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Joe Rogan Bashes New York Times Over Article Calling US Constitution ‘Dangerous’

The freedoms enumerated by America’s founders in the U.S. Constitution have long been under attack by the left and many mainstream media sources, but usually not as directly as they were in a recent article by The New York Times.

Podcaster Joe Rogan took the newspaper to task over the substance of that piece during a recent episode of his show, as reported by the Daily Wire:

“This isn’t the Babylon Bee,” Rogan told his guest, referencing the satire news source. “This is an actual New York Times article.”

“This is so crazy. It’s really hard to believe that someone would print this and the New York Times would say ‘yeah we like it, put it out there,’” he added, reading the headline and subhead. “What the f*** are you talking about?”

“One of the biggest threats to America’s politics might be one of the greatest documents that any country was ever founded on if not the greatest ever,” Rogan continued. “That could be a threat to America’s politics? What politics are we talking about?”

Rogan asked how the NYT could “possibly gaslight me enough to go along with you on this?”

Rogan wasn’t the only one outraged by the article:

Elon Musk also weighed in, as reported by Fox News:

“One of the biggest threats to America’s politics might be the country’s founding document,” the Times writer added.

The piece led to criticism from Musk.

“They want to overthrow The Constitution,” he said on X.

“Long Live America and our Constitution!” Musk later added.

Here’s a clip from Rogan’s podcast:


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