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Reports Claim That Climate Change Gods Are “Displeased” As Ancient Mayan Temple Collapses In Mexico

On July 29, 2024, an ancient Mayan Temple in Mexico collapsed. Now, the mainstream media claims that the collapse was caused by climate change and the gods are “displeased” with us all.

Article by Lance D. Johnson, republished with permission from

The dilapidated monument, located in the southwestern state of Michoacan, suddenly lost its south-facing wall, as it broke off into a pile of rubble and dust. The 50-foot-tall monument was over 1,100 years old and was previously occupied by indigenous, Nahuatl-speaking tribes.

The area, later occupied by the P’urhépecha people, boasted a culture that was distinct from even the Aztecs, who the P’urhépecha warred with for centuries. The grander archaeological site is located at Ihuatzio. It contains one other pyramid, a tower and some tombs.

Mainstream media claims climate change is causing the collapse of ancient civilization

A report from Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History noted that six of the “stepped bodies” are in disrepair, putting the outer wall, the core, and the retaining wall at risk of total collapse. Mexican authorities are blaming extreme weather events for the collapse of the wall and pointing to recent droughts and heavy rains that exploited the inside of the wall.

As usual, at the peak of the Northern Hemisphere summer, heavy rainfall and thunderstorms covered Mexico. This pattern of rain came after a period of severe drought that had dried up lakes and left cracks in the Earth’s surface. The Institute said the high temperatures and subsequent drought cracked open the land, allowing the rain to infiltrate the interior of the pre-Hispanic building. Mexican officials are now working to repair the structure “in favor of the cultural heritage of Mexicans” while blaming climate change for the destruction.

According to mainstream media reports, precious heritage sites like these are at risk all around the world. They claim that ancient monuments are at heightened risk to extreme weather events, rising seas, and the consequences of climate change. Mexican authorities and former tribesmen are ramping up the hysteria, claiming that the gods are “displeased” with human activity and man-made climate change is to blame for the collapse of civilization.

Climate gods to punish us all if we don’t follow the globalists’ climate change agenda

The headline from Science Alert decries, “Bad Omen: Ancient Pyramid in Mexico Collapses into Pile of Rubble.” Tariakuiri Alvarez, who identifies as a living member of the P’urhépecha tribe, said his ancestors would have interpreted the crumbling of the pyramid at Ihuatzio as a “bad omen.” Alvarez took to Facebook to say that the gods were “displeased” with humans.


In other words, if we don’t collectively bow down to the climate change agenda and pay our fair share of taxes and offerings, then the climate gods will punish us all, taking our civilization, our lands, and the heritage of ancient cultures. You see, believing in climate change is like following a religion. Just like the ancient Mayan tribes (who once worshiped towers, monuments, and polytheistic gods) the modern-day climate cult also worships several false gods that come in the name of “Science.”

These religious climate change zealots give their life to the globalists, taking up a doctrine of imaginary virtues that make them feel as if they are “saving the planet.” Under this new age religion, you become a better person and earn your salvation by repeating the phrase, “Climate change is real.” Adhering to each tenet of the faith, one must confess that “carbon dioxide is a threat to humanity.”

Just as blood was often part of ancient Maya rituals – sometimes acquired by human bloodletting and animal or human sacrifice – the climate change cultists believe their very breath is a threat to the planet, and people must be depopulated to save the planet. Climate change is a form of ritualistic self-sacrifice for a collective cause; the destruction of the individual for the greater good; the sacrificing of humans to appease imaginary gods and authoritarian belief systems.

Sources include: 1 2


The United Nations 10 Commandments of Climate Change

Yes,  you read that headline right.

The left seems to be uncontent with simply killing babies, hating Christians and all of their other normal hobbies.


They’ve now taken it up a notch to actively disrespect the Bible.

You know, good old “Sacrilege”.

Mocking the Bible seems to be a poor idea.

The Bible is the Word of God.

Jesus said he was The Word.

