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BREAKING: Cornel West Exposes Harris Campaign Tried To BRIBE Him!

Independent presidential candidate Cornel West has made a striking accusation.

Appearing on the Status Coup News Podcast over the weekend, the longtime theologian, social critic, philosopher, scholar, author (this list could go on…) let it slip that the Harris-Walz campaign offered him a potential job in their Administration and to possibly pay off his campaign debts.  There was one very obvious catch: drop out of the race, and endorse Kalama Harris as President.

Let’s start off with a short clip showing some of the conversation between West and Jordan Chariton:

I want to point out that “quid pro quo” is not illegal, unless the exchange, the favor, the transaction under question actually breaks the law.  But I also want to point out that BRIBERY, particularly when it involves influencing any official act, is very much a criminal offense.

These are serious charges being leveled by Cornel West.  And if true, could land the Harris-Walz campaign in a heap of trouble.

From Breitbart, we have a little more of the circumstances surrounding West’s allegations:

Democrats are worried that West might pull some left-wing votes away from her, causing her to lose to Trump in swing states where margins are close. They have been filing legal challenges to push West off the ballot in many states.

The alleged offer from Harris to West recalls the effort by the Obama White House to convince Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) not to run for Senate in Pennsylvania, where Republican-turned-Democrat Sen. Arlen Specter — who gave Democrats a temporary filibuster-proof majority — was running for re-election.

The White House lied about the “quid pro quo,” then admitted using former President Bill Clinton as an intermediary to offer Sestak a job in exchange for dropping out.

With so much emotion stirring during an explosive election season, an allegation of this kind might seem run-of-the-mill.  In earlier days, such “white collar” crimes often went unchecked.  But this is 2024, and legal challenges have been taken to a new level in American politics.  If proven out, this allegation might not simply be swept under the rug as it may have been in decades past.

During his conversation with West, Jordan Chariton asked the Independent candidate point blank what offers were put on the table, and about his response.  At first, West was reluctant to focus on the offers in particular and chose instead to explain the reasoning he was given:

“Well, I mean a number of them reached out just saying I need to get on the bandwagon. This is an historic moment, especially a black moment. I told them, I said ‘You all just talking to the wrong brother. You can offer resources or position or what have you — that’s that’s not what I’m all about. That’s not the game I play.”

Pushed by Chariton to go into details, West replied, “Oh, I mean there was definitely various kind of offers. I won’t go into concrete details of it. I really won’t, because I don’t — I… I don’t even want to make that the focus of the interview.”

Pressed further about potential jobs that may have been discussed or any offers to pay off his considerable campaign debts, West confirmed (again, without being specific), “Well, they offered serious, substantive conversation about all of those…”

Marching towards the final stages of an election year with unprecedented emotionality surrounding the current race for president, who knows what may or may not come of such an accusation.  Is it explicitly true?  Will there be an investigation?  Will it matter, even if there is?

Again, in an election season like no other, only one thing is certain.  Nobody knows what will happen next.  More to follow as updates become available!

For those interested, here is the full conversation between Jordan Chariton and Cornel West:


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