hints on the next chapters of this story?
According to Cahn, YES!
This is one of his absolute best videos he’s ever made.
Please enjoy:
Full transcript:
Could an ancient template almost 3,000 years old give us a stunningly exact revelation as to where we are right now and where we’re going? Could it reveal to us the mystery of those involved in this coming election? This is Jonathan Cahn. What I’m about to open up in this message is going to reveal the mystery behind the leaders of our time—past, present, and possibly future—the mystery of Donald Trump, and while we’re at it, the mystery of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, those who just spoke at the Democratic Convention to exalt and send forth Kamala Harris, and more. We’re going to have an amazingly precise revelation to open up.
First, send this video to anyone and everyone in your life who needs to see it and hit like. Second, to make sure you get and don’t miss the prophetic messages that I’m going to be putting on this channel, hit subscribe now and the update. The day is almost here. The Dragon’s Prophecy is going to be coming out in about a week or less from this posting, coming out September 3rd. It’s going to be explosive. It’s going to open up mysteries that may reveal exactly what’s going to take place—exact events and the exact timing when they will take place.
How do you get it? You can order a copy for yourself or for those in your life right now. Just go online wherever you get books and you’ll get it. Pray that God powerfully uses it. Last thing, to get free gifts, see all my messages and teachings, and be part of God’s end-time purposes, just remember “Hope of the World” and go to Stay tuned to the end for more—a secret I never revealed.
Donald Trump—he’s been the dominant single figure of the American political realm for the last several years. People hate him; people love him, but you can’t ignore him. We are right now standing on the eve of a critical election that’s going to determine America’s future. Do we have a biblical clue? God speaks through the word. Is there a template in the Bible that gives us revelation into this moment?
Ancient Israel had known of God, but then it fell away into apostasy. It turned away from the ways of God, the laws of God, drove Him out of its public squares, turned to other gods and idols, took up sexual immorality, offered up its children as sacrifices, and increasingly persecuted those who stayed faithful to the ways of God. It is now America that is the nation that has known God but turned away from Him, overturned His ways, driven Him out of its public squares, turned to other gods and idols without mentioning what they are, embraced sexual immorality, offered up its children as sacrifices in abortion, and now it’s on the eve of persecuting those who uphold the ways of God.
The amazing thing is the leaders and events of Israel’s fall from God match up with the leaders and events of our nation, and the parallels are striking—even stunning. They give us revelation. The leaders are each following an ancient prototype. I first wrote about this in the book called The Paradigm, but after I wrote it, the mystery continued to unfold and come true.
In the biblical template of 1 Kings, a king rises to power in the northern kingdom. He inaugurates a culture war. The king’s name was Ahab. He was a divided man, a compromised man. He knew of God but warred against the ways of God. He championed the worship of Baal, which meant child sacrifice and sexual immorality and the overturning of biblical absolutes and traditional values. So too in America, a culture war began. The term was coined at the same moment that a man rose to power. His name was Bill Clinton. He was at the center of the culture war. Behind Clinton is the paradigm of Ahab. Ahab was a divided man, known of God but had fallen away, warring against his way. So, Clinton was a divided man. He had known of God, but he had fallen away. He was warring against the ways of God. Ahab championed the worship of Baal and, with it, child sacrifice and immorality. Bill Clinton would be the first president to champion the killing of children in abortion.
How long was Bill Clinton on the national stage? When did his rise to power begin? His time on the national stage began when he became governor of Arkansas at the start of 1979, and it ended with the end of his presidency at the start of 2001. That comes out to 22 years. In 1 Kings, it is written: “Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria 22 years” (1 Kings 16:29). The years of Bill Clinton followed the years of King Ahab and were determined by his ancient prototype.
But Ahab wasn’t alone. He reigned in a co-regency with his wife, a woman who sought power for herself. His wife was named Isabel; we know her as Jezebel. She grew up with cosmopolitan values, the daughter of the priest of the goddess Ashtart. She worshiped female power. So, Hillary Clinton took on liberal cosmopolitan values and worshiped female power. The ancient Queen Jezebel saw traditional values as obstacles to be stamped out and biblical faith as something to wage war against. So, she would war against traditional values and would incite her husband to do the same. Behind Hillary Clinton is the paradigm of Isabel, or Jezebel. So, she too would see traditional values as obstacles to be stamped out, biblical faith as something to war against. She was quoted as saying, “Deep-seated religious beliefs must be changed.” She too would war against traditional values; she would incite her husband to do likewise. And as Jezebel was the chief advocate of Baal worship in Israel, which involved child sacrifice, so Hillary Clinton was the chief advocate of abortion in America. In fact, Planned Parenthood named her the “Abortion Champion of the Century.”
The days of the king and queen were not only of apostasy but of scandal. It’s written that Ahab coveted the vineyard of a man named Naboth, but Naboth would not give up his vineyard. So Jezebel came up with a plan. She had Naboth falsely accused and killed. So, Ahab and Jezebel were involved in a scandal involving real estate and involved the death of a man who was the keeper of the real estate that they obtained. Naboth’s vineyard is a garden of fruits. Naboth’s name means “fruit.” It matches the land that they were questing for.
So too, the Clinton years were filled with scandal. One of the most famous involved real estate. It was called Whitewater. It involved the death of a man who oversaw the real estate. His name was Vince Foster. As Naboth means “fruits,” matching the land he oversaw, the vineyard, Whitewater—the name of the land involved in the scandal—was “forest land.” And what does Foster—Vince Foster—what does Foster mean? It means “keeper of the forest.” The name of the man who died matches the land he oversaw.
But the greatest scandal of the Clinton years was the Lewinsky scandal. It would lead to Clinton’s impeachment. The fall of King Ahab was linked to the tribe of Levi. He would break the Levitical law and he would die in the city of the Levites. The fall of Ahab was linked to the tribe of Levi. From the tribe of Levi comes the name Levan; from Levan comes Luen; from Luen comes Linski. “Linski” means “from the tribe of Levi.” So, the fall of the American Ahab would also be linked to the tribe of Levi.
When was Ahab’s scandal exposed? In the 19th year of his time on the national stage. Clinton entered the national stage in 1979. The 19th year of his time on the national stage comes out to 1998. When was the scandal exposed? In 1998, the 19th year. Clinton entered the national stage in January of 1979. That brings the 19th year to January of 1998. When did the scandal break out? It broke out in January of 1998. Bill Clinton was sworn in as governor on January 20, 1979. When did the scandal break? On January 20, 1998—the 19th year to the exact day. After Ahab’s scandal was exposed by the prophet Elijah, he had three years left. Three years after the breaking of the scandal, his reign came to an end. Clinton’s scandal broke on January 20, 1998. Three years after the day the scandal of Bill Clinton was exposed brings us to January 20, 2001. The Clinton years came to an end on January 20, 2001.
And there’s even more. In the story of Ahab, the king makes a display of repentance, confessing his sin before returning to his old ways. Three years after his show of repentance, a calamity befalls the nation. Clinton made a show of his repentance in a White House prayer breakfast where he finally confessed and admitted he had sinned. Three years later from that day takes us to September 11, 2001—the day of calamity for the nation. It takes us to the morning of that day. The White House event began around 8:30 and lasted to about 10:30. 9/11 begins in that same window of time and ends seconds before 10:30.
In the biblical template, King Ahab’s reign comes to an end, but people don’t realize that the queen, Queen Jezebel, continued on. She remained on the political stage. She dwelt in the halls of power in the capital city. So, Clinton’s presidency came to an end, but the First Lady, Hillary Clinton, would continue on the political stage. And as Jezebel dwelt in the halls of power in the capital city, so Hillary Clinton dwelt in the halls of power also in the capital city—Washington—as Senator, then Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton would attempt to become the ruler of the land, but in the template, the reign goes to another, to a younger man.
Now, a younger man enters the mystery. In the ancient template, the younger man is named Joram, King Joram. In the modern replaying, his name is Barack Obama. He’ll follow the paradigm of Joram in his ways, in his policies. In the policies, Joram followed in the ways and policies of Ahab and Jezebel. So, Obama would follow in the agenda begun by the Clintons. The reign of Joram would be known for hostility to God and to His people. The rule of Barack Obama would also be known for its hostility to God, to biblical values, and to religious conservatives. He would preside over a period of time when the nation began noticeably turning away from biblical values. He sought to force believers to pay for abortion. He became the first president to advocate the overturning of the historic and biblical definition of marriage, to light up the White House in a rainbow. He would begin the woke-ification of the Army and the Justice Department, and he would be hostile in general to biblical values and to Israel. In his last days, he would let a UN resolution go forth that condemned Israel and declared that Israel’s dwelling in biblical Jerusalem was illegal.
