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Democrat Backfire: President Trump’s Betting Odds Soar During the DNC!

One thing about betting odds, they truly reflect what people think is going to be the outcome of an event.

After all, money talks.

Because while the polls are murky at best regarding Kamala Harris’ rising level of support…

…according to the betting market, whatever momentum Harris had is fading fast.

And we can thank the DNC for it:

Simply put, after getting a good look at the DNC and what the Democrats have to offer, betters are not putting their money into a Harris victory.

Check out Red Eagle’s video where he gives excellent analysis on the emptiness of the speeches at the DNC, the silly Trump bashing – it’s an ‘orange man bad convention’ – and how the more people get to see of Kamala and her cohorts, the more turned-off they are.

Plus the video points out another factor to Trump’s rise in the betting markets…

…Trump’s ‘stealing of the thunder of the DNC tomorrow’ as he’s likely to get the endorsement of JFK Jr. at his Glendale, Arizona rally!




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