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WATCH: James O’Keefe Goes UNDERCOVER at DNC, Confronts ActBlue

Every one’s favorite undercover journalist, James O’Keefe, strikes again!

He pulled off another undercover stunt at the DNC, infiltrating ActBlue.

Never one to shy away from controversy, challenged their accounts manager, Schuette, about their accusations that his media outlet was running a “disinformation campaign.”

What exactly was the disinformation that James and his team was pushing?

With cameras rolling, O’Keefe pressed her on why the FEC website shows hundreds of donations under a specific person’s name.

How appropriate this occurs at the DNC.

Fraudulent campaign finances seems to be at the heart of the Dem Beast.

James O’Keefe wrote on X:



O’Keefe Infiltrates ActBlue at DNC: “What is disinformation about the FEC?” questions James O’Keefe at the @DNC
convention, challenging Carolyn Schuette (@schuette_car),@ActBlue’s account manager, moments after revealing his undercover disguise and infiltrating ActBlue. O’Keefe confronts Schuette about ActBlue’s recent public statement accusing @OkeefeMedia of spreading a “disinformation campaign.”

When O’Keefe questions why “the FEC website had hundreds of donations in the name of a specific person” who had never made the donations, Schuette responds, “That is all based in, out of, falsities,” adding that the claims are “not based” and suggesting that information about donations on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website is false.

Schuette, recognizing O’Keefe, quickly flees when he questions her. O’Keefe presses further, asking, “Why did you lie and say your name wasn’t Carolyn?”

As O’Keefe pursues Schuette, Ezekiel Morris of Halo Security Group intervenes, accusing O’Keefe and OMG of harassment, saying, “You guys are following her around and harassing her.” O’Keefe responds by highlighting the gravity of the situation, stating, “There’s money laundering occurring on the FEC website… and we’re trying to get to the bottom of it.”

Despite the security intervention, O’Keefe persists at the DNC convention to confront ActBlue staff about the massive donations that individuals across the country testify they never made.



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