During Joram’s reign, the former queen Jezebel dwelt in the king’s palace. So, in the days of Obama, the former first lady Hillary Clinton dwelt in the White House. Obama entered the national stage suddenly, with his rise to the presidency, with his appearance at the Democratic Convention of 2004. He began leaving the public stage at the Democratic Convention of 2016—that’s 12 years. He was sworn into national office as senator in January 2005 and then out of national office with the presidential inauguration of January 2017—again, 12 years. A 12-year period. Now, it is written, “Joram, the son of Ahab, reigned for 12 years” (2 Kings 3:1). He was on the national stage for 12 years.
Ancient Israel, the nation, then comes to a crossroads. If the house of Ahab continues in its rule, it’s going to seal the nation’s apostasy. All religious liberty is going to be stamped out; the word of God is going to be eliminated; the people of God are going to be persecuted. So too, America was at a crossroads—culturally and politically. But in the ancient paradigm, there comes a surprise—a man whose name is Yehu, or we know him as Jehu. He will contain the mystery of Donald Trump. Behind the phenomenon of Donald Trump is a mystery that goes back to Jehu.
He appears in the paradigm in the book I wrote, The Paradigm. In the scripture verse, 1 Kings 19:16, God speaks to Elijah: “And Jehu, the son of Nimshi, you will anoint to be king over Israel.” Then in 2 Kings 9:1: “Elisha the prophet called one of the children of the prophets and said to him, ‘Gird your loins, take this box of oil in your hand, and go to Ramoth-Gilead. And when you come there, look out for Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi, and go in and have him rise up from his brethren, and carry him to an inner chamber. Then take the box of oil, pour it on his head, and say, “Thus says the Lord, I’ve anointed you king over Israel.” Then open the door and run.’”
And it goes on to say: “And when he came, behold, the captains of the host were sitting, and he said, ‘I have an errand for you, O captain.’ And Jehu said, ‘For which one of us?’ He said, ‘To you, O captain.’” Now, Jehu is anointed to lead and is prophesied over. I don’t know of many other presidential figures who, before they became president, were so anointed by man, prayed over, and prophesied over. Reagan was given a word in the mid-1970s that he’d be president of the United States—a prophetic word. But Trump was prayed over, prophesied over, more than any other.
Who was Jehu? The text calls the men of the council in which Jehu is sitting “the sar,” “Sar” means prince or leader. “Hail” means force, as in an army, forces of men, a band of soldiers. But it can also mean the force of wealth. Trump was a leader (sar) of resources, wealth, and riches. But it also speaks of Jehu as a soldier. He was a captain, a commander, a general. Jehu was not a member of the royal house. He wasn’t a politician; he was a fighter. Jehu was a fighter. Donald Trump wasn’t a politician; he’s a fighter. He fights with everyone. Jehu was not a gentleman. He was a wild man; at times, he seemed unpredictable, uncontrollable. Trump the same way. With Jehu, you never knew what he was going to do or say next. Trump, same thing.
Jehu would come on the national stage suddenly; he would shake up the status quo. Donald Trump would come suddenly, shake up the status quo. Jehu began a race to the throne of Israel; Trump began a race to the White House. Now, we don’t know that Jehu was a man of God or even that he knew God, but we know he was a vessel of God, an instrument of God. With Donald Trump, we don’t know where his heart is with God, but he was used as a vessel of God.
The biblical template reveals that Jehu had not followed God up to that point. He was on the wrong side of the culture war. He was on the side of Ahab and Jezebel. He was a commander under them and so on the side of Baal. So he would have been in favor of child sacrifice. So Trump had not lived a godly life and he had been on the wrong side of the culture war, on the side of the Clintons. He had been in favor of abortion. But Jehu changed, and now he fought against the side of Baal. Donald Trump changed. He warred now against that which is against the ways of God—the forces of apostasy, abortion, the killing of children.
It’s written in 2 Kings 9:7: “You will strike the house of Ahab, your master, that I might avenge the blood of My servants, the prophets, at the hand of Jezebel.” Jehu was anointed to put an end to the corrupt house of Ahab and Jezebel. Trump was there to put an end to the house of Clinton. That’s what he would do when he defeated Hillary Clinton; it was basically the end of the Clinton Dynasty.
Jehu mounts up his chariot and heads to the royal city. On the way, the watchmen see him coming. They say, “The driving of the chariot is like that of Jehu; he drives furiously,” or in Hebrew, crazily. Donald Trump would drive furiously. The Hebrew to describe Jehu’s driving is “shaag,” which literally means crazy or he drives like a madman. Trump appeared to lead his campaign like a madman, and yet he won.
The Year of the Warrior. Jehu’s rising was in the 12th year of King Joram being on the national stage. The 12th year of Obama, the modern Joram on the national stage, was 2016. So, the ancient template—the paradigm—points to the rise of the warrior Trump in the year 2016. Jehu would begin his rising at the end of Joram’s 12-year reign. Trump would begin his rising at the end of Obama’s—the Obama presidency, in the end of his 12 years on the national stage.
But Jehu can’t fully come to power without coming face to face against Israel’s former first lady. So, Trump can’t come to the White House without coming face to face against America’s former first lady. And it says in 2 Kings 9:30: “When Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; she painted her face, she made up her head, and looked out the window. And as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, ‘Has Zimri come in peace, who slew his master?’” The former first lady, Jezebel, is being sarcastic, calling Jehu by the name of another man, Zimri. She looks down on him. She finds him deplorable. Her personality is not like Ahab or Joram; it’s one of anger and pride and vindictiveness. Well, people said that of Hillary Clinton.
Trump and the former first lady had several showdowns as Jezebel and Jehu. As Jezebel was for Baal worship, which is child sacrifice, Jehu was now against it. In the final debate between the two, it was a stark contrast. Clinton was for abortion, even late-term abortion, and Trump was strongly against it. It looked as if Clinton was going to crush Trump, but the template says that when the one who walks in the shoes of Jehu comes against the one who walks in the sandals of Jezebel, the one who walks according to Jehu will prevail. 2 Kings 9:33 says, “And he said, ‘Throw her down.’ So they threw her down.” And so, against all odds, Trump prevailed. And for Hillary Clinton, it was her political downfall.
Now, an amazing thing—it was actually prophesied before it happened. On the day when Hillary Clinton was to receive the nomination as the Democratic candidate for the presidency, a speech was given at that convention by a supporter of Clinton. And the theme of his speech were the words: “They threw her down.” He said, “They threw her down, but she wouldn’t stay down. They threw her down as a senator; she wouldn’t stay down. They threw her down as Secretary of State; she wouldn’t stay. They threw her down, threw her down, threw her down.” They threw her down as the First Lady. They threw her down; it goes on and on. The whole speech is really that they “threw her down” as the First Lady, but she didn’t stay “thrown.” They threw her down as a U.S. Senator, but she wouldn’t stay “thrown.” They threw her down as Secretary of State, but she wouldn’t stay “thrown.” They threw her down in this very campaign, but she won’t stay “thrown.”
Now, if you take the words of the speech that was given when Hillary Clinton was lifted up to stand against Trump, the American Jezebel, the American Jehu, just take the words “threw her down” and you type that into the internet, it would take you to 2 Kings 9:33—the showdown of Jehu and Jezebel. They threw her down. She was anointed to stand against the American Jehu with the words “they threw her down”—the words that prophesy, that speak of the downfall of Jezebel.
Hillary Clinton was on the national stage and in public life for 22 years with her husband, and on her own 12 years as Senator and Secretary of State. She left; she retired for two years, came back for two more years to run as President. So, a total of 14 years on her own, 22 years with her husband—14 years and 22 years. Jezebel was on the national stage of Israel with her husband for 22 years, on her own for 14 years.
Jehu will now set his sights on the capital city, which is filled with corruption. Most concerning is a deep state occupied by the house of Ahab. So he goes there with one agenda—to drain the swamp. On the way to the throne, Jehu makes an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land. So Trump, on the way to the White House in his campaign, makes an alliance with the religious conservatives of America. Jehu specifically asks a man to become his partner in the chariot named Jehonadab in his race to the throne. Jehonadab is a religious conservative known for his piety and abstinence. So Trump invites as his running mate a religious conservative known for his piety and abstinence.
