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HILARIOUS: Tyrus on Kamala’s “Wokesters”, Her Version of Biden’s Basement Hideout

You have to see this video!  Absolutely hilarious!

But also, it’s TRUE.  (And we’ll get to that…)

First — here’s the short clip of Tyrus on with Fox News’ Gutfeld:

So, after I stopped laughing so hard.  Which took a minute…

I realized how spot-on Tyrus really is on his assessment of Kamala Harris, and on those who are (astoundingly…) still supporting her.

Let’s break down a little of what he said:

“The media is not her lane.  She’s the meta-candidate.”  Honestly, my first reaction to this was something like, “Nu-uh!?”

She’s getting slaughtered online!  Even CNN Hosts are questioning if she can SURVIVE if she continues avoiding the Press!  (More on that, in a bit.)

But then, he pointed out what her lane IS:  “All of her people are wokesters.  Wokesters don’t participate in real life.  They participate in social media, where they appear bigger than what they are.  Smoke and mirrors.”

I think he hit the nail on the head with that one.  Kamala appears larger than she really is for those “wokesters” who have already bought into her.  And as long as she doesn’t really mess that up, say, by fielding serious questions from serious journalists — it is highly unlikely that any of her “Wokester” fan base let’s the current uproar over her avoidance of the Press bother them one bit.

That’s real life.  And they don’t care.  They’ve already bought into the “feeling”…

  • that she’s against President Trump.
  • that she’s “new” and “sparkly” and full of “joy”, because the media said so.
  • that she’s going to continue the entitlement fantasies of Joe Biden.

And that’s all a “Wokester” needs to feel safe — comfortably tucked in by their own cognitive dissonance.

And Tyrus is right.  While the joke was that Biden was hidden away in the basement… Kamala has it far better because of her “Wokester” base.

She can literally hide within the ethereal apathy of her base.  And that is a really scary truth.

I hinted that even CNN Hosts were getting uncomfortable with Kamala’s disappearing act, so check this out.  Here is a clip of CNN panelists sparring over her avoidance of the Press:

(This is almost as funny as the first video!)

I want to highlight just one quote from that squabble:  “She doesn’t want to talk about those positions… that’s why she’s stalling.”

When even CNN is saying the quiet part out loud, that’s a pretty sure sign that we’ve crossed the line from “something is off” to complete absurdity.

Let’s take a quick glance at Fox News for a few facts:

In 2021, Harris struggled to explain a strategy for securing the border and infamously joked she hadn’t been to Europe, either, when NBC News anchor Lester Holt asked why she hadn’t visited the southern border.

In 2023, The New York Times reported that she “all but went into a bunker for about a year, avoiding many interviews out of what aides said was a fear of making mistakes and disappointing Mr. Biden” after the “disastrous” sit-down with Holt.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board on Friday wrote that her DNC speech lacked substance.

“Harris introduced herself to the American public on Thursday, and her presentation was much like this week’s Democratic convention: well delivered, confident and optimistic, and mostly devoid of policy substance. Whether she can keep this up, unexplained and unexposed, for the next 12 weeks will determine whether she becomes America’s 47th President,” the WSJ editorial board wrote.

The WSJ noted a variety of “falsehoods,” peppered throughout her scripted speech, including misleading attacks on Trump regarding abortion rights, Medicare and Social Security.

“Harris attempted to lay out a vision for her Presidency, but it was mostly empty platitudes. She will provide ‘opportunity,’ though she didn’t say how. She will solve the housing crisis, without saying how or explaining why there is a crisis on her watch. And she will reduce prices, without a repeat of her recent proposal to impose price controls,” the WSJ editorial board wrote.

Last I checked, the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal is not considered to be “Pro-Trump”.  But that was just about as harsh a treatment of Kamala Harris as I’ve seen.

And the bad part?  It’s all dead center true to reality — as anyone with eyes can see.

But wait, there’s more!  (From the same Fox News article…)

Now that the party’s national convention has wrapped up, speculation about when Harris will end her media blackout is likely to pick up steam as Americans want to know where she stands on a variety of hot-button issues. Policy shifts on fracking, border security and private health insurance are among issues that she has been urged to explain in recent weeks.

During one of her rare and brief press gaggles, Harris insisted on Aug. 9 that she wanted “to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month.” But now, there’s just over a week until the calendar flips to September and Harris has not announced any sort of interview.

There are swirling rumors (stirred up solely by the Harris campaign, is my guess) about a pending sit-down interview to happen this week.  But nothing officially announced as far as I can tell.

Not to hammer CNN (more than it deserves…) but just to give you a feel for the temperature of journalists on Kamala’s “hide and seek” tactic… here is a former CNN pundit who has dished out consistent ANTI-TRUMP vibes for quite awhile:

That is no “Pro-Trumper” saying that.  That is a left-leaning, former CNN pundit… pointing out what every single one of us (except the willfully blind “Wokesters”) can see.

Kamala Harris wants to be President of the United States of America.  And it is absolutely absurd that she is being ALLOWED by members of the media… to AVOID PUBLIC SCRUTINY.

I want to wrap this up with one more look at a specific question posed by… you guessed it, another CNN host.  I can’t help it — when they ask the same questions I am asking myself, I know that’s a question worth driving home.

Here is CNN host Kasie Hunt, as quoted in a Fox News story just this morning:

CNN host Kasie Hunt said Tuesday that the pressure on Vice President Harris to face tough questions from the press won’t end if she sits for a “softball interview” this week, after she said she intends to schedule an interview before the end of August.

“I don‘t think that doing softball interviews is going to put this to rest,” Hunt said. “But I think the decision that I‘m looking for from the Harris team is who are they choosing to sit down with? And is that going to be something where you come away feeling like she took the hard questions or if this snowball continues.”

Harris has gone 37 days without giving a press conference or formal interview with the media since emerging as the Democratic nominee for president.

I can’t wait to see if — true to the current script — whether the Democratic nominee for President ACTUALLY schedules an interview, as she’s promised?

Or does she simply keep skating… with the majority of mainstream / legacy media propping her up.  Even arguing in favor of her avoidance tactics?

But if she DOES actually schedule an interview, I have the same question as CNN’s Kasie Hunt:

Will it be a REAL interview?

Or will it be just another “smoke & mirror” event, carefully choreographed and orchestrated in lockstep alongside a Press that has it’s own agenda to push, and (dare I say…) judgement to potentially avoid, by maintaining the status quo of Biden-Harris?

Regardless, Kamala Harris said that she would sit down for an interview by the end of August.  I don’t know if you’ve glanced at a calendar today, but I have my doubts.

And surprisingly enough, I think the left-leaning Press is starting to have their doubts, too.


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