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‘Reviving The American Dream’: President Trump Unveils Plan To Lower Housing Costs

Politicians on both sides of the aisle acknowledge that the cost of housing is too high in the United States. President Donald Trump, however, is focused on real-world solutions to the problem, as he revealed during a recent event with business leaders in New York City.

As Breitbart reported:

“We will make housing much more affordable… [and] we will get [mortgage rates] back down to 3 percent … [so] young people will be able to buy a home again and be part of the American dream,” he said, adding:

Millions of people will take part … [in] reviving the American Dream. It’s about the American Dream. It’s all about the American Dream. We don’t talk [about the] American Dream with these [Democratic] people in office. they don’t want to talk about the American dream because they are the exact opposite.

Trump’s “exact opposite” comment likely referred to the easy-migration, pro-diversity policies adopted by top Democrats, including former President Barack Obama and the Democrats’ 2024 candidate, Kamala Harris.

Their welcome for roughly 10 million migrants has spiked the cost of apartments and homes.

He has already revealed a few specifics about how he plans to achieve that goal:

His plan stands in stark contrast to the big-government handouts proposed by his Democratic rival:

Many prominent critics responded harshly to Harris’ plan, as reported by Fox Business:

Tony Fiorillo, owner of Asset Management Strategies, Inc., told FOX Business that Harris’ plan “is a perfect formula to create inflation.”

“Providing this benefit from the government would increase demand for houses at a time when there is already a shortage of homes available for sale,” Fiorillo said, arguing that the incentive would create higher demand, thereby lowering the supply of available homes even further.

Billionaire Elon Musk agrees. When Harris’ plan was first reported Thursday evening, Whole Mars Catalog wrote on X, “[W]on’t that just increase the price of all homes by $25,000 while also increasing the deficit,” to which the Tesla CEO replied, “Yes.”

Here’s Trump’s full speech from Wednesday:


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