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Denial and Deflection: Pete Buttigieg Tries To Smooth-Talk His Way Out of Brutal Question in Lawrence Jones DNC Interview

Fox News’ Lawrence Jones sparred with Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, this morning at the DNC over whether Biden’s inner-circle knew he was unfit to serve as President.

During the interview, Jones cites a New York Times article which reported that ‘all the President’s Cabinet’s meetings had been scripted’…

…an Axios article which writes ‘he’s (Biden) only been available for work from the hours of 10 AM to 4 PM…

…and a Wall Street Joural article which stated ‘when it came down to the Debt-Ceiling negotiations in 2023, Nancy Pelosi had to take over.’

Jones then asked Buttigieg if this was the reason Biden is no longer the nominee for your Party?

Did Buttigieg offer a straight-forward response?

Let’s just say, not exactly.


Fox News reports on the interview:

“Fox & Friends” co-host Lawrence Jones put Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in the hot seat Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention, addressing the successful effort to oust President Biden from the 2024 ticket and spikes in violent crime across major U.S. cities.

“I just want to know, when did you guys know that the president was unfit [to serve]…?” Jones pressed Buttigieg.

“The president is not unfit,” he replied.

“So why is he not the nominee right now?” Jones pressed further.

“Because he did something that Donald Trump cannot comprehend, which is to put his ego aside,” Buttigieg answered.

“You can go over whether he slips up and says one name when he wants to say another name, or you can look at what he’s actually accomplished as president,” Buttigieg said, addressing the point.

“It turns out he’s really good at being President of the United States.”

So according to Buttigieg, Biden was not unfit to be President, a really good President, and – for some reason – he simply “put his ego aside” and dropped out of the race.

Makes perfect sense, right?


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