I know, I know….
Noah has really lost it now!
Another conspiracy theory!
I’m never reading again!
Got it, no problem.
But there’s actually a very real and serious reason why I’m posting this…
Because just like the guy narrating this short video says, trust your eyes!
Trust what you see!
Trust your brain and your common sense!
Be a critical thinker!
You see, our whole lives we’ve been taught NOT to think critically.
Do you realize that?
Just be good little pawns in the chessboard of life.
Elementary school and adult life don’t actually look all that different, do they?
At least 20 years ago, men would bring briefcases to work, but now they literally wear backpacks as they trudge their way to another day at the 9-5.
School taught us we go where we’re told from roughly 9am to roughly 5pm and then we get to go home.
It trained us alright, but not to be independent critical thinkers….no, it trained us to be good little worker bees!
Listen to the teacher (boss)….do what they say!
Don’t think for your own and definitely don’t ask questions! In fact, don’t speak up too much at all. Just regurgitate back to us what we tell you to learn and do you little jobs.
I think it’s so harmful!
We should be questioning everything! Especially after the last 10 years when I’ve proven here time and again how they’ve lied to us about almost everything!
So it’s with that spirit that I bring you this video.
Do I believe that Benicio Del Toro is actually Brad Pitt and vice-versa?
Well, I definitely did not before watching this.
But after watching this?
Ummm, all I can say is this is VERY strange.
Don’t believe me though…that’s my whole point of this post.
WATCH for yourself and see what you think!
You’ve got to admit, this is very strange. pic.twitter.com/0Cy6KIFroC
— PaulsCorner21 (@TNTJohn1717) September 2, 2024
Full screen video player here:
Can anyone explain this? pic.twitter.com/EytInTjZFv
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) September 3, 2024
Come on man, what are the odds?
And the exact same 3 birthmark freckles on their arm?
For balanced reporting, I ChatGPT confirms they are indeed two separate people (wink):
It then told me to examine their childhood photos to see how they clearly looked different as children.
So I did, only to find a bunch of images of Brad Pitt as a child, but almost none of Del Toro.
Tons of childhood Brad Pitt photos:
But using the same search for Del Toro gives you almost all adult photos only:
Look, do I think they’re the same person?
Probably not.
But do I think 99% of Americans need to develop much stronger critical thinking skills?
Yes, yes I do.
Trust your senses.
Challenge everything.
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