Jehu wars against the worship of Baal, against child sacrifice, against what he calls witchcraft. Interestingly, those who practice witchcraft would have seen him as a threat. So it was not only the champions of child sacrifice who opposed Donald Trump—the champions of abortion—but another group. When Donald Trump assumed the presidency, something strange took place that had never taken place in American history or across the world. There gathered witches under the moon to cast spells against him, just as witches were in a war against Jehu.
When Jehu got to the capital city, he set out to destroy the Temple of Baal, dismantle its cult—the government-supported cult of child sacrifice he dismantled. So when Donald Trump got to the capital city, he set out to dismantle the government’s support for child sacrifice—abortion. Jehu pulled down the Temple of Baal. The paradigm says when Jehu rises, the Temple of Baal will fall. Now, it turns out there has been an actual Temple of Baal that has stood in the world since ancient times, surviving 2,000 years of world history. But when Jehu rises, the Temple of Baal falls. The actual Temple of Baal in the Middle East, standing for about 2,000 years, fell to the earth. When? Two months after Donald Trump began his rise—the American Jehu began his rise in the summer of 2015—the Temple of Baal fell to the earth. Jehu rises; the Temple of Baal falls to the earth.
What about January 6th? Could there be a mystery behind it? There is so much controversy over this. There is so much between the parties here. Now, this is not to condone anything that happened, but to give revelation. At one point in the book of Kings, Jehu calls for an assembly in the capital city. Now, by the way, everything I’m sharing came true after I wrote The Paradigm, came as it was a number of years after, but the template is in there. Jehu called for an assembly in the capital city. So Trump calls for an assembly in the capital city. There was, in that day in Jehu’s capital, a great building—a great capital building, a great capital pagan temple. Well, there was in Washington a great capital building called the Capitol Building. It’s also called “The People’s Temple” or “The Temple of Democracy” or “The American Temple.” The people of Jehu, in the template, go down to that great capital building and surround it, and while proceedings are going on, they get ready to do something. The people of Trump go down to that great capital building, surround it with proceedings going on, and get ready for something—or some of them did.
In the paradigm, in the Bible, at the set moment, the people of Jehu stormed the capital building. The biblical account reads: “Go inside.” On January 6th, many of the people of Trump, who surrounded the capital building, stormed it, went inside. Now, there is so much to this and what it signifies, but to say this now: When the Capitol Police announced how many they had arrested in Washington that week—the onsite of those who were part of this or stormed the building—it made headlines: “80 Arrested for Civil Unrest at U.S. Capitol and around D.C.,” “Metropolitan Police Department Arrested 80 Individuals in Connection with the Civil Unrest at the U.S. Capitol.” All right, 80 people.
In the account of 2 Kings, it records a phrase to speak of those who stormed that ancient capital temple building. The phrase is “shim’ish.” It translates to “80 people.” 80 people. It says in 2 Kings 10:23: “Now Jehu had stationed 80 men outside.”
Now, there is so much more. You see, the Temple of Baal was what enabled the Israelites to sacrifice their children. America has had its own Temple of Baal that enabled it to kill over 60 million children. It was called Roe vs. Wade. So, the template ordains that the American Jehu will be instrumental in pulling down the American Temple of Baal. Again, this was in the templates in The Paradigm, but this came true later. Roe vs. Wade is the American Temple of Baal, and Trump, the American Jehu, would do so by appointing three Supreme Court justices. The American Jehu pulled down the American Temple of Baal.
As a man who was not a politician but a soldier, a fighter, Jehu would undoubtedly have been in the line of fight, fire, a target of weaponry, and yet he would have survived. So, Trump would find himself in the line of fire, a target, and he would survive. Jehu was an unlikely leader. He was imperfect; he was mixed, and yet he was the only leader of the northern kingdom of Israel whom the Bible commends. Trump is an unlikely leader, an imperfect, mixed person, and yet, in spite of that, no American president was more effective and successful in pro-life, in the cause of life, than he was. No American president or world leader had recognized Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish nation—the first world leader to do so since ancient times. The only American president responsible for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, the first American president to recognize the Golan Heights as belonging to Israel, which is part of biblical Israel, the first American president to inaugurate the Abraham Accords, the only American president to speak at the March for Life—he was the American president who most spoke for, sought to defend religious freedom.
Just recently, Trump’s life was almost taken. It missed taking his life by as little as 2 cm. Had he not turned his head to look at the screen at the last minute, at the last second, he would have been dead. Is there anything in the template connected to this? There is. Again, Jehu was a warrior more than other kings of Israel; he would have been especially the target of physical attack. He was commander of war, of weapons, and in the line of fire, he would have survived. Interestingly, Jehu was also linked to assassination. He’s the one who assassinated evil rulers, and he also survived. But it was now as if forces of darkness were seeking to turn that against him and assassinate him.
I first revealed these things in 2017 when I wrote The Paradigm. I was led to give Jehu, thus Trump, a title. I called him “Jehu, the Warrior King,” and this is what you’re going to see on one of the pages—the opening chapter of that chapter where I wrote of Jehu as the Warrior King. And that’s what it was called. Trump, I wrote of as the Warrior President. But I never heard of Trump spoken of quite in those words until this summer, when he was shot. And what the call that he issued, what happened after he was shot—the call to fight—that’s the call of a soldier, a man of war. It was that event and that response that led people publicly in the news and on the web to refer to him as a warrior.
These are actual quotes: “Donald Trump praised by stars as a warrior man willing to give his life after assassination attempt.” Another: “Trump just proved…” These are quotes: “Trump just proved that he is a pure warrior after his heinous assassination attempt.” As I called Jehu the Warrior King, look what Trump was actually called on television: “Trump has a warrior president mentality.” The Warrior King. Is Trump perfect? Of course not. Is he imperfect? Yes. Is he a mix? Yes. Is he wild and unpredictable? Yes. It’s not about him; it’s ultimately about the ways of God. But so was Jehu. Again, we don’t know where Jehu was at with God, but the thing is that God used him. God will use whom God will use. It’s not about the person; it’s about God. It’s about the purposes. It’s about things like life and other things. It’s about the will of God.
America is hanging in the balance, just as Israel hung in the balance in ancient times in the days of Jehu. As it was then, there are gigantic differences between the stands of the two parties and the two candidates. Not about the people—it’s about the issues. One, Kamala Harris, is radically for abortion—the killing of children up to the time of birth. The other, Donald Trump, is for life. One has, in fact, opposed legislation to protect babies born alive from being killed or left to die. One is radically for the transitioning or surgical mutilation of children and youth. The other is against that, the other is for saving the baby. One, along with her running mate, has been warned of, spoken of, as a danger to free speech, and they have spoken of censoring free speech. One has sought to force Christians—Kamala Harris—to support the killing of babies forcibly, and pro-life pregnancy centers to force them to refer their people to go to abortion clinics. The other has pledged to defend religious freedom.
Kamala Harris was championed and heralded at the Democratic Convention to nominate her for the presidency, but the one who walked in the footsteps of King Joram, and the one who walked in the footsteps of Jezebel, and the one who walked in the footsteps of Ahab—all of whom were there—they were of the house of Ahab, which saw Jehu as an enemy. So, at the convention, they all vilified the American Jehu—Trump. This is all according to the paradigm.
This election is critical and will determine, for good or bad, good or evil, the future of this nation we call America. Now, let me tell you something. We saw that Ahab reigned for 22 years. His antitype, Bill Clinton, was on the national stage until the end of his presidency, 22 years. Joram, we saw, was on the national stage for 12 years. His antitype, Obama, was on the national stage for 12 years. Jezebel was on the national stage with her husband 22 years, on her own 14 years. Her antitype, Hillary Clinton, was on the national stage with her husband 22 years, on the national stage 14 years on her own.
What about Jehu? What about Trump? Trump is different. Most of his life was spent out of government public life, but most of it was on the national stage, so it’s kind of hard to pinpoint. Jehu was on the public stage as ruler for 28 years, so for Jehu, the key number is 28. His last year in power was his 28th year—the year 28. If Trump is reelected in the autumn, as his second term, he can only serve four more years and no more, so the last year of the American Jehu will be the year 28—the year 2028. It’ll be the 28th year.
Now, does that mean that he has to be reelected? No. He has free will; America has free will to do as do its voters and does God’s people. We all have free will. God has His will, His perfect will, His permissible or permissive will, and His redemptive will. We have free will to pray or not to pray, to vote or not to vote. If we all—God’s people—prayed and voted, America’s future would be different, will be different.