So you mock the Bible you take on Jesus head-on.

Doesn’t seem like something you’d want to do, but that’s just me!

To each their own I guess.


I mean, these sure look like some good, definitely non-loser people….😬

I’ll show you a video in just a minute.

But here’s the story…

A group a multiple different faiths has gotten together to attack the #1 problem plaguing us all.

Voter fraud?


Big city murders?




Homeless people overrunning a once-beautiful California?



Look, we could be here a while, let me just tell you:  CLIMATE CHANGE!


We have to stop Climate Change!

How many times does Al Gore have to tell you?

After all, the icebergs and polar ice caps were supposed to be totally GONE by the year 2000, so you can only imagine how bad they must be now in 2022…

We were all supposed to be dead and the planet a supernova in 2005 basically from global warming, so it’s a miracle I’m even here on the face of this great Earth typing this!

All sarcasm aside, this is a real story and this is how these people have chosen to spend their time.

But I don’t blame them.

This is obviously orchestrated by people like the Mother WEFers, the United Nations and all their friends.

One big publicity stunt.

For them, it’s a win-win-win…

Mock God, get some attention, and push the money-laundering agenda that you have to pay them taxes for something totally made up and fake!

A trifecta!

I’m really ranting here, let me show you some details.

So not only did they create 10 Blasphemous Commandments, but they travelled to a Holy Site to deliver them.

THEN….they smashed them, just like Moses did.

I bet you not one person in this whole group even knows the details behind WHY Moses smashed those 10 Commandments.

I love this comment:

Anyway, here’s more:

Here are all 10, if you care to read blasphemy:

How charming.

From the JPost:

An Israeli climate activist smashed tablets representing the 10 climate change principles, mirroring Moses’s smashing of the biblical commandments, in a demonstration against climate crisis inaction atop Jebel Musa, the mountain thought by many to be Sinai. The event, published in a YouTube video published last Sunday, took place in protest of the COP 27 climate conference taking place in Sharm el Sheikh.

The tablets, which read “keep your promises” in Hebrew, represented the 10 Spiritual Principles for Climate Repentance. The principles, which were developed by interfaith leaders at the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders in the proceeding days, were read aloud before the tablets were smashed.

“Climate promises have not been kept worldwide, including in Israel.”

Yosef Abramowitz and other activists said that they acted in response to a lack of action from the world’s governments to reduce global emissions and fight climate change.

“Unfortunately,” Abramowitz lamented before smashing the first tablet, “Climate promises have not been kept worldwide, including in Israel.”

Abramowitz said that “when it comes to the leaders of the world who are gathering at COP 27: there’s a lot of talk, there’s some action, but there’s not enough to be able to keep the world to one and a half degrees on the warming. The whole world needs to cut our emissions by half by 2030, and they’re not yet. We take these Green Commandments, we look down to Sharm El-Sheikh, and we’re not satisfied,” Abramowitz declared before proceeding to smash the second tablet.

In addition to expressing disappointment for the governments of the world in general, Abramowitz had a message for the government of Israel.

“Gas is 3 times more expensive than solar power in Israel, so if you want to lower the cost of living and be part of the international climate consensus, up your goals from 30% to 50% renewables by 2030,” he said.

Originally, the activists intended to bring dozens of multifaith leaders to the mountain for the ceremony, but Egyptian authorities prevented them from doing so.

Nevertheless, Abramowitz and other activists were able to conduct the ceremony. During the same week, other demonstrations took place on mountaintops. Additionally, the 10 climate principles were read in a live stream from Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

COP climate conference and protests Sharm el Sheikh, the Egyptian host city of the COP 27 climate conference, located in the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, is roughly 100 miles from Jebel Musa.

It’s not the first time climate activists have gone to protest the annual UN climate conference. Last year during the COP 26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland, teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg criticized the event.

In an interview with the Guardian, she said, “Nothing has changed from previous years really. The leaders will say we’ll do this… and then they will do nothing… We can have as many COPs as we want, but nothing real will come out of it.”

