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Biden Continues Secret Flights for Illegal Invaders

Florida and Texas, be on the lookout.

Biden’s Administration seems hellbent on punishing these two states for being so red.

So far he’s flown in over a quarter of a million invaders.

And they don’t seem to be stopping.

They need to flood them in before election day.

And if not for voting, then to cause chaos when given the signal or to just be a strain on the economy.

The Gateway Pundit reports:

According to a Gateway Pundit June report, new CBP data, over 1 million illegal aliens have been allowed into the US through what the regime defines as “legal” means. The Biden-Kamala admin has used the CBP One App and the CHNV program to allow illegals entry into the US. These numbers are not included in the millions of illegals that have entered the US under Joe Biden’s watch.

According to the statistics, over 636,000 illegals used the CBP One App to get into the US at ports of entry.

Over 462,000 illegals were flown directly into the US under the CHNV Parole program.

The Washington Examiner adds:

The Biden administration’s program of secretly flying illegal immigrants directly from Latin America to U.S. cities dumps over 90% in hubs of two Southern states governed by the president’s harshest border critics, according to government data.

Some 347,959 migrants allowed into the secretive system fly directly to airports in Florida and Texas, with Florida receiving the vast majority at 325,995, according to an analysis of U.S. Customs and Border Protection numbers by the Center for Immigration Studies.

It is unclear how many of the immigrants fly on to other U.S. cities, though the government has said there are over 40 final destinations.

“This early evidence suggests that a great many of these inadmissible alien passengers, probably a majority, initially land at international airports in Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’s Florida,” said CIS, which reported that the program has let in 386,000 people since October 2022.

Two years ago this was reported on by a whistleblower. Not much has changed.

But Kamala will fix the border if elected? What a joke.


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