The rise of Jehu in ancient Israel—what did it mean? It represented a reprieve in Israel’s fall from God and ultimately to judgment. It was a chance to turn back. Jehu wasn’t the answer; it was just a window that opened up the answer. So with Trump, which of the two futures will be America’s future? On one end, you have a party and a platform and a candidate who are advocating the ways against God, really, in terms of the Bible, in terms of ancient Israel—the ways of apostasy that led to judgment. You have a way that leads to judgment—the killing of babies, the going against God and His ways leads to judgment, calamity. Or, the other is a reprieve for the chance of revival.
What will be? Which one will be America’s future? What about Kamala Harris? All I will say is: Do not miss what I am going to open up in the next video. Again, was Jehu the answer? No. Trump’s not the answer, but God uses and provides a window for a nation to turn back. Now, the answer is not the man; the answer is not the window. The answer is what can happen through the window: revival. That is the only thing that can save America.
God allowed Trump to come within centimeters and seconds of death. Trump was within that—just right there—but God saved him. God can also save an America—a nation that is on the edge of calamity and judgment. But your prayers and your vote matter. If we don’t vote, we bear the guilt for what happens. If we don’t pray, we bear the guilt. Make a difference. You’re the light of the world. God put you on Earth for such a time as this. Impact your world. Touch—you have a vote, use it. Spread the gospel. Pray for revival. If you’re not registered, do it now. It’s real easy—something like Maybe we’ll put it up. And most importantly, pray, pray, pray for revival. And let the revival start with you. The answer isn’t a system or a party or a man. The answer is Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Messiah, the Light of the World, the Glory of Israel, and the hope of these United States of America.
For those in your life who need to see this, those who are going to vote or those who just don’t know, send them this link and hit like. To make sure you don’t miss the next prophetic video on the mystery of Kamala Harris and all the prophetic messages that are going to appear on this channel, hit subscribe. The Dragon’s Prophecy is coming out within days. To get your copy, or to get it for those in your life, go to wherever you get books. It’s wherever there are books online, and you’ll soon be able to get it physically. To get The Paradigm, the book that opens up this mystery and foretold these things, same thing: It’s online wherever you get books. It’s still coming true. And to get the free gifts, prophetic updates, see all my teachings, and more, to be part of God’s end-time purposes, go to The link’s in the description. And until next time, with the mystery of Kamala Harris and what it actually means, this is Jonathan Cahn saying, “Be strong, my friend, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” Shalom.
Is there more to the world than meets our eyes? Another realm that’s transforming our world at this very moment? Is there an ancient vision that unlocks what is really happening and what is yet to come? Is there a secret to the Book of Revelation that reveals what is taking place right now? After eight New York Times Bestsellers, Jonathan Cahn now releases his newest stunning blockbuster: The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.For the first time ever, Jonathan Cahn will open end-time prophecy and reveal the secrets of our age. The Dragon’s Prophecy will reveal the long-hidden secret of the last days, the colors of the apocalypse, the 235th day, the Beast, what lies ahead, and more. What does the future hold? Just when you thought Jonathan Cahn’s books couldn’t get more explosive, comes The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days. It will open your eyes, blow your mind, and change the way you see the world. Available everywhere books are sold.
And if that’s not his best, then this one will really blow your mind (no pun intended):
Jonathan Cahn: The MYSTERY Behind The Trump Assassination Attempt
This is truly incredible….
I had brought you a previous report that included a lot of this information, but as usual Jonathan Cahn finds things no one else has noticed.
You have to see this, it will blow your mind.
We all know about the blood on the Right Ear, the Right Hand and the Foot, but that’s only where Jonathan Cahn starts.
Did you know what scripture was appointed to be read that day?
Did you realize it all happened on a Sabbath?
Do you know the deep Biblical meaning of “Butler”?
And do you know how perfectly tied in the Republican National Convention would be immediately following this?
It’s all in here, plus a lot more.
Full transcript:
The Mystery of the Trump Assassination That Almost Was
Jonathan Cahn:
Is there something deeper behind the assassination attempt on Donald Trump? A mystery that goes back to ancient times? This message, this video, is going to open it up. Send it to everybody you know who needs to see it and needs to know. And stay tuned to the end; there’s going to be another mystery concerning the place.
First, this is Jonathan Cahn, and I am on the road. I’m doing this through my cell phone; there’s no technical stuff going on, so forgive the technical issues. But I didn’t want to wait to get this to you now, to make sure you don’t miss the prophetic messages that are going to come forth on this channel and get everything from me. Hit subscribe.
Quick update on the Dragon’s Prophecy: The Dragon’s Prophecy, Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days. It’s coming out in about 30 days. So many of you have pre-ordered it that you’ve broken all sorts of records. It’s going to reveal things the media would never let out if they could stop it. An advanced glimpse at some of the titles and subjects: it’s going to open up the dark matrix, the return of the sea peoples, the beast, the colors of the apocalypse, the red dragon prophecy, the metamorphosis, the mystery people, and much more. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, or for people in your life, a copy for them, this is the time. They could run out, but those who order now are going to be guaranteed and you’re going to be the first to get it. How do you get it? Just go to wherever you get any place online where they have books. You can get it right now, they’ll have it.
All right, to get free gifts, updates, prophetic updates, see all my teachings, be part of God’s purposes in the end times, just go to The link’s in the description.
All right, I’ve been asked about something that’s been going around that has to do with the assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life and a verse in Leviticus, namely that the bullet grazed his ear and his ear was stained with blood. Now, a few things. We have to be careful; we can’t just take everything as a message from God or a sign. And even if we deduce something as a sign, it doesn’t mean we know what it means. It was a bullet, not a person anointing him. It was his own blood, not that of a sacrifice, and Donald Trump is not the high priest of Israel—he’s Trump, you know?
On the other hand, there are those who dismiss everything and say it’s not God, it’s not a sign, no matter what. Well, they have to be careful as well. Unless something contradicts the word of God, unless you know something by God’s spirit, how can you say dogmatically something is not from God or a sign? Be careful lest you enter the same territory of presumption that you oppose. And you know, you can’t put God in a box that He hasn’t put Himself in. He’ll speak as He speaks, and He’ll use what He uses. And God does speak through history, through life, through events, through symbols, and in context with His word.
What happened on July 13th was unique. To have the bullet just miss Trump’s head by centimeters is striking, and to have it miss his head by seconds turning, or a second, is striking. And to have it just touch his ear—and since the Bible does say something about blood on the ears—could there actually be something to this? Could God use a biblical sign of consecration to speak to a leader or a nation concerning consecration? Could it be, and if so, what might it mean for America and for us?
We’re going to open it up. I’m not speaking dogmatically or doctrinally, but I’m going to open it up so you can see it for yourself in the context of the word, in the original language, what it could mean.
The consecration of the priest. I was born a descendant of Aaron, and in the day of the temple, when the time came, I would need to go through this process or this rite in order to minister, in order to serve God, to be a priest. It is the ordination, a unique ritual recorded in Leviticus 8. It’s written that the Lord said to Moses, “Take the ram of consecration,” and it says, “Moses took some of its blood, and he put it on the tip of the ear of Aaron, the priest, and his sons, on the right ear.” He took some of the blood and put it on the tip of the right ear of Aaron.
Now, what happened to Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania? Where was the blood? Well, the blood was on his ear. Where did the bullet hit? On the tip, the edge, which means the extremity of the ear. Which ear did it strike? It says in Leviticus, the right ear.
Now, there was more to the ordination of the priest. Moses was to put the blood on the thumb of his right hand. The priest is to be anointed on his ear and on his hand, his right hand. Well, the bullet did not strike Trump’s right hand, but wait. Look what happened next. If you look at what happened, the first thing is that Trump raises his right hand to his right ear. So you have the hand and the ear, the extremity of the right ear. He doesn’t just raise his hand; he raises the thumb of his right hand to the blood of his ear, which he said was gushing out. So, undoubtedly, now it wasn’t just his ear that was touched with blood, but his right hand. And the first thing that goes to it is the thumb of his right hand.
Now, note in Leviticus, the order is the blood is first on the tip of the right ear, and then second, it goes onto the right hand. And that’s exactly the order in which this happened: the right ear and the right hand. Now, to show you one of the most famous pictures from what happened, what do you see? The blood comes down from Trump’s ear, and what is prominent right underneath? You see it: his right thumb, his right thumb is even lit up by the sun. This is one of the pictures that went forth throughout the world. I mean, one of the most famous pictures is right there. This was the event. The event took place publicly before the assembly there and before the world.
