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BREAKING: Trump Faces Federal Appeals Panel in E. Jean Carroll Rape Case

On Friday President Donald Trump was in New York, listening in on a few federal appeals judges.

What was their deal?

They were asking both President Trump’s and E. Jean Carroll’s lawyers over whether a jury should’ve heard a different assault claim regarding Trump.

You see, Carroll’s team painted a picture of Trump’s so-called “pattern.”

But his attorney wasn’t going to take that.

Afterwards, Trump plainly states that Carroll’s story was a complete fabrication.

USA Today reports:

President Donald Trump listened on Friday as three New York federal appeals judges asked lawyers for the former president and writer E. Jean Carroll if the jury that awarded Carroll $5 million for sexual abuse and defamation should have been allowed to hear about a separate assault allegation involving Trump.

Carroll’s lawyer said it fit a pattern in which he would pleasantly chat with a woman and then “pounce,” while Trump’s attorney argued the testimony was improper.

Trump, who is set to debate Vice President Kamala Harris in a pivotal match-up next Tuesday, continued to attack Carroll at a press conference after the arguments.

“She made up a story and fabricated 100%,” he said. “I would have had no interest in meeting her in any way, shape, or form.”

Trump is appealing a 2023 civil jury verdict that he sexually abused advice columnist Carroll decades ago in a department store, and then defamed her in 2022 by calling her allegations a “con job.” A jury in a separate case awarded Carroll another $83.3 million in January for defamatory denials by Trump in 2019. Trump is also appealing that verdict.

Speaking to reporters, Trump claimed he had never met Carroll, adding that he didn’t think a 1987 photo showing him talking with Carroll and her then-husband, John Johnson, counts.

In a 2022 deposition, Trump was shown the photo and mistook Carroll for his ex-wife, Marla Maples, despite having claimed Carroll wasn’t his “type.”

In court the Trump team attacked trial Judge Lewis Kaplan’s decision to allow two other women to testify that Trump had also assaulted them.

This has to be one of the obvious smear campaigns against President Trump.

Remember when Carroll asked Rachel Maddow to go on a shopping spree with her?


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