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Woman Arrested and Kicked Out of City Council Meeting For Expressing Her First Amendment Rights

Our First Amendment is under attack unlike anything I have seen before.

In fact, it’s not just “our” First Amendment, but Free Speech all around the world.

In Britain, they now arrest you and throw you in prison for multiple years for posting memes online….

France just arrested the founder of Telegram, for his refusal to censor content.

The EU is working hard to get Elon Musk extradited to Europe to face a similar fate.

Multiple South American countries are attacking Twitter for its refusal to follow their censorship requests….

Tim Walz openly said earlier today he does not believe Free Speech is guaranteed (he hasn’t read the First Amendment):

Tim Walz: “Free Speech Is Not Guaranteed”


And now this....

Even local City Council meetings are not immune and are becoming very hostile places.

We've covered a bunch of these over the past few years and here's the latest one.

Citizens are pissed off and they're also studying up on their rights and they're showing up armed (with knowledge) at their local City Council meetings and they're doing a lot of damage (with the truth).

So City Councils and Mayors are adopting rules to limit the free speech of anyone who wants to speak at their meetings in the public forum portion of the meeting.

This next one is pretty hilarious (and maddening).

These clowns literally adopted a rule that says you can't criticize anyone on City Staff.

Nice try dorks, but this woman is 100% right when she schools you on the First Amendment, saying that violates her First Amendment rights.

Take a look:


I hope she gets a great lawyer (perhaps the ACLU could do some good for once and represent her) and I hope she sues this Clown-Show City Council for trampling all over her rights of Free Speech.

Nowhere is Free Speech MORE important and MORE protected than when using it to criticize your elected officials.

This woman was respectful, calm, non-violent....she was doing everything right.

At least that's my take, what do you think?

We all need to speak up and fight back.

Like this girl did:

Brave Girl Makes Woke School Board PANIC With Genius Stunt: 'This Is America!'

This girl is going places!

Thank you so much to a friend who sent me this link, I thought it was so good I wanted to share with all of you.


This is a short clip of a girl who has obviously been raised by great parents and who knows her Constitution and she knows how to use it!

Watch as she absolutely outclasses an entire school board and has the entire crowd rooting her on.

Every single member of this School Board should resign in shame from what I've seen.

Take a look:

Backup here if needed:

Full transcript:

hey y'all and welcome to pitw my name is Brian and this young lady doesn't just drop a nuke she exposes the WL culture that has consumed her local school district you're not going to abide by

your own rules I will take those back and I will pass he just said it I don't think we should you too my camera's on S I don't need to reclaim her minutes reclaim her she has started yet I have not started yet I

reclaimed my time it is my first amendment right you reset that timer time time time reset the time gentlemen reset the time wrong with you people the time at the last meeting I sat in astonishment as superintendent Roberts tried to Gaslight us regarding public

comments at these meetings he told us how important it was that everyone speaking felt listened to by this board regardless if the board hears things they disagree with oh the hypocrisy especially after most of this board walked out while I was addressing

you at the August meeting then this board's lawyer Mr Collins tried to has set rules regarding the content of people's speeches but also claims the idea wasn't to censor people news FL Mr Collins your rules are the very


definition of censorship this girl absolutely knows how to address a board just listen to how she's speaking and what she is going to say is absolutely going to blow everyone's top on that

school board apparently this board is not familiar with the US Constitution so I've given each of you a copy please note the First Amendment on

page 21 which clearly states there shall be no rules abridging freedom of speech Additionally the people have the right to air grievances to the government government so to clarify this to you board members a board of education is the governing

body of a school district and therefore we have the constitutional right to speak about whatever grievances we have you can't limit the content or

direct who we can or cannot talk about if you don't want to be embarrassed or be in the spotlight then resign from

this board if you don't want your family members to be a topic then they should refrain from making statements on social media in regards to people who speak at these meetings if you don't want people to refer to you as groomers and pedophiles then follow state and federal laws and remove the sexually graphic books from your school

libraries appeasing immorality by claiming acceptance and inclusion is not a valid argument claiming the books can

be obtained online no it is the First Amendment right and you have taken my time so I reclaim that time back let me iclaim my time back I am going to continue not a valid argument claiming

that removing the contested books is Banning them is not a valid argument there are no valid Arguments for violating laws or infringing

unconstitutional rights y'all I know veteran members of Congress that don't have a full understanding of the rules like she does doesn't have a full understanding of how to give a great speech and can make this delivery work as well as she does this girl is fantastic and she's going to end on a huge high note in just a moment a quote by Wendy Jade States an environment that

is not safe to disagree in is not an environment focused on growth it is an environment focused on control board members keep in mind that come the next election parents will have

the control you've been exposed [Applause] amen hey y'all as we know you don't put all your eggs into one basket right so that's why I'm partnering over with my friends at Colonial medals group who

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to regularly schedu programming y'all just listen to that crowd just go back and listen to that crowd they are cheering her on like she has just won an election they absolutely love her there and they should because she's had a long history of going toe-to-toe with the school council uh sorry with the Board of Education and remember she is only 14

now I remember in my uh I can't call it homeschool days but we would have opportunities to get together and have a little debate class and I'm not saying I was in her league but I am saying I know what that looks like it takes a lot of preparation to get to

this point and she's only 14 I can barely deliver a speech that good I'm 30 this and apparently she's actually a public school kid uh she realized that they hate her guts because well she's actually very conservative she's I believe an Evangelical Christian and she's not Evangelical she is still a

right leaning Conservative


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