Now, we might picture the anointing of blood on the priest as a private event, but the scripture says it is to take place before all the congregation, assembly, the assembled together. So the anointing of blood takes place publicly before all, just as the placing of blood on Trump’s ear and his hand took place before the assembly, before the world.
But the consecration continues. Moses is to place the blood on the big toe of his right foot. The blood goes onto the priest’s right foot. Now, there’s no way this could happen as Trump had shoes on, but something happened. As Trump goes down, his shoes are removed. Now, when have you ever seen something like this happen? He said blood was everywhere. Blood would have dripped on the stage. Without shoes, stepping on the place where the blood had dripped, the blood could now touch his feet, even through his socks. And the order of the ancient consecration is first the tip of the right ear, the thumb of the right hand, and the toe of the right foot. And that was the exact order of the blood on that day.
And there’s more. You see, in the same chapter, Aaron places the priestly garment. Actually, Moses puts it on Aaron, but one thing is missing: the shoes. There’s no shoes. The consecration of the priest takes place with the shoes removed. The removing or the absence of the shoes was part of the consecration of the priest. So Trump’s shoes were removed. And if you look at the, there’s a little glimpse of the actual words. It says, it’s capturing, it’s part of a sentence, says to feet overturned, asking if he can get his shoes. He asked several times, can I get my shoes? His shoes were removed when the blood was applied to the ear, and the thumb, and the foot. The shoes were removed. The priest was shoeless. So Trump was shoeless when the blood was touching at every point. In fact, based on the biblical evidence and the biblical writings, the removing of the shoes was part of the ministering of the priest. From what we know, the priest became the priest without his shoes and ministers ministered God’s purposes shoeless. And so it happened on that day.
Now, this all happened on a Saturday, which is a Sabbath. Every Sabbath day, there’s a scripture that is appointed from ages past to be read and chanted from the scrolls all around the world in the synagogues of the world, the Jewish people. So it’s an appointed word, it’s appointed regardless, you can’t change it, it’s appointed for that time. What was the appointed word for the Sabbath? See, when this all happened, it was a Saturday, so it happened on a Sabbath, a Sabbath day, July 13th, when it all happened. The Sabbath day was very important in the ministry of the priest, and so this passage opens up. What was it proclaimed with? One of the sons of Aaron who was consecrated in that consecration, when Moses consecrated Aaron and his sons with the blood on his ear, his hand, and his foot, with the priest, it’s one of the sons of Aaron who had the blood placed upon him, and he is now returning to the place where the anointing took place, which is in front of the tent of meeting.
And in that passage, on the time when Trump, the blood touched him, the priest, the son of Aaron, takes some of the blood of the sacrifice with his finger and dips it in the blood and sprinkles toward the front of the tent of meeting. His body touches the blood and his hand is again marked by the blood. So the appointed word for the day when this all happened to Trump, marked by the blood, is about the priest and about the blood, and about the blood touching his body, touching his hand.
Something else. After the priest is anointed with blood on his ear, and his thumb, and his toe, the sacrifice with its blood is placed in his hands, and with his hands, he waves it. Now, after all this happened to Trump, he took his right hand that had touched the blood, and he waved his hand for the world to see. Of course, he was declaring resilience and defiance, but he was literally waving it.
Now, what is the significance? The event in the scripture was the ordination or consecration of the priest. And only after going through this can the priest be set into his office, into his ministry. Notice when this happened. This event happened to Trump, it happened on the last Sabbath before the nomination of Donald Trump to the office of the presidency. The convention is to put its approval and nomination and ordain and set forth its candidate for the office of the presidency. But could God have also set his ordaining by replaying the rite of the ordaining of the priest, sing them to take the office to begin their ministry?
You know, in other nations, they don’t call them presidents, they call them prime ministers. It happened only two days, this event happened only two days before the beginning of the convention. And you know, the ordination of the priest actually took place over seven days. So as though back then it would have included the time of his nomination in that convention, that would be all part of one flow: the blood, and the priest, the blood, and the dipping, the ordination, and into being set into office for their ministry. Now, so those seven days, the convention would be part of that, and the entire convention he was marked by the spot where the blood first touched him, the blood that had marked his ear, which in the ordination of the priest to the office, they would be marked through that time by the blood.
In Hebrew, the name for what happened to the priest was called the “milim” or the consecration. The blood was the blood of the “elim milim,” the ram of the consecration. “Milim” is the consecration to serve, but it also means the word in Hebrew. It comes from a root word “mala,” which means to the setting in place. It’s used in the Bible for the setting of precious stones in their place. It comes from the Hebrew word “malay,” which also means to confirm, to fulfill, to complete, to become complete as in a completion. Could it be that this was about the completing of Donald Trump or Donald Trump’s calling, that there’s a completion yet to come, that something was missing that needed to be added to complete Donald Trump and God’s purposes for his life?
The priest was anointed with the blood on his ear, signifying that he had to hear from God, his ear had to be opened to God. Could God be wanting the ears of Donald Trump to be open to hear from Him, to hear His voice? The priest was anointed with the blood on his hands, signifying he was called to do the will and work of God. Could it be that God wants the hands of Donald Trump to do His will and His work? And the priest was anointed with blood on his foot, signifying he was called to walk in the ways of God and not to the right or the left. And again, his feet were, his shoes were removed. The priest also, Trump, that he would walk on holy ground. Could it be that God wants Donald Trump to walk in His ways truly, in His footsteps, not turn to the right or the left?
Many people come to the Lord and closer to the Lord after they come very close to death. I came to the Lord only because I was struck by a locomotive train, and in that moment I called out to God and I was saved. And by inches, I would have been killed. And realizing that only inches separated me from eternity, I knew I had to give my life to the Lord and I wanted more time. Before doing that, I was 19 years old. So I said, “Lord, I’ll come to you when I turn 20.” And so on the night of my 20th birthday, as a man who had given his word to God, I descended a mountain and went to the mountain top, kneeled down on a rock, and gave my life to the Lord on my 20th birthday. Later on, I’m reading the Bible, and I read in 1 Chronicles 23:27, in the days of David, the age in which the sons of Aaron, the priests, everything we’ve been talking about, would begin serving the Lord was when they turned 20, as in their 20th birthday. I had no idea, and so my coming near to death was the beginning of my consecration to God. It was only that locomotive train that led me to serve God on my 20th birthday when I was born again. That’s our consecration.
Trump missed death by centimeters, a split second, a split second, a turn of his head. That’s how close he was to death, and he knows it. Could it be that it was actually part of what God intends to be his consecration to God and that the blood that marked his ear was for real, the blood of a real consecration? When President Reagan was shot, it led him to seek to live for the Lord, the days he had for the Lord, and many noticed what seemed to be a change in Trump at the Republican convention as if he had been humbled, you know, those days leading up to the speech and the beginning of it. And he said there, “Every single moment we have on Earth is a gift from God.” Could this be the beginning? Could this be the beginning of his completion, a true consecration to God’s, to be as the priests were, vessels of God’s purposes, to truly turn his heart to God, to put everything away that’s not God, to serve Him with all his heart?
The consecration of the priest was part of a transformation, a spiritual transformation of God dedicating a person to Himself and a person dedicating himself to God, to be cleansed, to become holy, anointed for the purpose of God. And if so, could Trump even become, in a sense, a sort of priest, as the president represents the nation, the priest does represent his nation, and as believers, we’re all to be priests, and to help bring a nation to God’s will. The priest was to bring the nation to God, consecrated to God. Could God be speaking to a nation like America that He wants it to return to be consecrated to Him?
The blood of the consecration comes from the sacrifice, and the sacrifices of Leviticus are all shadows of Messiah’s sacrifice on the cross. Trump can only be consecrated by the blood of the sacrificed Messiah. Pray for that. Pray that Trump, more than fulfilling his plan and his own plan, his own will, will fulfill God’s plan and will, that he will give himself to the purposes of God. Does he have to? No, he has a choice. That’s why we need to pray. Does he have to become president? No, that’s why we need to pray and vote. God has a perfect will and calls us to it, but we each have the choice to respond. Whether he becomes all God has called and fulfills that will, that will be his choice and the response also of God’s people regarding all these as we pray and also as we vote.
It may also be that a redemption, a turning, a consecration to the Lord may come to this nation through the shedding of blood. We shall see, but we must pray for the election, pray for this nation.