Want my take on “Green”?

It’s an interesting topic.

From a Biblical perspective, it does feel wrong to show no concern for the planet.

After all, God created it and then he placed Adam in charge to be its steward.

So there is an element of stewardship.

But that’s as far as I go.

I don’t ascribe to the theory that the planet is doomed and only WE can help it.

Sorry folks, the Bible actually says this entire place is going to be burned up and a new Heaven and Earth created.

We are not to worship this Earth.

We are not to assume that we can protect it forever.

Because you can’t.

It will last for as long as God wants it to last, and then the Book of Revelation clearly tells us at some point it will be swallowed up and consumed and a new Heaven and new Earth will take it’s place.

And no amount of Climate Tax is going to stop that, I can assure you!

So my take is be good stewards of the land when we can.

Don’t be wasteful.

Don’t be purposely destructful.

Take care of it by employing things like good farming techniques, etc.

But beyond that?

I don’t go much beyond that.

I stick with a Biblical view and I DEFINITELY do not worship the creation.

Worshipping the Earth has a name, did you know that?

They call it “Gaia” and worshipping the Earth is “Gaia Worship”.

I bet you’ve seen that name before and if not you will in the future.

Any time you see that, you should RUN in the other direction!

Now back to our story….

Here is the whole group conducting their blasphemous ritual.

Watch if you can stomach it:

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time this has been tried.

The Pope announced his own Climate Change Commandments about 8 years ago:

From CNN:

Pope Francis released a sweeping statement about the environment on Thursday, calling for “cultural revolution” to change our lifestyles – from our addiction to technology to our treatment of the poor.

The document is very long – 184 pages in English. But here are 10 quick commandments the Pope says everybody can follow to stop the “disturbing warming” of our planet.

1. Think of future generations. Pope Encyclical 1

2. Embrace alternative energy sources. Pope Encyclical 2

3. Consider pollution’s effect on the poor. Pope Encyclical 3

4. Take the bus! Pope Encyclical 4

5. Be humble. Pope Encyclical 5 b

6. Don’t become a slave to your phone. Pope Encyclical 6

7. Don’t trade online relationships for real ones. Pope Encyclical 7

8. Turn off the lights, recycle and don’t waste food. Pope Encyclical 8 b

9. Educate yourself. Pope Encyclical 9 b

10. Believe you can make a difference. Pope Encyclical 10

I don’t know why, but it absolutely cracks me up that #4 is “Take The Bus”.

How long did you work on that one Pontiff?

This Pope is a dope!

And that’s the NICEST thing I can say about him.

Save your emails, Catholics, I don’t want to hear them.

Meanwhile, here is yet ANOTHER reason I love President Trump:

President Trump: “We Have To Defeat The Climate Hoaxsters!”

President Trump is taking “woke” head on.

And peak woke is the climate hoax, which is really just another way to extort money from the American people.

This is one of his best clips, watch here:

He’s 100% right!

Always fighting for America.

The scam has been exposed:


I love this:

Thank you Jim for your honesty here:

Now let’s go deeper…

Have you heard of this?

Blood and Gore: The Untold Story Behind Al Gore’s Carbon Tax Company

You’d think I were making this up, but sadly I’m not.

Remember the whole Carbon Tax thing that Obama and the Dems were pushing?

Literally a tax on the air.

Funny, who is described in the Bible as the Prince of the Air?

Anyway, I digress.

Remember that?

Well, here’s the part I bet you didn’t know.

Al Gore was deep into it and had even formed a company with his friend David Blood to capitalize on the new Carbon Tax.

Yup, that’s right.

The Blood and Gore company.

You just CAN’T make this stuff up folks!

And in case you think I’m making it up, I’ve got a link to a Forbes article below to show you it’s sadly very real.

