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Longtime Democratic Strategist Doubles Down After Slamming ‘Preachy Females’ In His Own Party

James Carville has been a prominent figure within Democratic Party circles for decades, though he’s often exhibited a willingness to diverge from the party’s talking points from time to time.

A recent example involves his claim that Democrats have seen their effectiveness dulled due to the impact of “preachy females” who have taken over the party’s messaging.

Instead of giving in to critics who demanded he retract his statement, Carville reiterated his concerns during a recent TV interview.

According to the New York Post:

“I know what I’m saying, and I’m being provocative on purpose because the identity left and NPR messaging drives us in a ditch every time,” Carville said during his Friday appearance on “Realtime with Bill Maher.”

His comments about “preachy females” were made during an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd while analyzing polling data showing black men drifting away from the Democratic Party.

Prominent Democrats like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) seethed at him in response.

But Carville, widely credited for his role in former President Bill Clinton’s victorious 1992 presidential bid, cited the selection of Walz as the party’s vice presidential contender as a vindication of sorts.

His controversial commentary received a mixed response on social media:

Of course, none of this means Carville is giving up on the far-left agenda of the Democratic Party, as evidenced during a recent Fox News appearance.

As the Daily Caller reported:

Democratic strategist James Carville defended the Biden administration’s border policy Friday during a one-on-one interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

The discussion spiraled into a broader debate on national security and accountability. Hannity pressed Carville with emotionally charged inquiries about the families of victims affected by crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, referencing specific cases.

“What do you say to Laken Riley’s family? What do you say to Rachel Moore and the mother of five’s family? What do you say to Jocelyn Nungarry’s family? I interviewed her mom and her granddad on my program right here,” Hannity asked Carville.

“I would have great difficulties. Anyone have great difficulty telling the parents in Uvalde, how are your children slaughtered with a legal weapon that no one has any need to have,” Carville responded. “You’re changing the topic,” Hannity interjected.

Here’s a clip of Carville’s comments on the matter earlier this year:


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