One more mystery concerning where it all happened. It could have happened anywhere. If it was dependent on the Secret Service, Trump would be dead today. And he himself said, “God, it was the grace of God Almighty, the only thing that saved me.” Now, look at this. This is a split second before the shot, and then the shot. Look at where the bullet would have gone, but then Trump turns his head at the split second, and look at these things. I mean, this is real. It was that close. It would have changed history. He was saved by centimeters and milliseconds, or the last second, a last minute, or last second turn of his head.
Is there anything to where it happened? It happened in Butler, Pennsylvania. Anything to that? It would seem it doesn’t sound like there’d be anything to that. Butler doesn’t sound, but wait. The word Butler, is there something to it? The word Butler comes from the old French word, “bouteillier,” which means the cupbearer. The cupbearer. The cupbearer is a biblical word. The Bible speaks about this, and that’s what Butler means. It’s the word “mashkeh.” In the original King James Bible, Joseph interprets the dream of the one that he calls the butler, but it really means the cupbearer. That’s what it means. The word is “mashkeh.” The butler means the cupbearer, the “mashkeh.”
But what is the cupbearer in the Bible? The cupbearer was connected to a king or ruler. What happened on Saturday was connected to a king or ruler, a ruler, a leader. The cupbearer was to bear the cup, but why? More than any other reason, the cupbearer was there in the event of an assassination attempt on the king or ruler. He was there to prevent an assassination attempt or to prevent the assassination attempt from being successful, to prevent somebody from killing the king or the ruler, as in those days, poisoning the cupbearer. You’ll see some quotes here to put up about cupbearers. It says, “Once a food tester interposed between the target and the assassin.” Another one speaks to the cupbearer, said, “The king could rely on his loyalty and trust him.” In old monarchies, they were paranoid about attempted assassinations. Another reference on this cupbearer, the person to whom the food is given or the threat of assassination or harm. So the cupbearer was the one charged to protect the king from an assassination attempt, and that was the name, the name of the place where the assassination attempt took place, which means the protector against assassination. The assassination attempt, the butler, the cupbearer, the protector against the assassination of the ruler.
Those who were assigned in the natural to protect Trump from assassination, they failed. And it wasn’t just that Trump happened to turn at the exact moment and the bullet happened to graze his ear centimeters, but the name of the place testifies it was not by chance. It was by the hand of the one who fulfilled what the cupbearer was to fulfill. There was a hand that intervened, bearing witness in an assassination attempt that is the cupbearer, the assassination of a nation’s ruler, which is what it would have been. But because there was a hand that protected him, that took the role of the cupbearer, the one who did it, the attempt. Trump was not saved by the Secret Service or the United States government. Trump was saved by the hand of God.
And what happened after Trump’s life was spared? He went down, and the Secret Service kept him down. Now, the reason in the natural was for protection, but what happened was he went down on his knees. He was forced down on his knees, his face was bowed to the ground. The king of this land was bowed on his knees, his face to the ground. Sounds real biblical. God is over all kings. God is in charge of kings, and God humbles kings, and God brings kings to Himself. He raises them up and He puts them down. Trump is alive because of the hand of God, and what he said is true. Every moment we have on Earth is a gift from God, and he was only saved by the grace of God Almighty.
So as the word says, let us redeem the times. You know, we are only—well, that happened to him—well, you know what, our lives are only by a split second from eternity because every heartbeat is one, just one heartbeat from being gone. We need to make the most of our time. As the Bible says, let us redeem the time for God and His purposes. God saved his life. God’s heart is to save. Let’s pray and work for the salvation of the lost, to spread the gospel to all people that we can in the time we have. And let’s pray that Trump will truly know the Lord and His ways, that the one who leads America will know that, and that the purpose of God that He has for him and this nation will be fulfilled, that his ears may be fully open, that his hands will serve God’s will, that his feet will walk in the path of God, the way of God, that he’ll be transformed, consecrated, and anointed. And we need to seek God’s hand on this nation to save as many as He will save for the purpose of God. We need to touch every part and realm of this world and this nation, to vote, register to vote. Who sits in the White House is also our choice. If every believer voted, it would be a very different America. But beyond all that, we need to pray for revival. We need to pray. The only thing that’s going to save America is not any party or man or government but the hand that saved Donald Trump. Only God can save America. Only by revival can America be saved, and that could only come about by the true high priest, the one who offered his own life as a sacrifice and whose blood came down his head on the cross, undoubtedly to his ears and his hands and his feet as he died on the cross as the high priest offering up the sacrifice, the one, our true high priest, Messiah Yeshua, Jesus, the only hope for anyone, the only hope of America, and for all of us.
And remember, no matter who it is that sits in the White House, we know who it is who sits on the throne and rules above all, and no matter what the future holds, we are called to be His priest for our generation. Consecrate your heart to God and your life fully for God and His purposes. Walk in holiness. Whatever you need to do, do it. Whatever you need to stop doing, stop doing it. And to walk, consecrate your ears to hear His voice, what is holy, and not what is not. Consecrate your hands to do His will, and not what is not His will. Consecrate your feet to walk in His way, and not what is not His way. Turn away, priest of God. Consecrate yourself to God. Be cleansed. God will anoint you and use you as a vessel of honor to do great and mighty things that He’s called for your life.
Now, before some last important things, let’s pray. Lord, we just ask Your hand on Trump, on the leaders, on all leaders, and Lord, on America. Let there be revival. Whatever it takes, let there be revival, and let revival begin with each of us. Father, have Your way. In the name of Yeshua, Messiah, our priest. Amen.
Okay, now some last things. Watch out very soon because I’m going to be putting up a prophetic message and revelation about this coming election, the mystery behind it, behind the leaders of our time, some amazing, very stunning things, even the mystery of Donald Trump. And make sure you don’t miss the messages here. To not miss them on this channel, hit subscribe. Send this message to everybody who needs to hear it or see it.
The Dragon’s Prophecy, in about 30 days. Get your copy or for people in your life. Go online and wherever books are, they’ll have it. To get free gifts, prophetic updates, see all the teachings, all my teachings, and be part of God’s purposes in the end times, go to The links are in the description.
I’m going fast because the battery is running out here on everything I have here in this hotel room. Until next time, this is Jonathan Cahn saying, be strong in the Lord in the power of His might. Shalom.
Is there more to the world that meets our eyes? Another realm that’s transforming our world at this very moment? Is there an ancient vision that unlocks what is really happening to our world and tells us what is yet to come? A dangerous force from ancient times that is now operating in the world and determining the course of world events. Did a 3,000-year-old mystery actually foretell the invasion of Israel by Hamas down to the year and even the exact date? Is there a secret to the Book of Revelation that reveals what is taking place right now? After eight New York Times bestsellers, Jonathan Cahn now releases his newest stunning blockbuster: The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days. For the first time ever, Jonathan Cahn will open up end-time prophecy to reveal the mystery behind the end of the age and what is now happening before our eyes, even the hidden keys to victory in light of what’s coming and how to overcome the dragon. The Dragon’s Prophecy will reveal the long-hidden secret of the last days, the dark resurrection, the colors of the apocalypse, the return of the sea people, the black Sabbath, the inverted angel, the 2315 day, the beast, and much, much more. What does the future hold? What do you need to know? And what about the dragon? Just when you thought Jonathan Cahn’s books couldn’t get more explosive, comes The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days. It will change the way you see the world. It will open your eyes and blow your mind. The Dragon’s Prophecy, the book you can’t afford not to read, available everywhere books are sold.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn, and I hope you were blessed with the video. Make sure you hit the subscribe button and tap the bell icon so you’re notified every time a new video is posted. Feel free to share your reactions with your comments and how you were blessed, and share this video with your friends. Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.
NEW PROPHETIC VISION: A Second Attempt On President Trump’s Life Is Incoming…
I’d like to show you a new video just posted by Troy Black.
I’ve covered Troy a few times here before, and in case you don’t know him he’s had a very accurate track record with what he’s posted in the past.
He goes through some of that history in the video below and he says he really wishes he were not publishing this new video but he has to speak out what God showed him.
And I’m going to help him get the message out.
I want you to watch the whole thing so I don’t summarize anything wrong or put my own spin or interpretation on it, and I’ll also post the full transcript down below.
But here’s a really quick and rough summary.
Troy says he was shown another attack on President Trump’s life is coming soon.
He says this one will be “closer” although not necessarily closer in terms of closer to death but perhaps closer in proximity?
Spoiler alert: he says he sees President Trump being “just fine” and not harmed.
He also seems perhaps a boy involved who plays some heroic role?
But there will be a second attempt on President Trump’s life and it sounds like it could happen soon — certainly between now and November.
