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EPIC TROLLING: These People Had No Idea He Was Making Fun Of Them To Their Face At The DNC!

Do you want to know a sign that you’ve gone so far Left that perhaps you need to re-evaluate your life?

It’s this.

HUGE credit and shout out to “NoCapOnGod” (Follow on X: and YouTube: for an incredible video.

This guy is absolutely hilarious.

So he gets into the DNC and then pretends to be a Far-Left journo, even adopting a gay accent, gay mannerisms, calling himself “Queen”, and doing all sorts of ridiculous things.

And then he just starts saying the most ridiculous, Far-Left things he can possibly think of and getting these people to agree with them!

It’s comedy gold.

Some are just regular people the crowd, but others are big names.  Very big names you will recognize.  And he hooks them all!


I’ve watched it twice already and it’s just solid gold.

Please enjoy:

Full screen video player here:

Bro, seriously well done.

Keep up the good work!


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