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Former Secret Service Agent, Dan Bongino, Gives Blazing Testimony Over the Agency’s Failure During the Assassination Attempt of President Trump

Former U.S. Secret Service agent (1999 to 2011)  Dan Bongino is testifying today at the J13 Forum to investigate exactly what happened on the President Trump was nearly assassinated in Butler, Pennsylvania.

And his opening statement is a burner.

Bongino starts by calling the Secret Service’s performance an “apocalyptic failure” and how it’s amazing the story has already vanished from national media coverage.

He goes on to detail the Secret Service’s “three institutional problems” which caused the failure to happen.

Check it out:

In this clip, Florida U.S. House Representative, Matt Gaetz, describes how the Headquarters of the Secret Service has been putting downward pressure on local agents to try to get people to not make requests of enhanced protection. He then asks Bongino how this happens and what we should think about it?

Watch as Bongino responds by stating he belives what the Secret Service is doing is a “cover-up” and goes on to describe how such a cover-up’ works:

And here’s a clip of Bongino responding to a question about whether members of the Secret Service have been contacting Bongino to whistle-blow and talk to him about the culture of the Secret Service?

Bongino confirms and goes on to say ‘none of these (the Secret Service’s) problems are new and what’s going on is, in fact, “borderline criminal negligence”:




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