There was one other part that also jumped out at me…
Early in the video he says the following: “Someone will emerge only to quickly drop down again.”
Who does that sound like?
It sounds EXACTLY like what I’ve been telling you.
I believe Kamala has made a deal where they will remove Biden from office, she will get to become the first “Black” (Indian?) Woman President and in exchange for going down in the history books (she loves going down) she will then withdraw from the Presidential Election to make way for the real candidate they want, which I still think it either Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom — or possibly Hillary Clinton.
Please watch here or scroll down to read the full transcript:
Backup here if needed:
God Showed Me a Second Attempt Coming. A Vision of Donald Trump.
— (@DailyNoahNews) July 23, 2024
Hey y’all, this is Troy. So, I was driving in my car the other day, coming back from the airport, and I was worshiping the Lord. The Holy Spirit began to speak to me, and I had to pull the car over into a parking lot. I began to write down what God showed me about Trump and a second attempt on his life.
I’ve heard a few different words about this nation and the political scene right now over the last several days. I’m going to share a couple of those briefly, but if you haven’t been keeping up with some of the words I’ve been sharing lately, we’ve been seeing one word after another come to pass. Trump’s conviction back in May or whenever that occurred—the Lord gave me a three-week timeline, literally three weeks to the day before that, of when something like that was going to happen. The word about Biden that I got about him getting a lot of pressure to drop out and then continuously pushing back—God gave me that word before any of that began to happen. Now we’re seeing the fallout of that, where he’s officially dropping out. He’s finally crumbled under the weight of that pressure.
A lot of these things God’s been prophesying ahead of time. I even saw an image of Obama looking over Biden’s shoulder from a news article this weekend. It was talking about how Biden was calling him a puppet master, and I got a very similar word to that. We even used a similar thumbnail where Obama was looking over Biden’s shoulder. I’ll put a link back to that word if you want to see the original. We’re seeing the Lord speak so clearly, time and time again.
I’ve shared two words that have to do with what happened to Trump and this attempt on his life recently. I’m going to put those links below as well if you want to watch the follow-up to some of those words that I received from the Lord. This word today is very interesting; it’s something I didn’t want to share. Even when I heard it, I was shocked and amazed that the Lord was even saying it. The presence of God was so real as I was sitting there in the car, and His voice was so clear. I knew I had to be obedient to what He was asking me to do.
Let me pray, and then I’m going to get started. I feel led to start with this other word that I got.
Holy Spirit, I just ask that you would speak very clearly today to every heart. For anybody watching who doesn’t know you, Jesus, as their Lord and Savior, that they would come to know you personally today. Holy Spirit, that you would reach out to hearts no matter where they are, that you would grab hold of their hearts and reveal Jesus to every single person listening. Thank you, Father, for your love. Thank you for your presence, Jesus. Amen.
Okay, so I heard this word on July 17th, before Biden officially dropped out. Obviously, we’re going to have to wait and see what happens next, who the nominee will be, and all that. I heard the Lord say, “Someone will emerge only to quickly drop down again.” He said, “A tainted system enlisting the help of the enemy, an outsider to get the job done, but it won’t go well for them.”
I am making an assumption here that this probably applies to the Democratic candidate. I don’t know for sure, so this may apply somewhere else, but I’m letting y’all know that’s my interpretation of it. What I heard the Lord say specifically was, “Someone will emerge only to quickly drop down again. A tainted system.” I’m going to leave that word on the table, and we’ll have to wait and see how that plays out.
On the 19th, two days later, I heard this word from the Lord that I believe is very encouraging for this nation right now and for anyone, no matter which nation you’re watching from. This is what God can do even in the midst of political turmoil or national chaos. We just saw the IT system failure happen a couple of days ago. I believe God prophesied that in advance, and I’ll put a link to that video as well if you want to watch the first half of a video we posted last month called “Unprecedented Events Are Coming a Month from Now.” The timeline on that was almost down to the day of a month from when I shared that.
Even in the midst of all this, this is what God can do. This is what I heard the Lord say on the 19th: “My fire is coming to a nation right now.” He’s not talking about judgment; He’s talking about revival fire. He said, “It’s going to spread across the earth. A national revival is at a breaking point, about to break out and stream forth if my people will consume the thoughts of God on a daily basis.” Then He said this, “What is your will?” is the question to ask, talking about what is God’s will. He said, “Not what can I do for myself or what can you do for me.”
A lot of us are asking, “Lord, what can I do for myself?” or “What can you do for me?” But God is saying if we’ll begin to ask this question, “Lord, what’s your will? What’s your will for this country? What’s your will for this situation? What’s your will for my life?” Not “This is what I want, Lord, now make it happen.” That’s where we often come from, but to really be a child is yes, to ask a loving parent for help or for what you need or even for what you want sometimes. But it’s also to take a step back and realize they are in control, and they know better than I do.
For some of us, I just sense this from the Holy Spirit. Even in the church, we have an authority problem right now, and the authority problem is not with our leaders—Christian leaders or pastors so much. The authority problem is between us and God, where we want to control what happens next by pleading with Him or by begging Him or whatever. The Lord is saying it’s not your will, my church, that ultimately needs to get done. It’s my will. This is where we need to be. We can ask, yes, we can pray, but then we need to take a step back like Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane and say, “But not my will be done, but your will. What do you want me to do based on your will, based on the leading of the Holy Spirit?”
What does it mean to consume the thoughts of God on a daily basis like He says here? Number one, Jesus said man does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God. Then He quotes Scripture to the devil in the wilderness. It means to read the word, to get into the word of God more than we’re listening to prophecy, more than we’re listening to pastors preach, more than we’re listening to public opinion, even if it’s Christian opinion, to center ourselves on the word of God and on the gospel message, which is the word of life. Number two is just like 1 Corinthians chapter 2 says, we have the mind of Christ as believers. To listen to the thoughts of God by just waiting upon God and listening to the Holy Spirit, He wants to speak to us with His still, small voice. He wants to lead us on a daily basis. Sometimes He’s going to say, “Yes, take a step of action here.” Other times He’s going to say, “Just stand still and see that I’m God. Wait for me.”
This is 2 Corinthians 5:21, the ESV. It says, “For our sake, He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” This is talking about what Jesus did for us at the cross, how He became sin for us, and He took the punishment for all of our sins so that we could become the righteousness of God. Many of us are looking for a savior or a saving moment or something to rise in this nation to bring us to victory here and now. Because we’re not dwelling on the thoughts of God, we’re not dwelling on the word and what the Holy Spirit is saying, we’re forgetting. We’re looking at the chaos and we’re forgetting Jesus has already won the victory at the cross. He’s already defeated the foe. The foe of sin is much greater and much larger in the scope of things than a political opponent or the direction a nation is heading. Jesus already defeated that foe at the cross. The largest, the biggest problem has already been solved.
When we start from that place, we start from a place of victory. Instead of looking at what the enemy is doing or what the world is doing, we’re looking at what God has already done. Because of what He’s done at the cross, what He can do through us now. We’re starting from a completely different place. We’re stepping out of a place of victory instead of fighting for it with what’s happening in the world today, thinking, “Well, this has to happen for the church to walk in victory.” No, it doesn’t. The only thing that needs to happen is for us to come back to the will of the Father, to be filled with the Spirit again, and to set our feet on the solid rock, which is Christ Himself. Everything else is going to have to line up with the victory of Jesus Christ today, and we must choose to line up with that and then move forward based on that freedom and that victory.
The Lord has led me to read a few verses out of Isaiah, but I’m going to share quickly about Trump, what I saw and what I heard. Then I’ll finish up by reading a few verses out of Isaiah that the Lord spoke to me about. I heard and saw this on the 18th of July. These words came on the 17th, 18th, and 19th, one after another. Then God spoke to me about Isaiah, I believe, on the 20th. Very interesting, the Lord was speaking over a series of days.
What I saw, I was driving the car, worshiping the Lord, and I began to see this vision from the Lord of Trump’s ear, from this attempt that happened. I saw this very vivid picture of the ear and the blood and everything. Then I heard the Lord say this, y’all, and listen, I’m sharing this not knowing everything that this means. I don’t have a full interpretation. I’m just sharing the word that I heard. There could be some symbolism involved. There could be some metaphor involved. This could be something that’s not up close and personal like it was last time. It could be something else, a plot uncovered, or something. I don’t know. I don’t claim to know.
