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RFK JR WINS BIG in NC – Judge Orders Last Minute Changes To Ballot!

The court system in North Carolina has just handed RFK Jr. a HUGE win – ordering that his name be removed from state ballots for President in a LAST MINUTE DECISION — just before the first ballots were to be mailed out!

This comes as a stunning reversal to the decision just days ago to keep RFK Jr’s name on the ballot, against his will, citing reprinting logistics and state laws.  Here’s the breaking news as reported by the Associated Press:

A North Carolina appeals court on Friday ruled that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s name must be taken off state ballots for president, upending plans in the battleground state just as officials were about to begin mailing out the nation’s first absentee ballots for the Nov. 5 presidential election.

The intermediate-level Court of Appeals issued an order granting Kennedy’s request to halt the mailing of ballots that included his name. The court also told a trial judge to order the State Board of Elections to distribute ballots without Kennedy’s name on them. No legal explanation was given.

This is HUGE NEWS for President Trump in the battleground state of North Carolina. Of course, not everyone is happy about the last minute reversal!

The legal and expense arguments being made (as in the clip above) are not invalid.  The problem is we are talking about a Presidential election — that’s important enough to drop a little more funding on to get it right!  Not to mention, it’s only a “last minute” scenario because the democrats in the state pushed against doing what they ultimately are being forced to do anyway for so long that it BECAME a “last minute” thing.

More from the AP story referenced above on that, here:

State law otherwise required the first absentee ballots to be mailed or transmitted no later than 60 days before the general election, making Friday the deadline. The process of reprinting and assembling ballot packages likely would take more than two weeks, state attorneys have said. The ruling could be appealed.

In an email, state board attorney Paul Cox told election directors in all 100 counties after Friday’s ruling to hold on to the current ballots but not send them. More than 2.9 million absentee and in-person ballots have been printed so far.

As usual in this election year, nothing is sure until it’s done.  And the last minute changes to state ballots is continuing with news breaking in Michigan and Wisconsin as well.  With the last few Presidential elections coming down to hotly contested small percentage points, it is little wonder that we dramatic last-minute developments in key states.  The AP story above accurately sums the situation up in North Carolina:

A favorable outcome for Kennedy could assist Trump’s efforts to win the presidential battleground of North Carolina. Trump won the state’s electoral votes by just 1.3 percentage points over Democrat Joe Biden in 2020.

Considering the difference 1.3 percentage points made in 2020, this news is being shouted from the Trump-Vance campaign for good reason.  The difference could literally be “Presidential” in scope, for the final outcome in November.

With several other battleground states coming out with last-minute changes to their ballots, we’ll be sure to bring you the latest as it happens!


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