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Shhhh: School Gives Covid-19 Shots Without Parental Consent, Supreme Courts Says You Can’t Sue

How would you feel if your 6 year old kid came home from school and you find out the school gave them the shot?

Without your approval?

Would you feel upset?


Well, the Supreme Court in Vermont says that’s your problem. And that the schools are protected under a PREP Act.

They want that Pfizer cash and they don’t want any pesky parents getting in their way.

I have a feeling they are going to regret this greatly.


NBC News reports:

The Vermont Supreme Court ruled Friday a family cannot sue their child’s school district after the then-6-year-old was given a COVID-19 vaccine without their consent.

The child, labeled L.P. in the original complaint, was vaccinated at a November 2021 clinic hosted by the Windham Southeast School District and the Vermont Department of Health. L.P. was a student at the district’s Academy School at the time.

L.P.’s father told a school official days prior to the clinic the child was not to be vaccinated, court documents say. The school official acknowledged the father’s directive, according to Friday’s ruling.

Clinic workers gave L.P. one dose of the Pfizer vaccine after the child was mistakenly given a name tag reading the name of another student, according to the ruling. The second student had allegedly already received a vaccination earlier that day.

L.P. ‘verbally protested,’ saying, ‘Dad said no,'” the ruling reads.

Academy School officials eventually realized the error and called L.P.’s parents to apologize, who later removed their child from the school, according to the ruling.

The Vermont Supreme Court ruled Friday state and school officials involved in the matter are protected under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which provides liability immunity.


Friendly reminder, these teachers are STILL wearing the masks.

It’s beyond time to homeschool!


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