This is what I heard: “It will happen once more. It’s going to happen again. This time will be closer than the first.” The impression I got was “closer” might not mean nearness to death; it might mean close in another way, as if it could be like physical locality or something like that. I don’t know. I don’t claim to have a full interpretation for that. It could mean closer to home; it hits closer to home. I don’t know. But I heard this phrase next: “A ‘shot’ will ring out.” Now, the Lord said “shot” with quotes. A “shot” will ring out. So that could represent something other than a physical shot, obviously. Then I heard, “Someone will attempt a second time.” Then I got this impression immediately that Trump’s going to be just fine. That’s the impression I got. I’m just going to share that as an impression from the Lord that he will survive; he’ll be just fine. So maybe this is something that won’t even play out in a physical sense, but maybe it will get uncovered ahead of time. I don’t know. But then I heard, “The same thing will happen again where someone attempts to shoot the president.” Very clear language there. Again, it could be metaphorical. I don’t know. I got this impression that I’m not sure how it relates or if it connects at all, but I had an impression of this phrase: “A local boy or a local hero being involved.” I don’t know exactly what that means necessarily.
Y’all, I’m going to stop and pray. We should be praying for our leaders, whether they are current presidents or not. We should be praying for our leaders, whether we like them or not. We should be praying for them. This is not a declaration. This is not something that I’m declaring over Trump or anything like that. It’s not something I want.
This is no time to relax or let up.
It’s a time to stay vigilant.
I have a somber but very important message to deliver right now.
This is no time for celebrations.
This race and this fight is far from over.
Even on November 6th, the fight will not be over.
Allow me to explain….
Yes, by the grace of God and his mighty right hand of protection, President Trump dodged an assassination attempt and he’s still with us.
But if you think it’s time to celebrate and claim “Trump just won the election” I have to bring you a somber warning….
Look, I get it, and I have been elated myself.
But the truth is, the people who took this shot against President Trump are not going to stop.
And no, I don’t buy the pure BS that it was some 20-year old kid who just snapped acting on his own.
I also don’t buy the new BS story that it was Iran.
Just stop with all of that nonsense.
We know exactly what and who it was….people desperate to hang on to power. Not only to hang on to power but desperate to avoid the justice that is coming to them if President Trump gets back in.
The proverbial rabid dogs backed into the corner of their cage.
They can and will strike again.
Probably multiple times.
In fact, as I’ve said many times since Sunday, the only surprise here is that this didn’t happen YEARS ago.
Probably God’s hand of protection again.
So here’s the deal folks…they will try again, probably multiple times if necessary both before AND after the Election.
Even if President Trump wins and gets elected, they will attempt to take him out every single day of that second term.
Explosions….both of his plane and of buildings he is in.
Speaking of his plane, Jovan Pulitzer was on my show today and it was a total BOMBSHELL stunner of an interview. I’ll be posting the full thing soon, but one thing he told me is the “steer by wire” system in planes and whether it can be hacked and essentially “remote control a plane to a crash”. Very scary. Luckily he does not believe President Trump’s plane has that system.
But there are so many other methods, including another sniper, that they could deploy — and I believe will deploy.
So I’m asking everyone reading this to stop what you are doing and PRAY right now for President Trump’s safety:
PRAY AGAINST THIS!!!! If the bullet didn't work, do they bomb the plane next?#Trump2024 @elonmusk @realDonaldTrump
— (@DailyNoahNews) July 15, 2024
I’m also asking you to make this a daily occurrence.
You can also join us here:
In fact, it's not just me being paranoid.
In addition to Jovan Pulitzer telling me the same thing on my show today, here is Alex Jones warning about it as well:
BREAKING: Deep State May Use Tactical Nuclear Weapon To Kill Trump— Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, & Joe Rogan To Be Hit Next
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 16, 2024
I also want to end this article with a reminder....
While the Far-Left constantly calls for President Trump's assassination, I want to remind everyone in our MAGA camp to keep level head.
We don't settle our disputes with violence.
Well, we did once RE: England, but that's a different topic.
But on that topic, briefly, I suppose it should be noted that the Declaration of Independence, on of our most hallowed National documents, does say this:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Are we still allowed to say that?
Is quoting from the Declaration of Independence still allowed in this Country?
Asking for a friend.
So other than that direct quote from the Declaration of Independence, I give you the following recommendation:
REMINDER: Stay Calm, We Do NOT Support Calls For Violence!
As we head into the 2024 election cycle, one thing seems certain: tensions are rising, the potential for J6-style FalseFlags are increasing, and the "Elites" would love nothing more than to lure a bunch of patriots into doing something stupid. So I'm issuing this friendly reminder and echoing our wonderful President....remember these words: PEACEFULLY and PATRIOTICALLY! Remain peaceful. No violence. Respect the Law. Respect the Constitution!
I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021
Keep your calm.
Keep your cool.
And keep your head on a swivel, because I'm starting to think they might try to stage another J6 soon.
You know, Team Khaki Pants.
So I want to be as clear as I can: we do not support violence.
We do support your Constitutionally-protected right to protest and assemble (seems like I've read something about that somewhere, maybe in the First Amendment?) but we must do so peacefully and lawfully.
So please allow me to reiterate this FULL Public Service Announcement...
I think you're going to like this one and I'd sure love to hear from you in the comments after you read it.
Our mission here at WLTReport is to research and print the truth, wherever we may find it.
The truth the MSM likes to ignore...
The truth the MSM likes to cover up...
The truth the MSM likes to twist.
We correct the record and just like a lion, we set truth free because it can defend itself.
So that's our mission.
NOTE: our mission does not and never has been to call for violence or to support violence.
You may think it is absurd I even have to print that, and I would agree...
Of course, we are the people who constantly decried and called out all the violence, looting and burning down of cities during the summer of 2020.
That kind of behavior has NO PLACE in America.
So we want to be absolutely clear where we stand.
We also stand for the Constitution.
We stand for free and fair elections.
We stand for truth and justice.
Oh, and let me also clear this up...
While we stand for peace, justice and truth, here's what the Democrats stand for -- in their own words:
"Fight Like Hell" -- Democrats EXPOSED In Their Own Words
If President Trump can be impeached and indicted and persecuted and prosecuted over something as innocuous as saying "Fight like Hell", then perhaps it's time we look at the Dems?
Take a look at their own words?
Big thanks to my man Kyle Becker for posting this.
Exactly right sir!
If your argument is that Trump incited the Capitol riots because he said "fight like hell," you might want to watch this.
Be sure to be sitting down, because it will blow your mind.
That all sounds WILDLY violent to me, but that's not how we roll here.
Ok, so I hope we cleared that up, now you know where both camps stand.
One wildly violent, one peaceful.
One wants destruction, one wants peace, justice, truth and law & order.
You know which is which.
So in case there was any confusion or question out there, I hope this clears it up!
Your humble correspondent at your service!
BUT....A DISCLAIMER: I cannot be responsible for what God's Angel Army may choose to do.
Speaking of the Bible, there is a verse that says "As for me and my house..."
So that's what I can speak for -- Me (Noah) and my house (WLTReport).
I can't speak for God's Angel Army or what they may choose to do.
They kind of have a mind of their own and they don't tend listen much to what man wants to do.
What am I talking about?
Just this...
Just a little story taken right out of 2 Kings Chapter 6 from the Bible.
Do you know that story?
Perhaps you need to hear it right now.
I'll summarize...
Elisha is trapped in Dothan.
The King of Aram surrounded the city and Elisha's assistant panics thinking all is lost. He thinks they have no way out.
And then Elisha says those famous words: "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."
To the person who is only looking in the physical, that looked to be 100% wrong.
To the people who are looking right now and thinking "nothing has ever happened", they think the all prayer and prophecies have been completely wrong.
But Elisha was looking in the spiritual world and he could see that although King Aram's armies were surrounding the city, there were actually Hosts Upon Hosts of Heavenly Angels surrounding the King. Completely outmatched. Horses and chariots of fire ridden by Angels filled the hills around the King's army!
And that, my friends, is where I believe we stand at this very moment.
I can see it, can you?
Read it here, I've bolded my favorite part:
8 Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, “I will set up my camp in such and such a place.”
9 The man of God sent word to the king of Israel: “Beware of passing that place, because the Arameans are going down there.” 10 So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places.
11 This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, “Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?”
12 “None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.”
13 “Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” 14 Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.
15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.
16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
18 As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this army with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked.
19 Elisha told them, “This is not the road and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for.” And he led them to Samaria.
20 After they entered the city, Elisha said, “Lord, open the eyes of these men so they can see.” Then the Lord opened their eyes and they looked, and there they were, inside Samaria.
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