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50 Veteran Lawmakers EXPOSE Tim Walz’ ‘Stolen Valor’ in Open Letter

Fifty Republican lawmakers, all military veterans, have made a concerted effort to expose Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential candidate.

These members of Congress say Walz is lying about his military rank. They also claim he avoided deployment to Afghanistan to pursue his political career.

I appreciate these veterans stepping up and speaking out.

What a disgrace to our men and women serving on the front lines! As a family member of a military veteran, I find Walz’s behavior egregious.

In their open letter, the 50 veterans did not mince words as they expressed their concerns:

In short, our grave concern stems from the fact that the office of the Vice President is one heartbeat away from becoming the Commander-In-Chief. You’ve already demonstrated your unwillingness to lead in time of war and a lack of honor through your blatant misrepresentations exploiting and co-opting the experiences of America’s combat veterans for personal gain. As a result, America’s veterans and servicemembers are rightfully concerned about what would happen to them should you ascend to the Presidency. When America asked you to lead your troops into War, you turned your back on your troops. You have violated the trust of our brothers and sisters in arms. Their blood, sweat, and sacrifice are the only reason our nation is able to exist. Until you admit you lied to them, there is no way you can be trusted to serve as Vice President.

The New York Post shares some background on Walz:

Walz, 60, served in the Army National Guard for 24 years — but retired from his artillery battalion and abandoned more than 500 men under his command two months before it deployed to Iraq in 2005.

The early departure bumped him down a rank from command sergeant major to command master sergeant for not having completed a two-year commitment he had already signed onto, which involved some additional coursework.

Former brothers in arms — including the military chaplain of his unit — have called Walz cowardly for leaving to run for Congress in 2006 and accused him of “stolen valor” for repeatedly referencing his service record as part of his political career.

The Kamala Harris campaign claimed earlier this month that the two-term Minnesota governor “misspoke” during his first run for statewide office in 2018 about having carried “weapons of war … in war.”

Walz had earlier implied during his congressional races that he deployed to a combat zone such as Afghanistan, when in fact he had deployed to Italy briefly as part of Operation Enduring Freedom before leaving the National Guard.

He later went on the offensive at a campaign stop in Los Angeles and said he was “damn proud of my service to this country. And I firmly believe you should never denigrate another person’s service record.”

“He should be proud of his service,” Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.), one of the letter’s co-signatories, told reporters in a Wednesday press conference in Chicago amid the Democratic National Convention. “Why do you have to lie about it? Why do you have to exaggerate?”

“He was a sergeant major for a few months, but he didn’t do what you have to sign on the dotted line in terms of the schooling and the time and service to retire at that rank,” Waltz added. “I retired as a colonel. I’m proud of that. I’m not pretending I retired as a general.”

I appreciate what Michael Waltz shared. The effort to expose Walz is not to disrespect his time spent serving. It’s about exposing the shameful case of stolen valor we seem to have here!


J.D. Vance, via Politico, says,

“He [Walz] has not spent a day in a combat zone,” Vance told reporters at a campaign event in Michigan earlier this month. “Do not pretend to be something that you’re not. … I’d be ashamed if I was him and I lied about my military service like he did.”

Watch this video posted on Vance’s X account:

Check out this one where National Guard leaders speak out about Walz’s stolen valor.

Kudos to our veterans for stepping up and speaking out.

You can read the entire letter here.


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