First, take a look at this:

Here are all the details folks, from Forbes no less:

Surprise! Al Gore and his carbon credit huckstering partner David Blood, both principals  at Generation Investment Management (GIM), warn in their October 30 Wall Street Journal op/ed feature of peril to fossil fuel investments due to “The Coming Carbon Asset Bubble”. They argue that such “unwise and increasingly wreck less” investment strategies  pose three broad risks which will cause carbon assets to become “stranded” and lose economic value: through direct government carbon regulation; as a result of market-share losses to “already competitive” renewable technologies; and due to “sociopolitical pressures” causing carbon-intensive businesses to lose their “license to operate”.

Marketing Climate Alarm:

Of course this carbon regulation is posited upon saving the Earth based upon a “consensus within the scientific community that increasing the global temperature by more than 2oC will likely cause devastating and irreversible damage to the planet.” And where it comes to promulgating and capitalizing upon carbon-climate-crazed sociopolitical pressure, you would be hard-pressed to find two better authorities.

Gore and Blood, the former chief of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM), co-founded London-based GIM in 2004. Between 2008 and 2011 the company had raised profits of nearly $218 million from institutions and wealthy investors. By 2008 Gore was able to put $35 million into hedge funds and private partnerships through the Capricorn Investment Group, a Palo Alto company founded by his Canadian billionaire buddy Jeffrey Skoll, the first president of EBay Inc. It was Skoll’s Participant Media that produced Gore’s feverishly frightening 2006 horror film, “An Inconvenient Truth”.

In 2007, following an investigation of the movie, Sir Michael Burton, a judge in London’s High Court, ruled that it can be shown in secondary schools only if accompanied by guidance notes for teachers to balance Mr. Gore’s “one-sided” views. Judge Barton pointed out that its “apocalyptical vision” was politically partisan, and not an impartial analysis. He stated: “It is built around the charismatic presence of the ex-vice president Al Gore, whose crusade is to persuade the world of the dangers of climate change caused by global warming…It is now common ground that this is not simply a science film- although it is based substantially on science research and opinion, but it is [clearly] a political film.”

As for taking their recent investment advice, it might be worth mentioning that some of GIM’s earlier low-carbon deals haven’t always worked out so great.

Optimistic that a Democrat-controlled Congress would pass cap-and-trade legislation Gore lobbied for, GIM and David Blood’s old GSAM firm took big stakes in the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) for carbon trading. Accordingly, CCX was poised to make windfall profits selling CO2 offsets if and when cap-and-trade was passed.  Speaking before a 2007 Joint House Hearing of the Energy Science Committee, Gore told members: “As soon as carbon has a price, you’re going to see a wave [of investment] in it…There will be unchained investment.”

After all, what better way to reduce evil carbon than to make it a profitable commodity? But unfortunately for GIM and CCX investors, trading hot air credits proved just too good to be true.

Between May of 2008 and October of 2009 the CCX market value for one metric ton of carbon plummeted from $7 per metric ton to $0.10 along with the shareholders’ investment values. Losers included the Ford Motor Company, Amtrak, DuPont, Dow Corning, American Electric Power, International Paper, and Waste Management, along with the states of Illinois and New Mexico, seven cities, and a number of universities.

By 2010, GIM approximately doubled a 9.6% stake it had purchased in Camco International Ltd., a manager of products to limit greenhouse gases. But by October of that year disaster struck again. Republicans took control of the House, dashing all cap-and-capitalize hopes along with huge profit prospects for either Camco or CCX. The latter shut down operations in November of that year.

On top of that bad news, First Solar Inc., another GIM investment, got squeezed out of the solar panel market by cheaper Chinese products. According to Bloomberg, GIM dumped its last First Solar stock at a $165.9 million loss in 2012.

You can read the entire story here.

And you’ll love this….

From the Generation Investment Management website itself, you’ll never guess their address….it’s located on Air Street!

As I continually say as I shake my head, you just can’t make this stuff up!

They’re laughing at us….


Also from their website, just in case you think I’m somehow making this all up, here they are so proudly together:

Here’s a full breakdown:


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